The Ruined Ending made by a Baby













Diana paid no attention to the crushed floral crown beneath her heel. She pressed her temples with irritation and glared intensely.


“I can’t believe that child came from my womb. If he were in his right mind, he wouldn’t be playing with these stupid flowers but finding a way to rise up…!”


Diana couldn’t hold back her anger any longer. Ferda sighed deeply and shook his head.


“Please calm down, Your Majesty. The prince has always been like this.”


“I’m frustrated! So frustrated!”


Diana shouted, pounding her chest. As if used to her outbursts, Ferda hurriedly changed the subject.


“Is the Emperor still the same?”


Diana’s beautiful eyes narrowed.


“Yes, still the same. He still won’t open the door to me.”


“It’s hard to believe you two were once so affectionate.”


“Yes, that’s right. He used to be so anxious when he wasn’t by my side…”


Ferda bit the inside of his cheek.


The Emperor used to love Diana dearly. With such devotion, Diana had opened her heart and promised him her life.


But now… the Emperor seemed like a different person.


“Almost as if he’s become someone else…”


“That’s absurd! How could that be possible?”


“Yes… right.”


Although they spoke evasively, both Diana and Ferda shared the same thought.


The Emperor seemed like a completely different person.


His attitude toward Diana had completely changed. The loving eyes had turned cold, and his voice, once full of affection, was now icy. It was enough to make one doubt if he was the same person.


“…It changed after the Crown Prince’s death.”


Was the Crown Prince’s death such a big shock?


‘That can’t be.’


The Emperor hadn’t been very fond of the Crown Prince. It made no sense that he would be so shocked by his death that he’d push Diana away.


Ferda sighed deeply.


“The important thing now is to create an opportunity to dethrone the Emperor.”


Diana nodded.


“I know. But such an opportunity doesn’t come easily.”


If the Emperor had indeed become someone else, that would be a great opportunity… but such a thing was impossible. Ferda dismissed the useless thought from his mind and straightened his posture.


“I’ll look for more ways, so please take care of yourself.”


There must be a way for everything.


For now, it was important to lower oneself and observe the surroundings.


Ferda clenched his fists tightly and muttered.




Arthur left the room to prepare dinner, and Yuriel followed to help him.


Left alone in the room, Shekina lay on the bed staring at the ceiling.


“Hey, system.”


She called out to the system that had been thoroughly defeated by the Demon King earlier.


“Are you even alive?”


The air shimmered. Shekina stared intently at the spot as she continued.


“No, seriously, why did you pick a fight with the boss if you’re so weak? Talking big about being able to kill him and all that nonsense.”


It was pretty funny how the system had been defeated after boasting so confidently. But Shekina refrained from laughing out loud, knowing the system would throw a fit. She cleared her throat instead.


“I think the boss has figured out you’re a god.”






That guy has always been incredibly perceptive! It’s Annoying!


The system sounded more like a child than a god. Shekina took a deep breath.


“What did you do to make the boss hate you so much?”




I don’t feel like telling you. It’s not important to you anyway. Annoying.


“……You annoy me too.”


Shekina gave the system a light middle finger before sighing and relaxing.


“I have no idea what you’re thinking. Whether it’s malicious or kind.”


Her narrowed eyes focused on the empty space.


The system had never done anything to harm her before.


But today, the system had threatened Shekina.


She was really angry about that… but knowing that Lucart could pressure the system meant she didn’t have to just sit and take it.


If worst came to worst, she could beg Lucart for help.


‘Even if it might cost me my life.’


It was too late to worry about her life now.


She had to deal with the immediate goal first.


“Anyway, since our goals align, I’ll stick with you.”


Shekina suddenly sat up.


“Lucifer. I’m going to crush him.”






With your current strength, you are far from capable.


“I’m only three years old, you crazy bastard. Of course, I’m not capable.”






Then let me help you a bit. Be grateful for my godly benevolence.


“Bullshit… You’re just dumping your work on me…”


Shekina grumbled, but the system didn’t seem to care much.




Sub Quest: Infiltrate the Holy See!


The Central Holy Temple, the Holy See, is shrouded in a sinister aura.


The culprits won’t notice it, but we do. Let’s find the source of this aura!


There might be something good there!


(Hint: All auras flow from bottom to top.)


Reward: ??? Obtain


Failure: Death


A smile crept across Shekina’s lips.




Dehan was lingering in front of Shekina’s room.


He wasn’t there with a specific purpose. In fact, he didn’t even know why he was there.




‘Demons, humans, malice, benevolence, protecting, destroying…’


His head was so filled with various thoughts that he couldn’t make a clear judgment.


Under normal circumstances, he would have confided everything to Yuriel, but Arthur’s warning and the possibility of revealing his changed feelings prevented him from doing so.


So, he had wandered aimlessly until he ended up here.


He thought maybe Shekina could help him sort out his confusion.


‘She probably can’t.’


Dehan smiled bitterly.


Shekina was young. Young and also a demon. A demon and thus evil.


Therefore, as a servant of the temple, he should oppose her. But now, he was seeking support from such a Shekina.


He didn’t know what to think or what to do.




Dehan took a deep breath, then exhaled and grabbed the doorknob.


“Lady Shekina, I’m coming in.”


He slowly opened the door.


There, lying on the bed and rolling around, was Shekina.




Shekina widened her eyes and looked at Dehan.


Why is Dehan here?


Shouldn’t he be sticking close to Yuriel?


Shekina tilted her head.


“Yuriel isn’t here.”


“Yes, I know.”


Dehan nodded.


“I came to see you, Lady Shekina.”


“Me? Why?”




He chose his words carefully.


He pondered what to say, what not to say. But his deliberation was short-lived.


“I talked with Sir Arthur.”




“About the members of the Daimon family.”




Sekina’s mouth hung open.


“Uh, um… so?”


“Yes. I learned that you all are not human.”


Oh, crap.


Arthur, you crazy bastard.


If he knew, he should have come to me and told me right away.


And how did Dehan find out?


Shekina’s head was in a whirl.


“So, are you here to warn us you’re going to kill us?”


Dehan’s eyes widened and then settled down. He smiled softly and shook his head.




He clasped his hands and lowered his gaze, then slowly looked at Shekina.




In fact, he could have talked to the twins instead of Shekina. He could have said he knew their true identities and asked for guidance on what to do and think.


But Dehan hadn’t sought out the twins; he had come to Shekina.


The reason was simple.


“I want to talk with you, Lady Shekina.”


He wanted to spend more time with Shekina.


He wanted to understand more about the presence that kept getting stuck in his heart.


Dehan smiled, his beautiful eyes crinkling at the corners.


And Shekina thought,


‘This could be big trouble.’


That smile.


She had seen it countless times in her past life.


…When he started to fall in love with Shekina.







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