The Returned Empress Tames The Hunting Dog

With different thoughts




‘You’re good at saying things like that.’

Khalid laughed at what Velia said.

I couldn’t believe that either.

but… … .

I didn’t want to admit it, but one thing was certain.




“You’ll stay by my side no matter what?”

The truth was that I was shaken even more by that single word.




“yes. “If you help me, I will become your perfect ally.”

It was my first time.

Someone said this to him.

It was only a moment, but what she said was so sweet that Khalid felt like giving her everything.




‘That’s funny.’

How much he had hoped for those words that he would be by his side no matter what.

It was funny that the trivial and weak hopes of my childhood, which I thought I had already forgotten, still remained in my heart.

Of course, she wasn’t what Khalid wanted, but no one had ever told him this.




“… … “Why do you hate Raul?”

Khalid asked.




“That’s not enough to explain my feelings.”

Velia bit her lip as if the very thought of her was terrifying.

Khalid’s curiosity arose when he saw that.




“It hasn’t been long since you met Raul.”

Considering the period of time the letters were sent, Raul and Velia had only met for a month.

She had a crazy guy propose to her in such a short period of time, but it was also very surprising to him that she was able to hate someone so much.

Obviously, if it was Raul, he would have been extremely devoted to Velia.

Because he always put a lot of effort into what he wanted.




“I have reasons for that, too.”

Velia spared her words.

Not yet, not yet.




“More than that, we are now in the same boat. “You wouldn’t kiss me in front of so many people and then pretend it never happened, right?”

Khalid nodded her head.




“It would be nice if you could at least get engaged right away, but Your Majesty would still feel burdened… … .”



“Have you already decided to do that? So it doesn’t matter when.”



“is that so.”

Velia smiled faintly, as if she was glad to see Khalid’s delicate expression.




“It’s a bit funny to ask now, but… … .”

Velia paused a little.




“If you get engaged to me, I really won’t be able to give it up. If she ever has someone she loves… … .”



“Didn’t I tell you before that there was no such thing?”

Khalid looked at Velia carefully again.

Her lazy gaze passed over Velia’s forehead and landed on her eyes, nose, and her lips.




“I don’t change what I’ve already decided. furthermore… … “It’s so fun to watch her princess.”

Velia, whose cheeks were slightly flushed under that persistent gaze, quickly changed her words.




“Then, when your highness finds a true lover, please tell me. “Once I achieve my goal, I will leave cleanly.”



“… … “Didn’t you say you would always be by my side?”

Khalid, whose expression suddenly hardened coldly, asked in a grave voice.

Something in his hand is trying to escape on its own.

I was even more concerned about that fact.




“But your highness has found someone he really loves, so I can’t sit next to him as a fake lover.”

Khalid’s face darkened at Velia’s calm answer.




“If I had someone like that, what would you be?”

So what are you going to do? Will you still be by my side then?

While hiding his true feelings, Khalid made eye contact with her as if urging her to answer Velia.




“What am I… … . “As long as I can achieve the goal I want, it doesn’t matter what happens to me after that.”

Khalid was struck by Velia’s answer in a strange way.

That nonchalant attitude keeps bothering me.




“I’m not that bad of a person. “Whether you get engaged to a princess or get married, once you decide to do so, you must remain faithful.”

Although he had no intention of doing so, Khalid spoke bluntly as he felt a surge of resistance.

Khalid was a person who didn’t have much to begin with. He said it was not easy for anything to get past Raul and get to him. So he was persistent about the things he barely had.




‘It’s annoying.’

Khalid looked at Velia and frowned.




“Thank you for saying that.”

Velia, who had no idea what he was thinking, smiled brightly.

Your face brightens at the thought that you have completely captured what you want.




“If we find a gold mine, we can start preparing for an engagement right away.”

Khalid made a strange expression as he looked at Velia, who was treating his engagement as if it were something placed on a stall.




“… … Don’t do that. In the meantime, I plan to mess around a little to get Raul to withdraw his marriage proposal.”

Khalid explained his future plans in somewhat profane terms.




“It’s not enough to show you and me in public like today. “Raul is not the kind of guy who will let go of what he wants.”

The Raul Velia knew was also like that.

He was a greedy person. And Velia had a lot.

Raul is not the kind of person who would withdraw his marriage proposal just because he saw her like that.

The conditions behind her will suppress his anger and force him to smile.

Because Raul was a man who calculated profits and losses faster than anyone else.




“Do you have any ideas in mind?”



“How about I send you a formal marriage proposal?”

At his words, Velia was lost in her thoughts for a moment.

If the 2nd prince sends me a marriage proposal while the 1st prince’s proposal has not been withdrawn, it will definitely become a huge topic of conversation in both the Ingot Empire and the Ronica Kingdom.

It’s really rare for the princes of an empire to propose to the same person at the same time.

In that situation, not even her emperor would be able to force her to accept the proposal of her first prince.

Velia tapped her desk and looked at Khalid with a grin and a smile.




“… … If that happens, I will have the initiative.”

Among those who sent her marriage proposals, she will be the one to choose who to marry.

