The Returned Empress Tames The Hunting Dog

If we hadn't met.



Khalid led his knights and chased after Raul.


Velia felt somewhat empty without him, who was with her every day.


Just like before, he stayed in the library and read books, but his mood continued to sink.


Of course, this was just a feeling of regret over the disappearance of someone who was familiar with me.







“ha… … .”







I can’t concentrate at all.


Velia ran her hands through her hair.


But he soon tangled his hair and covered his face.







“… … “What about a familiar person?”


Before I left, I kept feeling sad when I thought about Khalid, who had made an excuse not to see me for a while and had no intention of leaving my side.







‘It definitely didn’t feel like this in my previous life… … .’


Although I’ve never met him, I knew for sure how scary he was from hearing the rumors.


When Raul became emperor, he tried to kill Khalid, who would become an obstacle to him. But all those attempts failed.


In the end, Raul gave Khalid the title of grand duke and granted him territory in a very distant place. After that, Khalid never returned to the capital again.


He was a forgotten archduke, but Velia knew. The reason he didn’t come to the capital wasn’t for Raul’s sake or to avoid a fight. He was just waiting for the right moment.


So he told Raul that he should continue to be wary of Khalid. Of course, Raul at that time had no intention of listening to Velia at all.







‘What happened after I died…? … .’


Of course, he’s already back in the past and everything is futile, but it was curious.


Did Khalid rebel?


Was Raul happy with Erze?


How did the Kingdom of Ronica, where all the royal family disappeared, fall? … .







‘It’s a useless idea. I went back in time and none of that happened.’


Velia shook her head vigorously.


More than that, she had to figure out when to spread the word about the gold mine.


No matter how much I think about it… … .







“When the engagement date was set by a personal letter from the emperor.”


That would be the best time.


When all the attention is on this side, she will spread the word about the gold mine.


The news of the gold mine is added to the fact that Khalid defeated the monster and saved Raoul from danger, making him shine even more.







‘We need people to spread the word.’


It was a rumor that should naturally spread in social circles, but what was more important than that was the people of the empire.


I had to get their support.


There were already very bad rumors about Khalid in social circles.


Those are probably all rumors that Raoul created over a long period of time.


I had no choice but to look away as it would be difficult to target the social circle right away.







‘I should get the support of the people of the empire and move up.’


A prince who is wiser and warmer than anyone else. Even if such a prince had outstanding abilities, he would be envied by everyone.


It was necessary to instill in the people of the empire the perception that the next emperor would naturally be Khalid.


He is the legitimate prince of the empire, so it won’t be difficult.


Then, naturally, those stories will spread in social circles.







‘The strategy must change according to the situation.’


When Raul became emperor, he targeted the nobles of the empire.


Since he already had a good public image, rumors were spread about his outstanding abilities. But Khalid should have been the opposite.







‘Starting with the people of the empire, I will turn the hearts of even the nobles towards Khalid.’


In this way, all the bad rumors about him will be overturned and the world will know which of the two princes is worthy of the throne.







‘That must be his specialty.’


Velia remembered someone she had tried to visit not long ago, and immediately grabbed a pen without hesitation.




* * *




Khalid continued his movement, encouraging his knights. They were moving to the location Velia had given them, not the location written in the report Raul had stolen.


To be honest, I was skeptical, but since everything Velia had said so far was true, I decided to believe it.


And when they reached the lower reaches of the river, following the traces of the First Prince and his knights, they found Raul and the knights being attacked by the Algan.







“wow. “Is it true what the princess said?”


Asid said with great excitement.







“Honestly, at first I doubted whether it was true, but now I think I can believe anything that Princess Velia says.”


Asid said that Velia had accurately pinpointed the location where Algan appeared, so he thought to himself, what does a princess who only read books in the castle know… … And he was in disbelief. But Princess Velia was right. Asid twinkled his eyes.


At first, he did not like the fact that he dared to ask His Highness Prince Khalid to come and go without any fear.


However, because Khalid liked Velia so much and forbade her to gossip about her, he had no choice but to watch from her side even though she did not like him… … .


To be honest, Princess Velia’s contribution to both the gold mine and the subjugation of monsters was great. Asid somehow felt like his liking for the princess was welling up.







“Let’s go in while considering the situation appropriately. “It seems worth it so far.”


Khalid said calmly, looking around.


He had to help at a very dangerous moment, when he felt like everything was over.


It was obvious that even if he had saved them when he had the strength to do so, they would have kept them in check without even thinking that he had received help.







“Since one group moved separately into the canyon, the waterway will soon be cut off.”


Khalid looked up at the sky.


The weather was nice.


Variables such as rain or sudden gusts of wind will not arise.







“okay. “It will be sorted out in two hours.”


