The Runaway Heroine is Too Good at Escaping



















“…What is this?”


I definitely felt something was wrong.


Maybe I had been too complacent since possessing this body.


Let me explain briefly.


So, why did I adapt so well to this unfamiliar world and body all of a sudden…?


Why is that?


Why did I adapt so well?


The moment I realized this, a chilling sensation ran through my body.


“What did you do to me?”


Alright, to be honest, I was clearly acting strange.


I felt ‘fear’ about Seraphina’s diary, but I had no emotions about falling into an unfamiliar world.


This could be a natural phenomenon from moving between worlds or a defense mechanism to protect myself, but more likely…


“This is your doing too, isn’t it?”


Seraphina managed to summon a foreign soul into her body and succeeded in using some trick to help that soul adapt well.


How a mere novel character could do such a thing no longer mattered.


Now, I even doubted whether the novel ‘Try to Running Away for Once’ actually existed, and I couldn’t trust my own memories.


Seraphina Viviana, born into a family of mage but unable to use magic, eventually became a mage and fled this world.


No, the important thing is why Seraphina fled.


Despite behaving normally after possessing this body, her father didn’t find it strange, indicating that Seraphina’s personality was similar to mine.


In other words, a personality that doesn’t easily back down.


It seemed Seraphina Viviana was completely controlled by Princess Eva.


I don’t know what Princess Eva did, but Seraphina was under her spell.


Looking back, the fact that Seraphina stopped paying attention to her father after starting to follow Princess Eva was a clue. Seraphina wasn’t in her right mind then.


In her diary, Seraphina appears to genuinely believe she is following Princess Eva of her own will, but she was likely being mentally controlled.


Anyway, Seraphina, who acted like a fanatic obeying anything Princess Eva said, discovered ‘some truth’ about her.


After that, she ran away.


‘What did she find out?’


– I can’t handle it


If it’s an unbearable secret, how serious could it be?


What kind of secret would make Seraphina Viviana abandon her family, friends, household, and world to flee to a strange place?


What secret could it be… that made Seraphina, who had tried so hard to use magic but failed her whole life, suddenly awaken to magic?


Thinking about it made my whole body shiver.


I seemed to have possessed an extremely dangerous body, and I knew I was at the center of a storm of events.


Glancing at the clock, I realized there wasn’t much time left before I was supposed to meet the male leads. It would be safer to leave soon.


Before leaving this mansion, I decided to search the room further. If Seraphina really possessed me instead of her, wouldn’t she have left something helpful for me?


I thoroughly checked between the sheets, inside the pillows, and between the books before reopening the drawer where I had found the diary. When I felt around the drawer, I surprisingly found a piece of paper.


Like someone who had discovered a savior, I quickly pulled it out of the drawer. Contrary to my expectations of a detailed apology or explanation about the situation, there was only one sentence written on the paper.


– She can’t leave the capital.


It was obvious who ‘she’ referred to. Ah, it was a relief that she couldn’t leave the capital. If I went outside the capital to find Aurora, I wouldn’t have to meet her. It felt like I owed Aurora for this.


“Alright, I’ll be safe for a while, so it’s fine.”


Since the four male leads are supposed to be the strongest on this continent, I’ll subtly mention Princess Eva to them. It might help them protect me.


Realizing that I wasn’t in immediate danger calmed me.


At that moment, Abigail, who had left the room to move my luggage to the carriage, came in holding a letter.


“Lady, this letter arrived this morning.”


It was a pale pink envelope.


“Damn it!”


I had seen this envelope before. With trembling hands, I tore it open to reveal yellow stationery inside.


[ To my Seraphina,


Hello, Seraphina.


I will come to you soon.


Wait for me there. I won’t miss you.


From your Eva. ] 




No horror movie could be scarier than this. Is this a murder notice? And it arrived this morning? That means she’ll be here soon?


“Abigail, get the carriage ready immediately… no, I’ll do it myself!”


Leaving Abigail in my room, I grabbed my dress and ran toward the entrance.


As I was passing by, my father called out, “Seraphina! Where is Abigail…?” but I didn’t have time to listen.


After getting into the carriage, I urged the coachman instead of waiting for Abigail. It was a steam carriage, so the coachman skillfully operated it. Although gentlemen in this world drove their own steam carriages, it was impossible for me, who had just been possessed, to do the same.


Soon, the square where I was supposed to meet the male leads came into view. They were already waiting for me in their respective steam carriages, attracting the attention of passersby with their striking appearances.


However, I didn’t care about their faces at the moment. Without getting out of the carriage, I leaned out the window and shouted.


“Follow me immediately!”


“What? Lady Viviana, why do you look like that…?”


“Hurry! Follow me quickly! Please trust me just this once! Even though we don’t have trust in each other yet, just follow me!”


“Lady Viviana, are you alright?”


“Is she crazy?”




“Just please follow me!”


Ignoring their reactions, I urged the coachman and quickly left the capital. I could hear the male leads, flustered, chasing after me in their carriages.


Despite having the continent’s strongest men behind me, I couldn’t feel safe. Princess Eva in Seraphina’s diary didn’t seem like someone a human could imagine.


A ghost? A demon? A zombie? No, none of these were scary enough to make me flee the world.


What could be more terrifying than this? Damn, what’s going on? I’m supposed to be chasing Aurora, but now I’m the one being chased.


Is there still a spot for the runaway heroine? Because it seems like I need to take that role.


Regretting the dire situation I found myself in right after being possessed, I tightly closed my eyes.
















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