The Returned Empress Tames The Hunting Dog

I'm waiting for you to say I Love You.





Khalid whispered that we should spread a cloth like this on the large lawn in the garden and look at the sky. With delicious food nearby, let’s look at the sky, read a book when we’re bored, and eat when we’re hungry.


The story was so heartwarming that Velia closed her eyes and smiled.







“It’s like a dream.”


It was their last time together before Khalid returned to the empire.


Velia said she did not want to offend him. She wanted to accommodate him, at least for now.


She did not forget that he had mentioned in passing that he often went on picnics to the forest behind the castle when he was young, and she was grateful that he had provided a place like this, and she also enjoyed having such trivial conversations with him.


It had been so long that she couldn’t even remember how long it had been since she envisioned a happy future without any worries.







“We will be happy in that house.”


She knew that he cared a lot for her. Khalid was very kind to me, but I also know that his basic personality is not like that.


As Velia looked at him being kind to just that one person, many thoughts suddenly passed through her mind.







“… … “I want to go.”


Velia was also curious about the future he had drawn.


His time in the empire was all terrible, but it seemed like there would be only happiness there. It was an empire that I hated so much, but the house Khalid was talking about felt like a different space.







“Please take me with you.”






“of course.”


Khalid responded and gently raised her body and lightly kissed Velia’s forehead.


Khalid naturally climbed on top of Velia. His knees touched Velia’s knees. When Khalid looked down from above with his hands on the floor, the sunlight shining down on Velia was naturally blocked.







“majesty. “Get out of the way.”






“How can you speak so coldly in this situation?”


Khalid narrowed his eyes.







“What is this situation right now?”


Velia shook her hound’s leash. But Khalid licked his lips with a relaxed expression, as if it wasn’t just her Velia who was holding on to her leash. Very slowly and seductively.


After revealing his feelings to Velia, he openly flirted with her whenever he had the chance.







“Am I about to kiss you?”






“What is that… … !”


Velia was momentarily speechless at the sight of his confident, shameless appearance.


It keeps happening after I let it pass a few times, but this time I must never skip it… … !









Velia’s breath caught in her throat as Khalid’s lips suddenly attacked her.


also! Like this!


Velia punched Khalid in the chest. But he doesn’t move.


Why, when we meet, all we can think about is kissing each other!


Velia was complaining inside, but her eyes closed when she felt Khalid gently stroking her cheek.







“… … .”


The feel of his lips disappeared and Velia slowly opened her eyes. Khalid was smiling. He removed her hand from gently touching Velia’s cheek and smoothed her hair out of her face.




















Her lips met again. This time it was a softer and warmer kiss than before.


Without realizing it, Velia grabbed his collar tightly. Not once or twice, but always, every time she kissed him, her heart pounded. It was as if all her promises not to waver were in vain.


After her brief kiss, Velia looked blankly at Khalid.







“I want you to be tied to me forever. “I don’t want to go anywhere and just stay by my side.”


Is this what the person who just a moment ago said that we should live together in a warm house would say?







“That’s a crime.”


Velia glanced at her Khalid with a sullen expression.


Then Khalid raised one corner of her mouth.







“I think it will be okay if you tell me you love me.”


Khalid tightened his gaze on Velia. He watched her obsessively, not allowing Velia to escape his gaze.


Velia couldn’t escape those eyes of her own will, as if someone was controlling her.







“Khalid… … .”






“I’m waiting for you. “Very calmly.”


Khalid smiled bitterly.


Velia felt like her heart was being squeezed by his expression. But even so, she never said that she loved him till the end.


Just saying it in empty words is enough. It was as if a heavy weight had been suspended from her tongue, making her stiff and unmoving.







“Don’t make that face.”


After saying that, Khalid turned to the side, stood up, and dusted off his clothes. Then he held out his hand to Velia, who was lying down and looking at him blankly.







“late. “I’ll just go back now.”




* * *




On the day Khalid left, he greeted me with a very bright smile.


He said he would wait for the day Velia would come to her empire and left without any regrets.


I thought Khalid would look back at least once as he left the gate, but he didn’t look back even once. Velia was so sad that she continued to watch Khalid leave.


I’m going to see this person in a month, but I don’t know why I feel so disappointed.







“sister. “Do you miss the 2nd prince already?”






“… … no.”


Klose, who came out to see her off, grins meaningfully.







“Even if it doesn’t.”








These days, Klose has become more sinister.


Doesn’t he keep looking at me with his eyes open and smiling strangely?


Velia placed her hand on Klose’s head and stroked it.







“Klose. “Is it fun to tease you?”






“You’re making fun of me! just… … .”


As Velia asked sweetly, Klose also became calmer and continued speaking hesitantly.







“It’s surprising that my sister seems to really like the second prince.”






“What are you talking about?”






“It was a bit funny to see that they were excited and didn’t know what to do, as if they were dating for the first time… … .”


That’s teasing.


Velia slightly raised her eyebrows.







“I didn’t mean anything bad! just… … !”


Klose made a fervent excuse.


