The Returned Empress Tames The Hunting Dog

I wanted you to be curious about me.




Velia raised her eyebrows without answering. Khalid, seeing this, wrapped his arms around her waist and quickly pulled her towards him.







“Do you think I’ll regret it?”


At the same time, Velia naturally wrapped her arms around Khalid’s neck.


As if the reason he was barely holding on to was cut off by her provocative answer, Khalid urgently sought Velia’s lips.













“oh my… … .”


Asid, who was watching that scene, sighed.


She somehow calmly let herself go and she did.


Asid had been watching what the two of them were like in the Kingdom of Ronica, so he was nervous in advance.


How can you reassure someone like this and then later slander them!







“Velia… … .”


The look in Khalid’s eyes as he called her Velia in a somewhat murky tone was unusual.


If you leave this alone, you’ll be in real trouble!







“hmmm!! greatness! “Big!!”


Asid desperately cleared his throat.







‘No way here!’


Her position is completely different from that of Princess Velia! What kind of rumor are you trying to create here?













“Yes… … ?”


Asid looked around at the sudden sound of laughter.









It was a clear and brilliant sound.


The owner of the laughter was Princess Velia.







“Stop it and go in. “Thank you for welcoming me, Khalid.”


Velia, who was leaning against Khalid’s chest and laughing, gently pushed him away.







“Where is my room?”


At Velia’s calm question, the strange tension between them disappeared.







“… … ha. “I will guide you.”


Khalid stroked his face once and held out his hand to Velia.


Then he stepped onto the stairs leading to second prince’s palace, with Velia lightly holding her hand.









* * *




In her last life, she stayed in the palace given to the 1st prince, so this was her first time seeing the 2nd prince’s palace.


When she was the First Empress, she naturally had no reason to come here, and even when she became Empress, she never visited the Emperor’s womb when no one was there. So she vaguely expected that it would be similar to the palace where Raul stayed.







“Is it neat?”






“Because I don’t like complicated things.”


If the 1st Prince’s Palace, where Raul stayed, was engulfed in splendor, the 2nd Prince’s Palace, where Khalid stayed, was clean and simple with no unnecessary items.


However, it wasn’t that it looked empty, it felt comfortable because it wasn’t crowded.


Then Khalid stopped her and asked:







“… … Do you like cute things? Would you like me to redecorate your room?”


At that cautious question, Velia covered her mouth and laughed again.







“Why are you smiling?”






“It seems like you’ve changed a little bit.”








It became more friendly.


There was warmth in her words.


Is it because it’s been a while since we last met? Why does everything he says sound sweet?


But Velia chuckled and smiled and decided not to give him her answer. Be more curious.







“Is this the room I’ll be staying in?”


Velia hastily turned her horse around.


As he entered the room she was shown in, Velia exclaimed in admiration when she saw that it had been decorated with more care than she had expected.


The small clothing room connected to the room was filled with newly made dresses and various types of accessories. Even if we were to throw a party tonight, everything was provided so that we could decorate it perfectly.







“When did you prepare this?”






“As soon as you get back?”






“I didn’t even measure my clothes, so how could I…” … .”


When fitting clothes, you must measure them and make them fit the body of the person wearing them. But how did you make the dress without any of those steps?


When Velia expressed her doubts, Khalid confidently explained.







“I stole some clothes in advance. “Your brother helped me.”


oh my god.


I can’t believe I teamed up with Klose and stole the clothes in advance.


Velia opened her mouth in shock.







“I think Princess Klose has a really nice personality. Do you like it.”






“… … Khalid.”






“Thanks to you, your hard work has been reduced. “I would have tried to put on new clothes anyway.”


At the same time, she laughed and said that she wanted to give him all the clothes she would wear in the empire, but she couldn’t be angry.


She knew Velia, and in the end she smiled a little and said thank you.







“Oh, and let’s go say hello to His Majesty later.”






“Is it okay if I don’t go right away today?”


Although the Kingdom of Ronica was a friendly country to the Empire, it was a weak country compared to the Empire, so Velia had to formally go to greet the emperor.


But Khalid shrugged his shoulders and said it was no big deal.







“I already told you that. He didn’t seem to care much. And today is going to be hard for you too, so you should get some rest.”


In fact, Velia didn’t really have any desire to go see the emperor. However, she thought it would be better to quickly show her face and end it rather than doing something that would make a fuss.







“There is a party to welcome you in a few days, so there is no need to push yourself now. “I won’t have much free time for a while after the party.”


Velia nodded her head slightly.







“What about Her Majesty?”


She also had to say hello to the current Empress, who was confined to the empress’ palace. She is also Khalid’s mother, so she really wanted to say hello to her.







“You don’t have to go.”


However, Khalid refused rather stiffly and avoided Velia’s gaze.







“I have to say hello. “But I am the one who will marry your son.”


Khalid did not give an answer, as if he was reluctant.


Velia sent out all her maids and maids who were organizing her luggage, took Khalid by the hand, and dragged him to sit on her sofa. Because she realized that she had never told her story about the Empress in detail.







“Khalid. “Do you wish I didn’t meet Her Majesty the Empress?”


Velia asked cautiously.







“But since you’re coming to our wedding, we have no choice but to meet you anyway, right? Plus, you’re the one who helped us get engaged.”






