The Ruined Ending made by a Baby




Main Quest <Hoping to Get Closer!>


You have gained the favor of all the Minute Devils! I thought it would be impossible, but you managed to pull it off! An exchange of favor for your pride! Applause for your audacity.



1. Demon Favorites (Acquired)
2. Added Bonus Points for Career Quests (Acquired)



Yeah, no matter what you say, I succeeded in the quest.


So, whether it’s bonus points or a medal, hand it over.




Calculating bonus points…



Seeing the message doing caculating, it seemed like it would take a little while.


So I lifted my gaze from the air and turned to face the demons.


“Oh, I didn’t know babies could be this cute. If I go down to the village, maybe I’ll see other kids too.”


“Yeah, it’s because it’s princess Shekina, right? Human baby kids aren’t cute at all.”


“Is that so?”


“Princess Shekina! Can I see it one more time and can you do that flower crown again, please?”


The quest is over, why would I do it? Fxxk you.


I raised my less cooperative middle finger and let out an enthusiastic snort.


That was when I heard a familiar voice.


“What are you all doing? Is the First Legion’s idea of training just fooling around in the training ground?”


It was Lyat, dressed in his well-prepared military uniform, just as I had seen him a week ago.




“We’ll fix it!”


Lyat’s appearance scattered the demons like frightened chicks.


Even the guy who used strange language had fallen into line, showing that Liyat had quite an influence. Arthur, too, had left me and walked away.


“These guys won’t do. We need to give them proper education someday.”


Lyat clicked his tongue and shook his head.


It was only natural for this guy to act this way.


Among the demons, who were obsessed with power and slaughter, he was the only one who used his brain, which is why he became the sole aide to the Demon Lord.


Once you’ve become the right-hand man to that great Demon Lord, you can’t expect them to be obedient, can you?


These demon guys could pretend to be dying when Lyat told them to die.


‘Well, it won’t work against Martin.’


His head is broken by muscles.


I was convinced, knowing the scenario of Lyat, which Martin had broken when he raised his voice.


‘By the way, where did Martin go?’


Since Lyat is here, it seems like the competition is over.


‘I wish he’d hurry up and get here to deal with this guy.’


I feel like being around him will reveal that I’m a real human being and not a homunculus.


Thinking that way, I discreetly avoided Lyat’s gaze.




Lyat, who was looking at me like that, raised his white eyebrows slightly.




He kept me under close scrutiny, as if observing an experiment, and I frowned.




“Why does she look bigger than the last time I saw her?”


Because kids grow up fast.


“And her magic power has become stronger.”


Thanks to the demons infusing magic power into me.


“If you continue to grow like this, it will be easier to bind artifacts.”


I’m not sure if I should be bound to artifacts as a human… Huh?


“You can bind artifacts, control magic, and even capture the First Legion members.”


Wait a moment. What’s going on? Is he doubting me now?


“Is this something I created?”


I suddenly felt a rush of panic. My blood ran cold.


This can’t be.


If they find out I’m human, it’s a game over, and I’m a goner.


That’s what I’ve heard day in and day out since I’ve been here,’lowly mortals’, Demons hate humans.


But Hoomunculus, the youngest of the Demon Lord’s castle, is a human…? And she’s even receiving magical power, touching artifacts…?


‘I can’t die a pretty death.’


I swallowed hard, hoping desperately that it was just a misconception coming out of Lyat’s stubbornly sealed mouth.


That’s when it happened.


“H-Hahaha! Hahaha!”


Suddenly, Lyat started laughing uncontrollably, clutching his stomach.


“I truly am a genius. Simply magnificent. It’s me after all! How can I create something like this!”


Thank goodness he’s insane.


As I watched Lyat, who was now praising himself while holding up a mirror he’d taken out, I breathed a sigh of relief.


“Hahaha! How can I handle this extraordinary brain? I’m the genius that only comes along once in a thousand years!”


This guy is truly a spectacle.


I feel like I’ll get even more irritated if I keep watching.


‘Get lost… please.’


Just as I was rolling my eyes, a notification sound rang out.




Obtained extra favorability beyond the standard for the Main Quest <Hoping to Get Closer!>


Content: Lyat Noe’s favorability (Acquired)



Huh? What’s this?




Additional bonus points will be added for the class change quest!



Oh, what’s this? Are you… like me?


I chuckled while still observing Lyat, who was laughing heartily.


I thought he seemed quite sensitive and that we should never get too close to him, but I never expected him to like me so easily.


“Myaaak! (Kneel before me, you rascals)!”


“I’m a genius! A genius! Hahaha!”


It was much later that I found out that the demons were looking at me and Lyat strangely as they laughed for different reasons.


















After a week, I finally had some rest time.


Since the quest was over, there was no need to go to the training ground. I lay alone in the baby’s crib, enjoying some time to myself.


‘But resting is only for today.’


When I go to the training ground, the demons automatically infuse me with magic, and I can’t afford to miss out on that sweet nectar.


Moreover, now that those demons like me, they’ll take better care of me.


‘…Thinking about it this way, maybe it’s a bit of a waste?’


Maybe I should go to the training ground in the evening.


After all, the more magic power I accumulate, the better.


‘By the way, what should I do this time?’


Since I was rewarded with the former quest bonus, I had to start thinking about jobs.
In the past six lives, I’ve had countless jobs. Trying to never die, trying to survive somehow.


Of course, I died at the age of fifteen, despite my best efforts.


Thinking about it again brings tears to my eyes. Poor me.


But that’s why in this life, I was able to decide my own path.


I’m the best at almost everything.


‘That’s why I need to decide even more quickly.’


Because my goal is not some cheesy aspiration to be the best on the continent.


‘My goal is to fuck this game up.’


Therefore, I had to learn and develop my abilities quickly, and then grow the gnome right next to the demon.




No. It’s really hard, and if you choose a swordsman, you’ll be stuck with the kids from the First Legion, which is even worse.




I thought I was getting lost in the math in my head.




I hate elemental kings because they don’t listen to me.


‘So, what should I choose?’


In reality, whatever I choose won’t be bad.


I have knowledge from my past lives, and with the magic the demons provide, I could showcase exceptional talent in whatever I pick.


‘The system is also there.’


Despite occasionally annoying me, this system has actually been quite helpful.


Thanks to it, I survived nearly being killed by Cerberus, gained favor with the demons, and it’s even guiding me on how to avoid the game’s doomsday ending.


Regardless of the system’s intentions or thoughts, it’s been beneficial to me.


‘Yeah. Treat me well from now on, and I won’t kill you.’


With that thought in mind, I clenched my fist.




A familiar notification sound echoed in my ears.


Career Quest <Find a Job!>


You’ve lived many lives and done many things, which is why it seems so hard to find the right job. But think about it, there’s a job out there that’s just right for you.


(Hint: Library)


Time limit: 24 hours


Reward: Increased proficiency in that profession



Look at this.


It brought quite a good quest.


No matter how frustrating, the system is reliable……


If it fails: death



…… Ah its doesn’t work.


Why would I die just because I can’t find a job? Crazy system.


‘You get out and come at me.’


Kind-hearted me almost forgot and almost forgave this thing.


‘I will definitely kill you. Seriously.’




I shuddered, biting my toothless gums.


And when I was confronted in the library, I once again lashed out at the system.


‘What do you want me to do here?’







Hello, you can support me here & mass release chapter req ^o^ buy me a coffee.


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