The Returned Empress Tames The Hunting Dog

Value of information



Velia pulled her hood deeper, covering her own silver hair.


Ben quietly followed Velia as she walked.


What on earth is happening this time?















“Shh! “Never call me by that title.”


Without telling him what was going on, he just told him to follow quietly, which made Ben worried.








‘I hope it’s not dangerous… … .’


These days, Princess Velia has changed a lot from before.


So much so that she just can’t get used to it.








‘You must have something in mind.’


But Ben, the loyal knight, just quietly looked around.


The place he arrived was a bar in a residential area.


I remembered visiting several stores in this area before. At that time, Ben’s face gradually became white as he remembered the incident where he had accidentally encountered the second prince.


Lately, whenever Velia moves, there have been a lot of incidents and accidents, so I start to worry without even realizing it.


Even though Velia was clearly aware of Ben’s worries, she just walked on in silence.










When Velia and Ben entered the tavern, a person who looked like the owner greeted them. He had a very friendly look.


This place sells alcohol and doubles as an inn, so it was very noisy.


From beer drinkers and diners, travelers who appear to have just visited the capital to mercenaries. People of all kinds were gathered together and chatting happily.


Amid the noise, Velia smiled brightly and approached her host. She then whispered so softly that only he could hear. The voice was small, but clearly confident.








“I came to look for the diamond on the third floor.”


Since we had already checked all the other locations that were candidate locations, we decided that he would definitely be here. The owner looked at Velia’s face for a moment and nodded as if she understood.








“yes. All right.”


Then he grinned and shouted.








“ruler! How about a meal? “Everything is delicious, but the stew is especially delicious!”







“Then I would like some stew as well. “Can you take me up to your room?”







“Of course!”


Velia took the key handed to her by her master and slowly climbed the stairs.


Her van followed her.








‘Is it a password?’


She remembered that Velia had said something similar last time.


As Ben was guessing the situation, Velia stopped in front of the room at the end of the second floor.








“ Ben.”









When I called Ben, who had been giving me a questioning look, he responded with a very startled look, as if I had been stabbed for no reason. Velia smiled slightly at his appearance and then spoke quietly.








“Please wait here.”







“… … Are you sure you don’t mind?”







“Sure. “But please remember what I told you before I left.”


Ben pondered Velia’s words.


As she departed from the castle, she heard what Velia had said.


After it was all over, she came out smiling very brightly and she told me not to hesitate and to take out her knife.


It was a sound she couldn’t understand.








“You knew, right?”







“yes… … .”







“Then please.”


Velia checked Ben, who nodded her head, and she immediately opened the door and entered without knocking.


The room was no different from an ordinary inn. There was a bed, a desk, and some simple tools.


Velia stood in front of a small dresser with a mirror on it. Then she opened the third drawer with the key she had received from the owner earlier.








‘also… … !’


As expected, there was a small statue in the drawer. Without hesitation, she reached out her hand and pushed the statue back, and with a small vibration, the chest of drawers moved to the side, revealing a new passageway.


As Velia bent down and passed her passage, a small space appeared.


As soon as she stepped inside, someone threw a meaningful remark at her Velia.








“You’ve finally come this far.”


The welcome seemed friendly at first glance, but somehow I felt like I knew the hidden meaning behind these words.


She may be referring to the fact that she went back and forth between restaurants and bookstores to find this place.








“Well, that’s good. Please sit down first.”


There was a man sitting there who looked a little young.


Velia sat down, smiling at his still-still appearance.















“So, why did you come to visit the branch leader of this insignificant information guild?”







“It’s so insignificant. “You are too humble.”


She is an amazing person just because she belongs to the continent’s best information guild. This is especially true if you are a branch leader rather than a general information source.


Velia remembered him for helping her in her past life.


Even when everyone laughed at her for being an abandoned empress, he secretly helped her until the end.








“ha ha ha. “The noble princess thinks highly of someone like me, so I don’t know what to do.”


The man sarcastically said.


But Velia didn’t care.


She thought she already knew she was a princess to begin with. If she can’t find out that much, there’s no reason for her to join hands with the Intelligence Guild.


And above all, in order for Khalid to become emperor in the future, he needed his help.








“I have a request.”







“Let’s first hear what kind of request it is.”


Velia continued her speech by asking people to spread the word about her among her people.


The rumor was that the second prince, Khalid, had discovered a gold mine.


