The Runaway Heroine is Too Good at Escaping


















“It’s a romance novel! It’s a romance novel!”


Feeling a bit unjust, I slammed my head into the bed and shouted.


No, if it’s a romance novel, the math should be at a level readers can understand!


It’s cheating to insert real math into this!


If I do this, will readers even be interested in the magical parts?


High-level math might be okay, but this is not!


Fourier Transform is a branch of analysis, even university math majors find it challenging!


Damn it, I thought Seraphina Viviana couldn’t use magic because she was dumb, but now it makes sense. Everyone in this family is a genius except Seraphina?


No, I can’t give up like this.


I lifted my head from the bed with my now weirdly changed eyes.


‘I have to find a way to survive.’


If I continue like this, the male leads might take revenge on me for no reason, and I’ll be expelled from the family, confined to a convent, or end up marrying some old middle-aged man. Isn’t that the typical fate of a romance novel villainess?


Of course, the presented concepts are higher-level math than I expected, but I did major in math. So, with effort, I should be able to use magic. I must.


Despite the basic concepts, it seems Seraphina has made some effort in magic. Her room was filled with both magic and math books.


Flipping through a math book, I noticed somewhat poignant scribbles.


– Argh, so frustrating!!!! Instead of this, let me study humanities!!


– What do I care about math~!!!!


Oh, these seem like contents you’d find in a problem book for students who struggle with math.


Whenever kids asked me why they should study math, I would answer like this.


– “You need to study math so that I can make money.”


No, no, that was in my head. In reality, I said something like this.


– “Well, you never know what kind of job you’ll have in the future, so to avoid stumbling then, you should study now to get into a good university. And instead of wasting time asking about that, solving one more problem would be better, right?”


Well, it’s a safe response that any teacher would give.


Anyway, now I feel like I’m getting a sense of who Seraphina was.


It seems like the original Seraphina had more of a liberal arts inclination.


It is truly a pity that someone born into a science family majored in liberal arts.


Perhaps the reason Seraphina and her father weren’t close is because of this… Maybe Seraphina’s father wanted her to feel like, ‘Dad, are you T?’* or something.


Anyway, I calmed my mind and carefully searched through the magic books.


There must be some magic that can find a missing person somewhere…


“Here it is!”


– Target Detection Magic


– This magic can be useful when wanting to search for the specific location of a target.


– What’s needed are the target’s hair, nails, blood, or a part of their body, and a sufficient understanding of calculus.


– However, most importantly, a talent related to spatial magic is essential. In fact, those who can use spatial magic are extremely rare, so most reading this probably won’t be able to use this magic. So, it might be more efficient to just give up on spatial magic.


What? Putting up a notice like that I’m talentless, who’s playing with me?


…No, wait, could I possibly be that rare spatial magic user?


‘No matter how difficult the 30th math problem on the college entrance exam is, the answer won’t come to you just by staring. You have to try solving it.’


Let’s give it a shot!


“Abigail, there’s no way I have Aurora’s hair, right?”


“After grabbing and tearing lady Shae’s hair the other day, you returned with hair stuck to your clothes. Those clothes haven’t been fixed yet.”


What did you say? This is the 1st win of being possessed as a villainess!


“Bring me the hair stuck to those clothes!”


Alright, the body part is sorted.


Next is the magic power specialized in spatial magic…


The original Seraphina seemed to lack magical power, but I should at least give it a try.


After a while, Abigail actually brought me Aurora’s golden hair.


Following the guidance from the magic book, I began to draw the magic circle slowly.


“Okay, let’s call this f(x), that g(x), and differentiate the composite function f(g(x)). Then, using Laplace transform, we can easily solve the differential equation. And moving on with this equation… calculating the dot product of vectors… If I continue explaining, I might lose some readers, so let’s skip that part. So, the magic circle should be drawn like this!”


Surprisingly, light started emanating from the magic circle I roughly drew on the paper.


Unbelievable, do I really have talent in spatial magic?


This was truly extraordinary!


From a mediocre villainess in the original work to a rare spatial mage – isn’t this a chance to level up?


