The Ruined Ending made by a Baby










‘You said that I have to hide my strength?’




I didn’t understand, so I narrowed my eyes slightly.


“Is it because of those twins? They make you act really stupid.”




Treating me like those twins, that really annoys me.


I squinted my eyes and glared at Nisha.


But Nisha completely ignored my gaze, or more accurately, she seemed completely indifferent, focusing only on what she had to say.


“Hey, why do you think we were created?”


Not us, it’s probably you. I’m human, and you’re homunculus


Nisha, who naturally didn’t know up to this point, clenched her fists and spoke.


“We were created to do dirty work for the Demon King, who can’t use their power properly in the human world. To find the Demon King’s power in exchange.”


I know that.


Some things the twins told me, and I also sensed it from the attitudes of the Demon King.


Homunculus is a being created to act on behalf of the demons who can’t exert their full power in the human world.


Half of them are demons, so naturally they’re strong, and half are human, so they can easily blend in with the human world.


‘That’s why they were created with such care, to instill loyalty to the Demon King.’


But Nisha broke that loyalty and discarded it.


“Well, I think you already know up to this point.”


Nisha jumped off the bed and sat on the floor, looking into my eyes.


“So, what do you think will happen if we regain the Demon King’s power that way?


Have you ever thought about it?”


Of course, I don’t know.


For now, I’m struggling with quests.


As I made a puzzled expression, Nisha’s gaze sharpened.


“We’ll die. All of us.”


“……. Bya? (What di you said?)”


“Martin probably knows as well, right? That’s why he’s angry with you. So don’t act all high and mighty there.”


I wanted to say it’s nonsense, but in my mind, everything clicked into place like a puzzle.


– It’s something that must be done for everyone’s safety.


Martin suddenly killing monsters and talking about safety.


– You’ll know everything when you’re older, won’t you.


Arthur, who embraced me with a bitter expression.


And Nisha, who had abandoned her loyalty to the Demon King.


They knew.


The day the demons leave the human world, homunculus will all die.


“You look shocked.”


Yeah, I was shocked.


I died six times because of the hero, barely survived… Learned summoning magic even though I’m not supposed to because if it’s known that I’m human, I’ll die… ‘Will I die again when it’s all over?’…


Does this even make sense?


Oh, my lower back. Oh, my blood pressure.


I bit down hard on my gums while breathing heavily.


Nisha looked at me like this, then clucked her tongue and got up.


“If you want to live a day longer, take care of your body. Pretend you’re good at it.”


Until Nisha left the room, I couldn’t do anything.




I clenched my fists and cursed under my breath.








A fierce wind is sweeping the earth. Pure white snowflakes freeze the world like ice.


When you take a step, the snow accumulates in your footprints, and when you step again, it piles up on the previous ones. If you stand still, you might get buried in the falling snow.


The weather is so harsh that it’s difficult to stand.


But there was someone who accepted this winter weather as it was.


His jet-black hair and transparently white skin contrasted even more sharply with the bright snow, and his deeper and clearer amethyst eyes held a swirling magic.


He held an enormous sword that could cleave a mountain, but his massive and towering figure didn’t make him seem the least bit overwhelmed, clearly displaying the worth of the crown he wore.


Demon King Lucart Daimon.


He advanced, stepping over the bodies of dozens of demons lying in front of him.


He was in the midst of fulfilling his duties as a Demon King.


Already sealed away in the demon world and banished, he had no obligation, but he continuously wielded his sword to honor the demons who relied on and supported him.


Summoning demons and slaying them.


And replaying summoning demons and slaying them…


Originally, the monsters were his possessions as a demon king, but after losing his power, the monsters were running amok. They had become like mindless machines, living only to eat.


So he killed monsters, over and over.


He couldn’t tell how many years he had spent in this snow-covered mountain, but that didn’t matter at all. He would do anything to maintain the dignity of the Demon King. So, he once again cleaved a summoned monster in half.


It was then.


The communication device that he had put in his pouch rang.


Lucart unconsciously narrowed his eyes. He had told them not to contact him unless it was urgent.