After thinking that far, Velia asked him in a low voice.




“A marriage proposal with the emperor’s seal. Can you take it? “I won’t give it up easily.”



“It won’t be easy. But if it goes through Her Majesty the Empress, it won’t be impossible. But before that.”

Khalid smiled mischievously as he gently grabbed Velia’s hand that was on the table.




“We need to further strengthen our relationship.”

Only then will you have a justification to persuade the emperor.

It’s just that her 1st prince didn’t just propose to the woman who proposed to her, and her 2nd prince couldn’t have taken her away because they had a deep relationship with each other, and you can even add a romantic narrative that’s perfect for her ups and downs in social circles.




“It’s not bad.”

Velia was already starting to think about how she could use the rumor.

She was very satisfied with that.




“That idiot, I will do my best to help you, so please take care of it.”

They both looked at each other and smiled, thinking of someone who would be in trouble because of this.





* * *


While preparing for the party to be held a few days later, Velia hurried to her office at the sudden call of the Herald. Also, she was anxious as she walked to her office, wondering if Prince Raul had said anything about her marriage proposal.




“Welcome. “Velia.”



“Brother. What did Prince Raul say again to ask for an answer to his marriage proposal?”

Velia asked urgently.




“haha. That’s not the case, so don’t worry. “I just called you because I wanted to ask you something.”

Herald paused for a moment, sighed, and cautiously opened his mouth.




“Velia. “I heard she told Abama that she wanted to marry Prince Khalid.”

ah. Is that it?

She was summoned to the king’s office to explain her behavior at the previous welcoming ceremony for the second prince.

She said on the spot that she was thinking of marrying Khalid and not Raul.

It seemed like that had reached the Herald.

Velia nodded her head.




“Yes, I did.”



“… … “Did you plan this?”

The Herald asked cautiously.

She didn’t want to be suspicious, but she was suspicious that not long after Velia had said she would not marry Prince Raul, she suddenly mentioned marrying Prince Khalid, the second prince.




“What do you mean by that?”



She asked, “Are you using Prince Khalid to prevent her from marrying Prince Raul?”

It was an accurate guess.

However, the Herald was actually very quiet while asking this question.

He knew that my younger brother was not the type of person who would handle things this way because he was not very tactful and was honest and a bit stubborn.




“Didn’t you hear about that from Abama? “I like Prince Khalid, uncle.”



“Velia… … .”



“I’m serious. I wants to marry him. That’s why I don’t like Prince Raul.”

Seeing Velia’s stubbornness, Herald sighed and leaned her body against the backrest.




“Ask me honestly.”

Herald’s feelings were very complicated.

It might be Klose, but she never dreamed that Velia would have an accident like this.




“You had feelings for Prince Raul until not long ago, so why did you change mind so suddenly? Also, when did you meet Prince Khalid? “What on earth are you thinking, Velia?”



“… … “Even if I explain it, you won’t understand.”

Everything that happened in the past when Velia chose Raul was still vivid.

She loved him so she chose him and she became his wife and when she became the empress of the empire, how the kingdom of Ronica fell, how Abama and Eomama died, how Klose and her uncle died.

And in the end, even Velia herself had to end her life in misery.

Velia swallowed all her words tightly in her mouth.

Even though she was getting used to her peaceful and comfortable life, when she thought about that time, all kinds of negative emotions, including anger, came flooding back.




She said, ‘After all that, no one would believe her if she said she came back.’

So I had no choice but to keep my emotions in check and make excuses.




“Please think of it as just my immature whim, uncle.”

Velia said shaking her head slightly and the Herald let out a sigh of her own.




“… … “Your behavior is different from usual, so I’m honestly a little worried.”



“There will be nothing for you to worry about.”

One day, her Velia’s behavior suddenly changed.




She said, ‘It was probably from that day that she cried a lot.’

It was the Herald’s first time seeing, so unable to control his emotions.

Velia had a bit of a cynical side, so she was a bit slower to understand her own emotions than others.

When she saw my younger sister shedding tears in a crowded room, I thought her heart would drop.

And after that day.

She said that Velia started doing things that she couldn’t understand.




She said, ‘She clearly seemed to have a crush on the 1st Prince.’

How did she change her mind so suddenly.

She was slow to realize her feelings, so once she gave her heart, it was not easy for her to turn back.

It was unclear why Velia hated her alternate first prince so much, but in any case, the Herald could not allow her younger brother to marry someone she hated so much.




“I was also looking for a way to reject the marriage proposal without conflict with the empire. “But to be honest, I’m a little embarrassed that you said you would marry her second prince so suddenly.”

ah… … .

Even your brother.

Velia looked at the Herald, a little surprised by her story, which she did not know.




“But I trust you. I know you’re not the type of kid to do anything for nothing. anyway. I will also look for more ways, so please refrain from such sudden actions. “I won’t have any heart left.”

Velia burst out laughing at the sight of the Herald playfully holding her breast and talking.




“thank you uncle.”

Velia looked at the Herald warmly.

If all things end one day.

Wouldn’t it be possible to tell everything then?

Her Velia smile seemed a little lonely.



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