The Returned Empress Tames The Hunting Dog

Engagement ceremony





Considering the general engagement ceremonies of royal families, Khalid and Velia’s engagement ceremony held today was very small. Of course, the scale was small, but the procedures were not much different from a typical engagement ceremony.


In my previous life, I held both engagement ceremonies and weddings in the empire. If we had to look at the time, she became engaged to Raul much later than now.


So, I never expected that the engagement ceremony would be held informally in Ronica, or that the Marquis of Selon would come as the emperor’s representative.


Velia recalled Derek giving her instructions.







‘Rumors will probably start to spread in the empire by now, right?’


As soon as the emperor’s letter deciding the wedding date for next spring arrived, a letter was sent to Derek to execute the operation.







“princess. “Now you have to go to the ceremony hall.”


Velia stood up from her seat at the words her maid announced.


The dress she was wearing had a simpler design than the dress she wore at the wedding.


However, it was not a clean white color, but a very light pink color, making it a little brighter.









There weren’t many people who attended the engagement ceremony anyway, and they were all just witnesses to prove that Velia and Khalid had promised to get married. And the archbishop will come and give a simple blessing and leave.


In her indifferent mood, Velia pictured her own engagement ceremony.


There was nothing that great. Velia looked at herself in the mirror with a light thought, wishing it would be over quickly since she was a little tired.







“let’s go.”


Velia slowly walked towards her engagement ceremony.


When she arrived at the main square where her engagement ceremony would be held, everyone was already sitting in their seats waiting for her.







“It’s pretty.”


Khalid, who met her in front of the ceremony hall, was impressed by her Velia.







She said, “I thought this outfit would be pretty from the moment I picked it out, but her imagination was worse than reality.”


Velia burst into laughter at his words, which should have been embarrassing, but were shamelessly blurted out with a nonchalant face.







“You’re cool too.”


She was sincere. When a good-looking person dresses up in the first place, he or she is bound to be even more handsome.


Then Khalid smiled and held out her hand.


After a while, the main characters’ positions will be called and they will walk down the flower path ahead of them.







“It’s our engagement party. “I’m declaring to everyone here that we’re getting married.”


Khalid let out a deep breath as she said that and asked her Velia.







“Aren’t you nervous?”






“Umm. well.”


Khalid, who was quietly looking at Velia’s calm appearance, tried to speak to her and pressed her lips several times, but in the end she did not say anything.


When she heard nothing from him for a while, Velia turned her head and looked at Khalid.


He had a face full of dissatisfaction.







“What’s wrong?”






“Sometimes you are too much for me.”






“ah… … . “Did I answer too insincerely?”


Velia asked cautiously.


I was worried that I might have made a mistake.


But Khalid shook his head.







“It’s a more fundamental problem than that.”


Khalid sighed softly and spared her words. It would have hurt his pride to explain in detail the reasons for his disappointment.







“But I decided not to force anything on you… … . “I will overcome this sadness alone.”


Velia then realized that it was a mistake.


She had already been engaged and married in her previous life, so these formal events were not that important to her. So she thought she was just passing through for a purpose. But he probably wasn’t.













“… … .”






“sorry. “I couldn’t understand your feelings.”






“Velia. “It’s better to just not say anything now.”






“Umm. sorry.”


I didn’t mean to hurt you.


Velia tightened her strength in the hand she held against Khalid.







“… … “Don’t be cute.”


It wasn’t like that.


She squeezed Velia’s hand again.


Then she whispered in a low voice.







“Once I walk down this path with you, there will be no turning back. “It’s okay though.”


Velia smiled brightly.







“Do not forget. “The fact that it was I who chose you.”


Khalid’s face, which had been stiff at her words, softened as if he had no choice.


He thought he was childish and simple, but her words made him feel better.







“I will do my best so that you do not regret your excellent choice.”


Eventually, the archbishop’s voice was heard calling the heroes of the day.









* * *




To the music of the orchestra, Khalid and Velia held hands and walked slowly along the road beautifully sprinkled with white flowers.


The faces of both people were full of smiles.


Everyone who looked at them was convinced that they were truly in love, as rumored. They were smiling so happily, there was no way their feelings were lying.







‘damn… … !’


Of course, there were some people who were even more upset.


Raul gritted his teeth as he looked at Velia walking from the front row, smiling so beautifully that the surroundings became bright.


She had to be herself by her side.







‘Why on earth? Why is Khalid standing next to her Velia and not me?’


I still couldn’t understand.


You really love Khalid?







“majesty. Smile. “His expression hardened.”






“… … “I already know it without the Marquis telling me.”


Raul made up his face again. However, his clapping hands gradually became weaker. Raul tried to pretend that nothing was wrong and gritted his teeth.







‘I feel dirty… … .’


Is it because I think what was mine was taken away by Khalid? Or did he become sincere toward Velia without even realizing it?


I couldn’t clearly define the reason.


While Raul was lost in thought, Khalid and Velia were already sharing a kiss of oath.







“They are a really good couple.”






“That’s right.”


The voices whispering behind me kept getting annoying.


The sight of the two kissing looked very natural.







‘It’s only natural since we spent the whole night together.’


The feeling that I thought was the bottom keeps falling further and further down.


