The Ruined Ending made by a Baby







Baam! Baam! Baam!


The entire annex shook as if an earthquake had occurred. A rumbling sound was heard, and cracks started to appear on the walls.


“What is that, what is that!”


Arthur, who had been deeply asleep with calming aroma oil on his face and an eye mask, suddenly woke up. He urgently turned on the lights and looked out the window.


Right away, the shaking annex was visible in all directions. It was the annex where the homunculus live.


“Vice Commander! What’s happening?”


“Get up!”


The screams of awakened demons could be heard. Arthur quickly put on his coat and burst out of the door.


“The Corps Commander is in the annex! It might be the Corps Commander’s rampage, so be careful, everyone!”


Arthur quickly made a decision.


Intermediate-level demons or higher sometimes trigger something called a ‘rampage.’ This is a phenomenon that occurs during the process of their magic growing even more, similar to a crayfish shedding its skin and growing a larger shell.


‘But the Corps Commander’s rampage happened decades ago? The timing is too strange.’


If it’s not a rampage, then what could have happened?


There are an annex with six homunculus.


They couldn’t easily relax because these children had grown to a level comparable to intermediate-level demons.


‘Lady Shekina.’


Shekina was the youngest, which made Arthur particularly worried.


At that moment, for some reason, he remembered Nisha marking a date on Shekina a few days ago. As that memory flashed through his mind, cold sweat began to trickle down.


If this phenomenon right now is because Nisha and Shekina are fighting?


Is Nisha, who can summon intermediate-level spirits, attacking Shekina?




‘Damn it.’


Arthur urged his steps.




Arthur, leading seven knights, arrived at the annex.


The annex, seen up close, was even more damaged.


It was shaking as if a massive explosion had occurred inside, as if the building might collapse at any moment.


“What in the world…”


“Vice Commander! I can sense the aura of monsters!”


Arthur felt it too.


Unbelievable. Monsters here?


This place is under the dominion of the Demon King, in other words, protected by the power of the Demon King.


Petty monsters cannot dare to intrude. They would be crushed by the Demon King’s power, unable to even catch their breath.


But how on earth can monsters be here?


Could it be that they managed to break through the Demon King’s power?


Have they evolved to that extent?


Arthur bit his lip. If this is true, the situation of the demons will worsen even more than it is now.


“Hurry! Head towards where the power is coming from!”




Arthur and the knights followed the energy up the stairs. One floor, two floors, three floors… When they reached the floor with Shekina’s and Nisha’s rooms, they had to step back due to the tremendous magical power enveloping their bodies.


“What in the world…”


This level of magical power is something one can encounter in the demon realm. In the human realm, let alone in the Demon King’s castle, this level of magic is unprecedented.


Could it really be a monster has invaded?


If a monster emitting this level of magical power appeared, it was certainly not a common occurrence. They needed to gather all the demons for an emergency meeting. Should they rescue homunculus first and then call the legion? Arthur quickly pondered.


This was the moment when everyone was in chaos.


Someone suddenly emerged from the corridor.


“Corps Commander?”


It was none other than Martin!


“Corps Commander! You’re here!”


The knights rushed to Martin with joyful voices, as if he were their lifeline. Arthur also approached him.


“Corps Commander, you’ve probably sensed it, but monsters have appeared here. Judging by the level of magic, they seem to be high-level monsters. Please decide whether to call the legion or handle it among ourselves.”




Despite Arthur’s urgent tone, Martin yawned heavily, blinking his eyes for a long time.


“Corps Commander, please wake up from your sleep. It’s a dangerous situation right now…!”


“It’s not dangerous.”




“Here, it’s safe.”


Martin slowly opened his mouth.


“I feel well alive. But right now, I don’t sense life.”


As soon as Arthur heard Martin’s words, he quickly regained his composure.


That’s because Martin’s ability to sense life was second to none.


Could anyone with ill intentions just look at him, and he would immediately detect it.


It was trustworthy because it was Martin who said it.


His pounding heart settled down. He exhaled deeply, wiping his chest while catching his breath.


“So, what’s going on now? Do you know anything?”




Martin started to speak but then closed his mouth.


He had grasped the situation as soon as he woke up, but explaining it piece by piece seemed bothersome. After all, it was something he had to handle, so there was no need to explain it in words.


“Follow me.”


Martin led Arthur and the knights to Nisha’s room.


When they arrived in front of Nisha’s room.


They blinked their eyes several times, unable to believe what they were seeing. However, reality remained unchanged. The fact that there were demons filling Nisha’s spacious room was undeniable.




It was such a loud noise that it made their ears ring. They quickly drew their swords.


“Form up in ranks! Deal with the monsters!”


“Find Nisha! Protect her!”


No matter how monsters got here, they couldn’t afford to overlook them. They would assess the situation after defeating them.


“Take this!”




They had no time to look around.


They had to rescue Nisha and deal with the monsters in front of them.


So they didn’t notice the newborn baby sitting in front of the monsters, with its hands resting on the monster’s foot.




The monster, realizing it was under attack, opened its mouth, extending sharp claws and bared its pointed fangs, facing the knights.


A moment of confrontation!


That’s when it happened.




Nisha’s voice resonated loudly.




The knights, who were about to charge the monster, halted and looked at Nisha in confusion.


Upon closer inspection, Nisha didn’t seem afraid at all. If anything, she appeared angry.


The knights looked at Nisha with a somewhat puzzled expression, and Nisha responded with a scoff.


“Hey, are your eyes broken? Can’t you see that baby?”


The knights turned their heads toward where Nisha was pointing.


And then…


“Lady Shekina?”


Shekina, with her hands resting on the monster’s foot, appeared.




What’s going on?




I was frantically trying to figure out how to escape after getting caught infiltrating Nisha’s.


But Nisha tried to kill me, even saying ‘Good riddance’.


“Byaah! (Hey! I helped you not get caught for your betrayal!)”


I yelled with all my might, but Nisha didn’t understand my words at all.




“Waahh! (No! Don’t do it!)”


When I realized that Nisha had summoned the Wind Elemental, I found myself shouting inwardly.


‘System! Save me!’


In fact, I uttered those words with no real expectations.


However, something astonishing unfolded.




Sub-mission <Learn Summoning Magic!> completed!


You have absorbed all of the demonic power that Nisha Daimon possesses! Oh, that was sad, but what a relief!


Reward: Automatic System (Acquired)



Suddenly, a system window appeared…




Due to the user’s mental unrest, it is transitioning to an automated system.

‘Low-Level monsters Summoning Circle’ is activated.



Is my mana being released on its own?


More precisely, the power absorbed from Nisha, the Demon King’s power, was being emitted.


I was perplexed, but upon closer inspection, the mana wasn’t simply flowing out of my body. As indicated by the system, a ‘Summoning Circle’ was being drawn. Elaborate symbols unfolded gracefully.


“What… what is this?”


“Bya…? (That’s what I’m saying.)”


Right at that moment…


Within the completed summoning circle, something began to writhe and rise.


And what appeared…






A monster.


I widened my eyes as I saw the monsters stretching its body to the point where it could fill the room, even piercing the ceiling.




Hey, System.


A low-level monster summoning circle, you say?


But is it supposed to be this huge?


“… Byaaa. (Should I just dash out?)”


I was seriously at a loss.







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