Could something be happening in the Demon King’s Castle?




“Ah! My lord!”


In the communication device that was now properly connected, Lyat appeared with sparkling eyes.


Judging from his smiling face, nothing seemed to be wrong. Lucart raised an eyebrow.


“I have two pieces of good news!”


Lyat exclaimed with excitement.


“One is that we have found a homunculus who can bind artifacts!”




Lucart raised his eyebrow.


If they could bind artifacts, it would be useful in finding his own power.


This was good news he had been waiting to hear.


“The second piece of news is even better than the first!”


“It’s better news than finding a homunculus who can bind artifacts?”


Lucart’s eyes narrowed briefly.


“Monsters! We can now control monsters!”


A smile finally appeared on his lips. It was a joyful smile he hadn’t worn in decades.






After Nisha left, I cursed the system for hours.


But the system didn’t appear.


It could be one of two things: either it was ignoring me or it had nothing to say to me.


‘It could be both.’


I let out a sigh and lay down on the floor.


If I don’t prove my abilities, I’ll die.


But the stronger I become, the sooner my death approaches.


‘I’m not going to die because of the hero this time, but because of the Demon King.’


It means that a Game Over is not the key to my survival.


No matter how much the Game Over is my goal, there’s no thought of sacrificing my life afterward. Wouldn’t it be worth experiencing a life properly lived, even just once?


‘Then I should think about what to do after the Game Over.’


The answer came quickly.


I still have 15 years left. As long as I don’t die from the game before I turn fifteen, it means I won’t die by the game.


So, as Nisha said, I needed to “moderately” show my strength and wait for the moment when I can help the Demon King regain his power.


The moment when I can leave these demons too.


‘Fifteen should be enough.’


By then, after diligently developing my abilities, unlocking the Demon King’s seal, and killing the hero…


‘I will run away from this place.’


Then I can live.


Moreover, I’m not a human. I’m not a homunculus, so the demons won’t be able to track me.


If it goes like that, I’ll gain a life where I’m not bound by the game and not threatened with my life.




Just the thought of it made me feel good.




When was my life ever easy.


Living easily is boring.


It’s all worth the suffering for a promising future.




I clenched both fists and shouted.


‘Let’s grow up quickly for now.’




Just then, an alert sounded.





You have successfully completed the ‘Prologue’ of the game.


Summary :


1. Character Assessment (Completed)


2. Job Selection (Completed)


3. Situation Assessment (Completed)


“… Huh?”


Everything up to now was the prologue?


‘That can’t be.’


I am a character fixed in the role of ‘Hero’s Lover.’ The protagonist of the game is the ‘hero,’ not me. So why suddenly a prologue?


As I blinked my eyes in confusion, the system window appeared again.





Granting the Prologue Completion Reward.


Reward: Rapid Aging to 3 Years Old





Would you like to age rapidly? Y/N





It’s so absurd that I burst into laughter.


This is a common ‘skip’ feature in games. It’s a function that provides a brief summary and skips over a time period that should pass because it can’t show everything in detail.


‘The reason this is appearing here is…’


I blinked my eyes.


‘Because it’s become a new game.’


The previous game was ‘Raising a Hero.’


It was a story where the hero defeated the Demon King, but the quest I’m currently on is to kill that hero. A story created by the Demon King’s army.


It’s different from ‘Raising a Hero.’


‘Are you suggesting I try a new game?’


I slowly closed my eyes.


A miserable game.


An even more miserable system.


Amidst it all, I can’t help but feel sorry for myself, desperately struggling to survive.


However, I can’t give up.


Why, you ask?


‘Because I’ve never really fought back properly until now.’


I want to strike back at least once.






I’ll see it through to the end.



And so, time passed.











Hello, you can support me here if you like my works ^o^ buy me a coffee.


  1. Eliza says:

    Skipping might be a bad idea.
    Life is for living. She just wasted 2 years of her life span.
    On the other hand, 1 year old kid can’t really experience life. So maybe skipping is a good choice

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