However, after that, nothing happened.


If it were a success, Aurora’s current coordinates should have appeared on the paper, but from the magic circle, only a faint blue light emanated.


Wait a moment, if it’s a blue light…


I quickly read the magic book.


– If a red light appears after drawing the magic circle, it means the magic circle has failed. Try again.


– If a blue light appears, it means the target is more than 5000km away and cannot be detected.


– If a black light appears, it means the target is dead.


Soon, my face turned pale.


I messed up.


The runaway heroine escaped too good.


“…No, that can’t be. In fact, in this world’s standards, 5000km might be considered a short distance. Maybe she hasn’t left this country?”


I hypnotized myself, saying that the units in this world were different from my world’s, and looked at the geography book.


Unfortunately, 5000km was indeed the same as the 5000km I knew.


To be more than 5000km away from my current location, I would have to leave this continent…


It’s strange to use the same unit, km. Maybe the author was lazy. Perhaps this world was poorly set up, and the units are all messed up.


No, more importantly, the runaway heroine shouldn’t escape this far!


She should run just far enough to be caught again by the hands of the male leads!


Why did the runaway become a ‘fugitive’ instead of a runaway ‘heroine’?


And how could someone as fragile and weak as Aurora move across the continent to escape?


In the original work, Aurora couldn’t catch a bug, had weak stamina, in short, she was the epitome of fragility!


Who could have imagined that such Aurora would run so far…


How’s my feeling?


I don’t know, it seems like I’ve failed, hahaha…


When I was sprawled with a blank face, Abigail, who had disappeared, reappeared, opening the door.


“Miss, there’s something to report.”


“What is it?”


“There are guests at the mansion.”


“Huh? Who?”


“Raffaello Nesta, Ghieuspe Ascary, and Arkhangelo Phyro.”




I almost jumped out of bed in surprise.


The novel I possessed, <Try Running Away for Once,> was about Aurora fleeing due to the obsessive attachment of four male leads.


Of course, true to their obsessive nature, the male leads characters were all a mess. If there were character ratings, theirs would be Grade 9.


The reason for these male leads coming to find me was painfully obvious.


Won’t they blame me for Aurora’s disappearance?


“Ah, what about Father?”


“The Count is currently visiting the Shae Marquess.”


Looks like the Shae Marquess is trying to shift the blame onto me, so they’ve come for negotiations.


In other words, there’s no one to help me right now.


I’m alone, facing the male leads.


“Can’t you say there’s no one at home?”


“They said they won’t leave until you arrive, lady.”


“This is insane!”


Eventually, I stood up with a feeling of crying while eating mustard.


Reflected in the mirror, I was already dressed in a dress, so there was no need for further grooming. Abigail just combed my messy hair.


Feeling like being dragged to a slaughterhouse, I slowly descended the stairs and faced the male leads sitting on the living room sofa.


The first one that caught my eye was Raffaello Nesta.


Bright red hair like a burning flame, contrasting green eyes.


Something like dissatisfaction reflected in his fierce eyebrows and eyes, an arrogant posture with long legs stretched out…


He was a man who, if you met him in a back alley, would immediately give you money for a free pass, and a man who was always welcome at the door of a meeting.


Even though Raffaelo was intimidating, when I turned my head to avoid him, another male lead was waiting for me.


“What’s with that stupid-looking face?”


Bright blonde hair covering the nape of his neck, intense red eyes reminiscent of a vampire.


More aristocratic and elegant than anyone else, an arrogant tone starting with a disdainful look for anyone he meets.


Arkhangelo Phyro.


If Raffaello Nesta was the sanguine type, he had the keyword ‘gruff man.’


Although you might wonder why he talks like that from the first meeting, Arkhangelo was equally discourteous to everyone. Even in front of royalty…


On the other side of Arkhangelo, a man is sitting.




Long black hair, black eyes, and a blunt, masculine face. A tightly closed mouth that never opens.


Likewise, Ghieuspe Ascary, also representing the male leads. The keyword is ‘taciturn man.’


My face paled as I faced these three male leads.


No way, are these crazy trash male leads all in front of me?



















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