However, as he spoke, he seemed to feel aggrieved for some reason and shouted in an angry voice.







“Woo! “She says her sister will be leaving for the empire soon, so she can’t even joke around like this?!”


Velia was dumbfounded, but it wasn’t that she didn’t understand Klose’s feelings and she burst out laughing.







“Then why are you going so fast? You can stay a little longer and then go. “If I go now, I’ll be able to see her sister at her wedding.”


Velia lightly hugged Klose.







“sorry. I know you’ll be disappointed. “Still, you have to go.”






“… … okay.”


Klose answered calmly.


Seeing Klose’s sullen face, Velia felt depressed for no reason. So she deliberately released her arms that were holding her sister, clapped her hands with a brighter expression, and said,







“Do you remember when I told you to clear your schedule for the afternoon tomorrow?”






“huh. “What’s going on?”






“I have someone to introduce you to.”


Now she had to step by step finish the things that had to be completed at Ronica.




* * *




After finishing her morning schedule, Velia walked down the hallway and gathered her thoughts. She had one month left before she left for the Empire.


In the meantime, she had to work under her wing to ensure that the Kingdom of Ronica did not collapse as easily as before.


The first is to connect Klose and Derek.







‘Even in his previous life, Klose did his best.’


As an adult, Klose often sent letters detailing the things he did for the kingdom. From what we can see, Klose worked hard to get enough of the things he did for the kingdom.


He helped the Herald with many tasks and also handled external affairs as the person in charge. However, it would have been difficult for Klose to understand the international situation on his own.


She must have had no idea about her older sister’s life, which Raul was completely controlling. He probably never thought that the Empire would topple the Kingdom of Ronica.







‘Who would have thought that the Empress’s home country would be invaded so mercilessly?’


Velia clenched her fists.


If I introduce Derek to Klose this time, she will definitely be able to judge the situation in a more complex way in this life.


Even if he and Khalid fall to Raul, he will be able to devise a way to protect the Kingdom of Ronica from the Empire.







‘Next is your brother.’


Even if it meant breaking and hurting his weak heart, he had to make the Herald stronger. For the Kingdom of Ronica, even Velia herself needed a harsh heart that could be broken in an instant.


Her own family was too weak for her affection.


She might have left it alone in times of peace, but if her empire were to fall into disarray and she would have to bear the brunt of it, she would not be a good influence.







‘I also leaked some information to my brother… … .’


He then had to tell them to be greedy in negotiations to share shares in the gold mine.


Khalid decided to divide the shares of the gold mine between the two countries and notified it.


Khalid, the discoverer of the gold mine, the Ronica Kingdom where the gold mine is located, and the Ingot Empire, Khalid’s home country.


Once negotiations are over, they will be able to divide their shares into three and each can claim ownership of the gold mine.


At this time, the Ronica Kingdom had to be a little more greedy.







‘We must push forward that Khalid is the prince of the empire.’


It is a gold mine in the Kingdom of Ronica.


So we had to ask for at least a 45 percent stake.


Even so, since the combined shares of the Empire and Khalid are over 50%, they will not be able to oppose it until the end.


Moreover, since the empire did nothing to help in the process of discovering this gold mine, the request of the Kingdom of Ronica was not unreasonable at all.







‘Well, Khalid’s shares won’t be handed over to the empire.’


Velia kept picturing in her mind all the things she had to do during the month.







“… … there is. that… … .”












“… … Well, it won’t work… … .”














Velia was startled by a loud voice calling her and looked around her.







“Why are you muttering to yourself like that?”








oh my god. It seemed like she kept walking around muttering out of her mouth without realizing it.


When Velia looks at Klose in confusion, she gives Klose a strange look and looks away.







She said, “You’re not doing this because you’re depressed that the second prince left, right?”






“what? haha. no.”






“But why are you standing blankly in the hallway like this, muttering to yourself?”


Klose gradually narrowed his eyes.







“iced coffee. I have something to think about. Now, let’s go in. “There will be guests.”


Velia grabbed Klose’s shoulder and headed towards her parlor, where Derek would be waiting. Derek had already arrived there and was leisurely drinking tea.


At the sight of Velia coming in, Derek put down his tea cup and stood up to greet her.







“Princess Velia. And Princess Klose. Nice to meet you. “This is Lane.”


Velia smiled at his polite greeting.







“Shall we take a seat first?”


As soon as everyone sat down at Velia’s words, her maids came over and removed the tea Derek had been drinking, and prepared a new tea table.







“First of all, the reason we made this event today is because I really wanted to introduce Lane to Klose.”


Klose winked at Velia as if telling her to tell him her identity.







“Rain is the head of the Ronica Kingdom branch of the information guild Runes.”








Klose also widened her eyes as if she had heard of it before.


Then she cast a meaningful glance at Derek again.







‘He’s the head of the information guild… … .’


Even with his favorite tart right in front of him, Klose was deep in thought. There must be a reason why Velia introduces this person to her.


Eventually, Klose noticed that her older sister was making an unspoken request to me, and she smiled brightly and said,


  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thank you for the chapter, dear Translator!❤️‍🔥

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