The Returned Empress Tames The Hunting Dog

Three-way meeting

Khalid immediately lost interest in the letters.

But Asid quietly handed him a letter and said,

He said, “There is a letter stuck with no sender. Shall I check this too?”

Khalid just rolled his eyes and looked at the letter.


Normally, I would have just ignored it, but the thought of Raul returning to the empire empty-handed made me feel good. It was a whim. He reached out his hand and picked up an unmarked letter.

Most of the letters he sends to himself are invitations from unremarkable families.

Places that wanted to reach out to the first prince, Raul, but were unable to do so, reached out to Khalid. If they even showed fake interest in Khalid like that, the first prince would try to placate them.

‘… … Annoying guys.’

It was clear that this was such a letter.

The fact that the sender is not listed is probably just a ploy to attract attention.

But today, I tore up the corner of the letter with a big heart, hoping to at least read it once.


Khalid’s expression hardened as he read the letter.

“Why are you doing that?”

In response to the curious question, Khalid handed over the letter to him.

He didn’t think there was anything very important in the letter he showed me.

Asid quietly received the letter and examined its contents.

“… … majesty. “Is this a letter from the 1st Prince?”


They told me there was no gold mine here and even asked me if I wanted to know the true location.

How did it arrive at such precise timing?

“… … “Tsk.”

Only today were they able to convince themselves that there was no gold mine here.

However, the sender of this letter already knows that fact. If the 1st Prince knew about that fact, there is no way they would have continued the investigation like that.

Khalid smiled as if it was fun.

“Find out who it is.”

This letter was sent to the palace of the second prince of the empire.

If you add the travel time it brought you back from there, it would have been written at least a week ago.

Did the person who sent the letter realize the existence of the gold mine much sooner than they did?

“First of all, the withdrawal order is withdrawn.”

I guess I’ll have to wait in Ronica Kingdom until I find the owner of the letter.

There’s nothing urgent right now, so it won’t be a big problem.

Now that things have come to this, it would be nice to visit the capital of the kingdom to see my older brother’s face.

Khalid did not like Raul, who pretended to be a good person with a pretentious attitude.

It was also funny how he acted like a good older brother who spread all kinds of dirty rumors behind his back and protected his younger brother. It was also laughable to try so hard to pretend that something I felt inferior to didn’t happen.

‘Now that I think about it, I heard you’ve been chasing the princess around here lately… … .’

That guy with no regrets is chasing someone?

I am also curious about what kind of modifications he is planning to make.

Moreover, I was curious as to what kind of attitude the princess would show when she unexpectedly encountered her. The corners of Khalid’s mouth went up in an arc.

“Let’s find out as quickly as possible.”

“yes. All right.”

Asid bowed his head and hastened to the knights to carry out his orders.

Khalid brushed away his flowing hair and looked at his investigators once again.

‘I know the real location of the gold mine…’ … .’


Khalid laughed as if it was fun.

* * *

It’s already been 15 days since I sent the letter.

It seems that the letter was not properly delivered to the second prince.

Velia slammed the desk! I got up from my seat.

She can’t wait any longer. I think I really need to think of another way now.

Raul still tried to cajole her every time she tried.

Even the fame, wealth, and fame she would get if she chose her.

It seemed like she was trying hard to lure herself in with the illusions she had already experienced, but she couldn’t just leave it like this.

In any case, he was the first prince of the empire, and a much-loved child of the emperor. Obviously, as time goes by, things will go as he wants.

‘… … First of all, you have to refuse the marriage proposal.’

What on earth should I do to refuse?

Even after thinking about it, I couldn’t come up with a clear answer.

‘At times like this, it would have been better if my brother had spoken strongly to Abama.’

The Herald still seemed a little hesitant as he thought about his relationship with the Empire.

Velia often walked around her room and then stopped.

Now that she thought about it, there was one more person in her kingdom who could help her.

Derek from the information guild Runes.

He was someone who had to unconditionally join hands with Raul in order to fight him.

He was also one of the people in his previous life who was by his side until the end.

‘What was the fake identity he used in the past… … .’

Velia’s expression brightened as she quietly recalled memories of her past.

This was because the conversation that had been briefly shared in the imperial palace a long time ago had vaguely passed by.

Although there were several options, they were enough to look into.

If you borrow his power, you might come up with a trick to reject Raul’s marriage proposal.

Velia quickly changed into inconspicuous clothes and called Ben, her escort knight.


“yes. princess.”

“I need to get ready to go.”

It was a sudden outing, but Ben just quietly followed her.

From Ben’s perspective, it seemed like the recent Velia had really changed as a person overnight.

She had always been a princess who would quietly read books in the library or in the garden, but these days, she would do things that made no sense.

However, if she is the Princess Velia we have seen so far, she will definitely do her job brilliantly.

Ben, who thought about her up to that point, erased her worries and sharpened her senses to just protect her as a knight.

Her carriage, with her Velia riding in it, left the royal castle and headed towards her city.

And she, Velia, after she got off in the square in the heart of the village, she turned over her robes. She was frustrated, but she couldn’t help it because someone might recognize her as the princess.