Raul couldn’t take his eyes off Velia. If she were her normal self, she would have backed away cleanly, but strangely, she didn’t even think about doing that now. Her feelings about her were not well organized.













“… … Marquis of Selon. “I guess I should have a princess.”


After the engagement ceremony, Raul whispered softly as he watched them walking down the long flower path again.


The Marquis of Selon sighed when she saw Raul like that.







“majesty. It’s not possible.”






“I’ve been thinking about it. “But I can’t help but think that she must be mine.”


It was like that from the first time I saw it.


She had never believed in fate, but she thought that her perfect companion had appeared as if she had just put it together.


From her condition to how naive and meek she is without knowing what’s going on in the world. Nothing got on my nerves. As if someone showed up for me.







‘But that wasn’t all.’


The moment Velia rejected her, the sense that her puzzle had been put together incorrectly ran through her entire body.


This is not right, something is wrong.







“There must be a better partner than the princess. There is no need to covet the second prince’s rain.”


That wasn’t it.


It’s not because she’s Khalid’s lover.


It’s not because she’s the princess of the Kingdom of Ronica.


Because she was Velia.







She said, “Your Majesty will find a good marriage partner. “The princess of the Kingdom of Ronica is definitely a good marriage partner, but that’s it.”






“What if I’m sincere to her?”






“… … majesty. “Stop telling boring jokes.”


The Marquis of Selon hardened her expression.


Maybe she was doing this because she was upset about being rejected for the first time, she said, trying to understand. However, the prince’s attitude, which is different from her usual, makes her feel uneasy.







“… … It’s mine. It’s my person. It definitely had to be that way.”


A strange feeling took over Raul, as if she was constantly going against nature.







“majesty. “Your Majesty has Princess canterif in mind.”


The Marquis of Selon mentioned Elin Canterif, who had been designated as Raul’s concubine for a very long time. If she were the Duke of Canterif, who held the central power of the empire, she would have greater power than the Kingdom of Ronica.


The emperor planned to hand over the throne to Raul, who lacked legitimacy, by giving him central power.


Raul, who knew the emperor’s feelings, turned his back on the Marquis of Selon.


I was angry, but it was time to strengthen my strength.







“I guess we need to pick up the timing.”


The Marquis of Selon looked at Prince Raul with concern.







“There’s nothing to worry about. “I will tell your Majesty to prepare for an engagement with Duke canterif.”


If he can’t have her right now, he can become emperor himself, kill the Khalid, and take her away.


Raul’s expression brightened even more.




* * *




Velia was lying on the bed and staring blankly at the ceiling. And next to her, Khalid was playing with each and every strand of Velia’s hair.


The engagement ceremony ended more smoothly than expected.







“Are you sleepy?”






“little bit.”


She came into her room at first to talk about her future plans, but when she lay down on the bed, she suddenly felt tired.


She thought there was nothing wrong, but now that she was having an engagement party, she had a lot to worry about, so her whole body felt heavy, as if she had relaxed.


Her nerves, which had been tense as she watched the reactions of Raul and the Marquis de Selon, calmed down.







“Tsk tsk. Then get some sleep.”


Perhaps because he was sleepy, Khalid smiled at Velia’s obedient answer. Velia, half asleep, was so cute.







“It’s worth it to be tired.”






“I’m feeling sleepy because you keep touching my head.”


Her eyes kept closing as her hand gently stroked her hair. But Khalid didn’t seem to have any intention of stopping touching her hair.







“Your hair is so pretty.”






“is that so?”






“huh. “It looks like a very thin thread spun out of silver.”






“is it so… … ?”


Her Velia’s voice grew quieter. Eventually, she fell into sleep, with Velia breathing softly.


Khalid lay down next to Velia, who was fast asleep, and admired her face. With her eyes tightly closed, she only seemed like an innocent princess who had grown up brightly. She was so assertive that it was rather awkward to see her offering herself a deal.









She had no answer.







“You can’t go anywhere now.”


Even as she spoke, her possessiveness clearly evident, her hand as he straightened Velia’s hair was gentle. She wanted to quickly return to her empire and keep her Velia tightly by her side.







“But then you would be scared, right?”


Khalid smiled.


She didn’t even know what kind of person she was, and when she looked at Velia, who was sleeping well and defenselessly like this, she somehow wanted to take a bite of her pale cheek. The sweet scent of her Velia kept shaking her senses.


Khalid adjusted Velia’s position a little so that she could sleep comfortably. Then, Velia whines and attaches her body to Khalid.







“Tsk tsk. “It’s difficult if you do this, princess.”


However, Velia fell into a peaceful sleep again, leaning against Khalid’s chest.







‘What happens next now…’ … .’


She did not necessarily think she would become emperor. It’s just that she had no intention of letting Raul easily become emperor, so she prepared various obstacles to get in her way.


Well, she had such a light heart that it would be even better if she became emperor.


Khalid sighed and stroked his hair once. Then he looked down at Velia’s quiet face with a complicated expression.







‘I don’t think Velia knows anything.’


However, without even asking, he didn’t want to be the first to bring up his story.


Because she wanted Velia to be curious about him.







“Maybe I like you. huh?”


Khalid’s gaze wavered.







  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thank you for the new chapters!❤️❤️‍🔥

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