Moreover, because she was not in the joint search area of the Ingot Empire and Ronica Kingdom, she said, in principle, all authority was given to the discoverer.


So, the gold mine belongs to Khalid, but since Khalid cannot keep it to himself, knowing that the two countries are investigating it together, he even plans to hand over a portion of his shares to the Ingot Empire and the Ronica Kingdom.


man, who was listening quietly, crossed his arms around her and lost himself in his thoughts.








“Honestly, everything the princess just said is very high-level information.”


Prince Khalid discovered a gold mine.


And that’s not in the east, where Prince Raul and the Kingdom of Ronica are searching, but in the south.


This was quite valuable information.


The empire had not yet decided on a crown prince, so even if the first prince’s power was superior right now, it was true that both princes had a chance. That’s why the nobles were also walking a tightrope over them underwater.


However, this story told by Velia could be quite important information to the nobles of the empire, as it meant that her second prince had a huge source of funds.








“But are you really saying that you are just going to spread this story as a rumor?”







“is it so. Please allow me to spread the above-mentioned information among the people of the empire whenever I wish.”







“Hmm. “It’s not that difficult.”


Velia continued her words.








“In addition to that, it would be nice to add that he saved Prince Raul and exorcised the demon. You know that he and I are going to get engaged soon, right? “Just mix the stories together and create a great heroic story.”


He smiled at Velia’s words.


It wasn’t a difficult request. Rather, what he gained was even greater. Because it was too much information to receive the request fee.


However, he had to take into account the fact that he could not make a request without informing me of this information before calculating the request fee. Moreover, the value of the information is damaged if it spreads as a rumor.








‘Perhaps the purpose of all this is to stab the first prince in the back.’


However, if the princess moves directly, there is a very high probability that the rumor will leak to the 1st prince staying at Ronica Castle before it can be spread.


If you think about the fact that the only way to prevent such an eventuality is to request an information guild… … .








‘You are a clever princess.’


Moreover, it was a really clever method that I would like to applaud if they were trying to understand their own abilities in the process of setting prices.

He nodded his head.


He had to exclude the offset and now calculate the remainder.








“How do you plan to calculate the commission fee?”







“I will submit it with the information I have.”


The man burst into laughter.


It was a question I asked, thinking that of course I would pay. But they said they would provide it as information.








“As you may have already known, our guild’s level of information is very excellent. “It would be easier to pay with money.”







“You’re ignoring the information I have without even listening to it.”


When Velia spoke coldly, he smiled back.








“Rather, the princess is ignoring us. Runes is not the best information guild on the continent for nothing.”


It wasn’t the time when I was in a pointless battle of pride, but somehow I didn’t want to lose.


Velia raised the corners of her mouth and spoke softly.








“What information do you need right now?”


What would be best to say to pique this person’s interest?


Velia, who had been contemplating so much, smiled and made eye contact with him.


He had a variety of cards, but this time he decided to try a straight attack.








“Yes. Are you looking for the illegitimate son of the Marquis de Selon? “I know where I am.”


His expression instantly turned cold at Velia’s words.








“First question. “How did you know we were looking for him now?”







“well. Is there any reason for me to bring this up? “I just need to give you accurate information?”


The important thing about information to provide to the information guild is not how it was obtained, but how accurate the information is. So there was absolutely no reason for Velia to answer this question.








“Oh, of course! It’s not like I stole it from a guild member or anything like that. “No one but you knows about the request to find the Selon family’s illegitimate child, right?”


The man’s mind was confused as he looked at Velia who spoke sweetly.


There was one more person who knew this fact. It was the client who asked me to find her illegitimate child. But there’s no way he told this to anyone. It was such a secret and secret request.


man, who knew that fact better than anyone else, looked at Velia with cold eyes.








“derek. “Hold hands with me.”


The man’s expression hardened at those words.








“… … “Where did you hear that name?”


Derek frowned and pressed his temples.


How does Princess Velia know this name that no one in the guild knows?


In response to Derek’s question, Velia simply continued to say what she was trying to say with a calm expression.








“As you can see, I have a lot of information that even you might not expect. “You won’t regret it.”


Things that are more useful than the information the information guild currently has.


Facts that only Velia from the future can know.








“… … So, second question. “Tell me where the child is.”


His tone became sharper.








“We have already located the child. So, if what the princess says is false… … . “I will never accept your request again.”


Derek normally wouldn’t have asked this question, but he couldn’t do it now. because.








“It’s right here. Derek Selon.”


Because it was a story that should never be known.








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