I looked coldly at Raul and his knights who were attacking from afar to kill Algan.


We won’t be able to save them all. That doesn’t work either.


Even if they criticized it as unethical, Khalid was about to show up under the pretense of coincidence after observing their failure. For the sake of the picture that no matter who sees it, Raul failed and Khalid saved him.







‘We must make what Velia wants come true.’


Wouldn’t that be the only way to win her heart?


Khalid looked at the situation calmly.







‘right… … . back… … .’


This is a good location to attack Algan.


The reason Raul and his knights were struggling was because they could not establish themselves properly.


Of course, the problem is that the weapon can’t reach the body due to the mucus, but what’s wrong with it that it’s so confused that it can’t even find its position?







‘I can’t believe I can only use that kind of manpower. What a nerd.’


The knights led by the 1st Prince were actually of a very high standard.


Because there was no way the emperor would have given this name to someone.


But Raul let down his guard, underestimated the situation, and overconfident himself. The result is what it looks like now.


Raul is not lacking in ability. If his abilities had been lacking, there would not have been so many people by his side even though he was the emperor’s beloved son.







“It looks like the monster’s power is stronger than I thought.”


It was definitely different from the power of a normal Algan, just as Velia had warned.


Khalid looked closely at the area around the monster’s tail. Of course, nothing can be seen with the naked eye, but I’m worried about that area for no reason.







‘Is there really a magic stone…? … .’


The unusual power of a monster and the location where it appears. There was no information that was not valuable. If Velia had chosen Raul over herself, all this information would have flowed to that guy.


Khalid felt very bad about this assumption that he didn’t even want to think about.


Never would I have thought that Velia would be so glad that she had chosen herself to reject Raul’s marriage proposal.


Maybe she could have chosen a noble from the same kingdom of Ronica rather than herself, someone she had never met. If that were the case, she might never have met her.







‘I guess I’m lucky… … ?’


Khalid felt good again.


Velia sent a letter to none other than Khalid.


Khalid, who would have normally ignored the letter, also came to the Ronica Kingdom in person after seeing the letter.


It started out as a small whim, but these little things came together to create the relationship we have today.







“majesty. The 1st Prince was injured. Should we put it in now?”


At Asid’s words, Khalid looked at the battlefield again.


Raul was wounded and his knights could barely hold on.


Should I wait a little longer, or… … .







‘Should we go in now?’


Raul, who injured his shoulder, fell to the rear bleeding.


There were also injuries among the knights.


There has not been a single death yet. Khalid looked at them in silence for a moment.







“If we leave it as is, it will be wiped out.”


… … The knights are innocent.


It would be unfair to get caught up in a fight between the princes and face death.


Khalid nodded his head.







“Everyone prepare for battle.”




I heard the sound of a sword being drawn.


The knights’ eyes lit up after a long battle.


, that’s it. If Joe 1 can block the water well, he can handle it in no time.







“From now on, we will save Prince Raul and the knights. The subjugation of Algan begins after all of them are rescued.”








Khalid looked at Raul with cold eyes.







“Then the operation begins.”




* * *




The knights on the 2nd prince’s side who joined the battlefield quickly caught Algan’s attention, rescued the knights and 1st prince Raul, and retreated to the rear.


To prevent the monster from moving, several knights, including Asid, remained at the riverside to confront Algan, while the remaining knights and Khalid began treating those who were seriously injured in the battle with the monster from the rear.


Although it was only first aid, it was a valuable measure that could have saved his life.







“How could you… … .”


Raul, who had suffered a serious injury to his shoulder, also found Khalid’s face in his blurred consciousness.


Khalid did not answer Raul’s question. Soon, Raul lost consciousness, and Khalid, who was quietly looking at his unconscious brother, turned around without hesitation and approached the monster.


The first prince’s knights watched Khalid pull out his sword from his belt and looked at his back with envy.


Although his personality was dirty and his behavior was bad, as the grandson of Duke Tessa, his skills were genuine.


Eventually, the knights sent upstream seemed to have succeeded in blocking the waterway, as the water flowing in the river gradually decreased and eventually reached its bottom.







“Everyone surrounds the monster and attacks. Don’t waste time! “Stop breathing at once!”








Algan’s arm was cut off by the sword wielded by Khalid.


The knights plunged their swords into the monster from all directions.


In a place without water, the monster collapsed without any strength.









The knights on the 1st Prince’s side who were watching, as well as the knights who fought together, couldn’t help but shout in surprise at the scene where they were quickly subdued.


Khalid left the sound behind and walked towards the monster’s tail. Then he stabbed the knife in without hesitation.


There was a clicking sound and the sound of something metal hitting each other.







“under… … !”


There really was a magic stone there, just as Velia had said.







  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thank you for the chapters!❤️‍🔥

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