“… … “I’m afraid you’ll be scared.”






“Who? “Her Majesty the Empress?”






“He is a person with a great temperament, so he can be careless with you. He helped me send the marriage proposal because it suited his own purpose. “Her Majesty the Empress is very different from her typical mother.”


Watching Khalid explain in a bitter tone that was different from her usual confident appearance, Velia trawled through her memories and recalled meeting her empress in her previous life.


She said she was going to marry Raul, and when she went to say hello, she was met with such harsh treatment.







She said, ‘She got slapped then. Her car also flipped over.’


However, when she thought back, the empress at that time appeared to judge the situation very calmly and coldly, contrary to her rumors.







She ‘didn’t even look at me when no one was around.’


When Raul and her 1st Empress appeared in a hurry to hear the news that she had headed alone to the Empress’s palace, the Empress gave me her handshake with her exaggerated gestures.


She was so surprised by the cold look in the empress’s eyes that she encountered at that time. That was by no means the look in the eyes of a crazy person.


When she subsequently tried to find out more about her empress, she found out that she had suddenly died.







“I will go see Her Majesty alone.”


It was clear that the Empress was suffering from a mental illness. But she had a problem.


Looking back on what had happened, she was certain that it was her own choice for the empress to stay in her palace as if she were dead.


Velia couldn’t understand why she was holding her breath so much, stigmatizing her as crazy. She must have some hidden reason.







“It looks like it will be difficult to come see you today, so please make a place for me sooner or later.”


After finishing her conversation, Velia slowly looked around her room and found a door that looked a little unusual. She grabbed the handle and turned it. But the door did not open with a clanging sound.







“What kind of space is this?”


Khalid made a strange expression at that question.


He looked like a child who wanted to be praised.









She clicked her handle on the door that Velia wouldn’t open a few more times.













“yes. I wonder.”






“for a moment.”


Khalid left the room without answering.


Velia, who was left alone in her room, was perplexed and just as she was trying to figure out what the hell was going on, she felt the door handle she was holding slowly turning.









When the tightly closed door opened, Khalid was looking at Velia with a mischievous smile on the other side.













“What is it? “It’s the door.”


Velia burst into laughter at the glimpse of the scenery behind him.







“Is this your room?”


Khalid silently stepped aside from the door. It was as if she was telling me to come back.







“Then excuse me.”


Velia went into Khalid’s bedroom without feeling embarrassed. It was a simple room with a large bed, sofa, and desk.







“Nothing special?”


Velia, naturally sitting on the bed, smiled brightly. Khalid leaned against her desk and quietly looked at Velia with her sullen expression.







“I don’t think you really care about me.”


Velia asked back in a weak voice, as if she had lost some energy.







“What do you mean by that?”






“You don’t know how much I’m holding back right now, right?”


Khalid’s eyes widened as if she really didn’t know.







“i know.”






“I know, but you’re saying that? “It’s cruel.”


He grumbled in a voice full of sincerity.







“You pushed me away when we kissed earlier. “Are you aware that we’ve only seen each other for a month now?”


Velia turned her head and burst into laughter at the sight of him looking downcast as if she was resentful.









Khalid tilted his head crookedly as if he was feeling grumpy as he looked at Velia smiling with her pretty eyes rolling.







“So have you learned much about me so far?”


How did you feel while learning about me?


Did you learn more about me than you knew about Raul?


The questions hidden in his blue eyes were clearly read.







“Cutely… … .”


Velia got up from her bed and she approached Khalid. Then she placed her hand on Khalid’s shoulder and pressed her body very close.







“You hid a lot of things, right?”


Velia asked him with a subtle smile on her lips.







“You must have had a lot of fun?”


The tone of speech was very refreshing.


However, the content was not that light.







“I think we have a lot to talk about… … . What do you think, Khalid?”


Khalid’s gaze moved along her hand as it slowly swept from her shoulder to her chest.


His gaze gradually heated up as it passed from the forehead to the long eyelashes covering the eyes, the pointed nose, and the red lips.







“… … “I wanted you to be curious about me.”






“that’s right. “I was very curious about you.”


Khalid placed her hands on her Velia’s waist. Then, with some strength, he picked Velia up and placed her on her desk.













“how is it? Her curiosity would not have been answered. Are you planning to offer me new conditions?”


Khalid asked, smiling provocatively.


But Velia shook her head at his words.







“no. Rather, I thought about what you wanted from me.”


Why do you keep acting like a child whining for attention?







“Do you really want my heart? Or are you just pretending to want it?”








Every time I heard Khalid call my name, my heart tingled. As Klose said, it was as if I was a young girl having her first relationship.







“I’m suspicious of you. “I can’t believe it.”


People are bound to change someday.


You. me too.







“but… … .”


As if Velia couldn’t take it anymore, she grabbed Khalid’s face and kissed her briefly before pulling away.







“If I was just curious about you and wanted you to pay attention. is it so. “It happened just as you wanted.”


Khalid grabbed Velia’s hand, which was holding his cheek in her own.







“Whatever I want?”


He smiled very deeply.







“Velia. “I think you’re mistaken.”


Then, Khalid got close enough to almost touch Velia’s lips and whispered.







“I don’t think you can even guess the extent of my greed yet.”



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