“I’m going to go to a restaurant first and then stop by a cafe.”


“Next is the bookstore.”

If it’s not one of those three places, it’s probably a tavern.

She had to quickly turn, check, and then move on.

“Let’s go.”

Velia walked with her gun in full swing and entered the restaurant closest to today’s target.

She was approached by a waiter with a bell ringing. Velia asked with a grin.

“I came to the third floor to look for diamonds.”

“Oh, I’m sorry… … . Because we are a restaurant. “The jeweler is across the street, sir.”

“oh. sorry. “I mistook it for a store.”

Velia covered her mouth with her hand as if she was startled.

She then let out an embarrassed laugh and left her store with Ben.

It wasn’t a restaurant.

She knew it wasn’t the best way to wander around like this, but it was the fastest and surest way for her.

So, I have no choice but to visit all the stores that Derek mentioned earlier.

After confirming that it wasn’t a cafe, I walked towards the bookstore. And Velia, who confirmed that the bookstore was not the hideout of the information guild Runes, sighed and greeted the owner before heading out.


Velia’s robe came off as she bumped into someone entering her bookstore.

Her gorgeous silver hair flowed down, as if the silver had been finely plucked.

Velia hurriedly put her robe back on, but her man seemed to have already noticed her unusual hair and expressed his surprise in a deep, low voice.

“ah… … ?”

Velia quickly lowered her head.

And then Ben came in front of Velia and she stopped him.

At first glance, the other person was dressed like a nobleman.

She had never seen such a person among the nobles of the Kingdom of Ronica, but since she could be a noble from the empire who had come to see Prince Raul, she politely offered him an apple first.

“sorry. “It looks like our lady made a mistake.”

“… … miss?”

Despite Ben’s polite attitude, she smiled as if the man was having fun and did not move out of the way in front of the door.

“We are going to finish our errands. “Could you please get out of the way?”


The man stroked her dark black hair and grinned.

She noticed his bright blue eyes twinkling with interest.

Her eyes were still fixed on Velia.

“Seeing as you call her ‘Miss,’ it looks like she’s the daughter of some noble family, right?”

Velia had a hunch from the laughter in her voice.

It was clear that she recognized her identity.

She eventually signaled to Ben to stop and then Velia stepped forward and opened her mouth.

“First of all, it’s a nuisance to people passing by, so it’s better to talk outside.”

As if he agreed with her words, her man quietly stepped aside from the door.

When I come out and face the man, his appearance catches my eye. He was tall and had a sturdy physique, but his dark black hair and cold eyes seemed to make his atmosphere even more gloomy.

Very cool atmosphere.

The sharp feeling, as if he would cut himself when he was around, told me that he was not an ordinary person.

It wasn’t as refined as a knight, nor did it feel like a ruthless person.

The unbuttoned shirt made him look like a light person, but the refreshing chill that emanated implicitly made it difficult to approach him.

“Then, since you came out like the lady said, would you like to have a proper conversation?”

“If your purpose is to start a fight, then just leave it at that.”

Velia said with her sigh.

“Let’s fight… … . That sounds a little sad. Rather, you probably have something to say to me.”

The man touched his chin and muttered.

Velia, puzzled by her unexpected words, raised her head and looked at him.

at that time.

“What are you doing here?”

Someone walked forward, grabbed Velia’s wrist, and pulled her towards him.

Then, as if it were a given, he came between her and Khalid.

“… … “Your Highness Raul.”

Velia furrowed her brows as she looked at Raul, who was holding her.

How on earth did we get here?

She couldn’t have come across it by chance.

‘… … ‘Is it being followed?’

It was clear that she had followed him after hearing that someone was leaving the royal castle.

It must have been an intention to pretend it was a chance meeting.

“Please let go of your arms.”

“Did he even threaten you?”

“no. So please let me go.”

Seeing her act like this, as if she was something, gave me goosebumps on my arms.

It seems like she knows the man in front of her more than that. Who on earth is this?

Around the time Velia had such a question.

The man who was quietly looking at them burst into laughter.

“ha ha ha. “I guess it was like that too.”

“Khalid. “I asked why you came here.”


Velia’s eyes widened in surprise and she looked at him.

Black hair and blue eyes. And that arrogant, relaxed attitude.

It matched the appearance of the second prince that I had only heard about through rumors.

“Why am I just a person who goes around having fun?”

I ended up coming to Ronica by chance.

Khalid responded leisurely to Raul’s sharp question.

“I heard you we

re here, but I didn’t expect to meet you in the middle of the street like this.”

Shrugging her shoulders, Khalid approached Raul and took Velia’s hand away from him.

“What is this?!”

“iced coffee. “I thought you were blocking someone I had business to attend to.”

Khalid, who was giving a cursory answer as if he was annoyed, whispered softly into her Velia’s ear.

“I was already trying to find you, but I’m lucky.”

Shocked by those words, she looked at Khalid in surprise, and he leisurely pulled the corner of her mouth and asked.

“Isn’t that right, Princess Velia?”


  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thank you for the great novel!😻

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