The Reason Why She Wanted To Leave


His face was full of dissatisfaction, but he couldn’t really refute my words.

I don’t know how many times it has been today. Ains, who had never even spared me a glance before, kept interfering whenever it came to Cadia.

I fully understood what he was worried about.

A million gold in alimony to revive a humble Viscountess family. He must be worried about that money. Even if it left his hands, he would be endlessly uneasy with me holding it.

But I also knew very well how much money I was holding.

And I was fully aware that it was all I had.

“I won’t foolishly give my property to Cadia. I won’t love anyone in the future.”

I was fed up with love.

Ten years of living while looking only at Ains. After holding one person in my heart for ten years, it was time to get tired.

I didn’t think I could love someone else this much, and I didn’t have the strength to accept someone’s heart.

“Yes, Ains. It’s not right for you, who have been indifferent until now, to interfere with matters concerning Cecil. Even if you don’t know, Cecil is a smart girl, so what you’re worried about won’t happen.”

Fortunately, I had Grandfather’s support.

In the end, Ains couldn’t say anything and continued his meal.

“By the way, there is something I would like to ask the Duke.”

“You said you didn’t need my concern because you are smart?”

“It’s not about me. It’s a request regarding Grandfather. Please let me see Grandfather at least once a week.”

Ains glanced at Grandfather for a moment. Then he looked back at me and nodded.

“Do as you please.”

“…Thank you.”

I was relieved and smiled at the permission that came instead of the rejection I had feared. Grandfather also smiled at me as if it was a good thing.

Only Ains looked at us with a sullen face.

* * *

The dinner time, which I expected to be uncomfortable, flowed more calmly than I thought.

Ains didn’t particularly pick a fight with me, and since the conversation was mainly between Grandfather and me, I didn’t feel much discomfort.

Sometimes Ains looked at me, but since he didn’t seem to have anything to say, I could ignore it.

And from the end of the meal, I felt a chest-tightening pain begin.

It didn’t seem serious, just a little uncomfortable to breathe.

“Cecil? Your complexion doesn’t look good. Are you sick?”

Grandfather, who noticed my demeanor first, asked. I shook my head as if it was nothing.

“No. I think the meal didn’t sit well. I have some medicine, so I’ll be fine after taking it.”

After finishing my words, I hurriedly searched my pocket.

It was hard to breathe, and my hands wouldn’t move as I wanted. Eventually, I dropped the bottle of medicine while trying to take it out of my pocket.

Just as I was about to pick up the fallen bottle, I felt something surge up from inside.

And before I could cover my mouth, something like a cough burst out.



I tasted a metallic, foul taste in my mouth.

I blinked, unable to understand the current situation while catching my rough breath.

When I belatedly checked my hand, it was covered in blood.

And again, a nauseating sensation, followed by a cough and more blood splattering.

My ears felt muffled, and the voices of people sounded like they were echoing underwater.

When I looked up to check my surroundings, I saw very strange sights.

People’s movements seemed slower than I knew. As if time had been deliberately stretched, it flowed unusually slowly.

Then, at some moment, it felt like something snapped and time started to find its pace again.


Rivet, who had been waiting closest to me, shouted almost like a scream and ran over to me.

Then she supported my upper body and searched for something in her bosom.

I didn’t have to think long to know what Rivet was looking for.

The painkiller made from the Tieria flower.

As if to prove that my guess was correct, Rivet took out a pill from the bottle and put it in my mouth. Then she lifted a cup to help me drink water.

It was nauseating because of the mixed blood, but I had to swallow the medicine to survive.

Unlike ordinary medicine, the painkiller made from the Tieria flower worked differently.

As soon as I took it, the pain that had been pressing on my chest began to subside. Not only that, but my rough breathing also started to find its pace.

I had vaguely thought that I would suffer from extreme pain like when I took the treatment. But the painkiller, true to its name, alleviated my body’s pain.

It was really fortunate. If the pain from the medicine had continued like last time, I would have fainted right there.


Rachel, who approached belatedly, looked at me with a pale face.

Rachel was so shocked that she forgot I had divorced Ains and called me Madam.

Rachel wasn’t the only one surprised. Grandfather and Ains also stood up from their seats with shocked faces and looked at me.

But they couldn’t readily speak to me.

“Madam, here.”

In the chaotic situation, the only one who remained clear-headed was Rivet. Rivet handed me a handkerchief soaked in water.

I took the handkerchief and wiped the blood off my hands and around my mouth.

“Cecil, my dear, are you unwell?”

I could see Grandfather’s gaze wavering. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that I had shown him a bad side of me just because I decided to have dinner together.

“It’s nothing serious. Just a bit…”

I hesitated, wondering how to explain this.

The fact that I had Trintz disease was known only to a few maids and servants, including Rachel, in the mansion. I hadn’t told Grandfather because I didn’t want to worry him, especially since he was already unwell.

And Ains…

Ains already disliked and resented me. Every time we met, he mentioned divorce, wishing for me to leave the mansion, and his words always hurt me deeply. Because of this, I couldn’t bring myself to tell him about my illness.

I was afraid that the existence of my illness would be a welcome thing for Ains.

I thought I had escaped his shadow through the divorce, but it seemed I was still tied to him.

Even now, my heart was beating irregularly at the thought of Ains finding out.

In the end, I couldn’t say anything. Instead, I chose to avoid the situation.

“I’m sorry, Grandfather. I’ll explain in detail next time. I need to go back and rest because I’m not feeling well.”

I bowed my head toward Grandfather.

“Alright, go and rest. If needed, I’ll send Dr. Watt.”

Grandfather answered with concern instead of prying further. I was grateful for his consideration and smiled bitterly.

“No, I’ll call Dr. Watt myself. Thank you for your concern.”

“Then I’ll send Rachel with you. If there’s anything uncomfortable, tell her.”

“Thank you, Grandfather. Well then, I apologize, but I’ll take my leave first.”

After finishing my words, I glanced at Ains.

Ains was just looking at me with his cold blue eyes.

Still, I couldn’t just ignore Ains and leave, so I bowed to him and turned around.

Rivet supported me in case of another emergency, and Rachel followed.

Rachel had been pale ever since she saw me coughing up blood.

“…Viscountess Marves, has your illness worsened?”

Rachel asked in a small, crawling voice, as if she would burst into tears if I said yes.

Seeing such a Rachel, I smiled faintly and shook my head.

“No, it’s the opposite.”

“The opposite?”

“Yes. I got the Tieria flower. So, I made and took the treatment, but because of the side effects…”

The Tieria flower had the ability to activate mana, but it was an artificially induced power.

The flow of mana in the body and the actual activated mana flow were misaligned, causing the body to feel burdened and resulting in these side effects.

“Then, are you really getting better?”

Rachel’s face began to regain color, seemingly recalling the Trintz disease, the Tieria flower, and the side effects of the treatment.

“Yes. There are side effects, but I won’t die.”

Hearing my words, Rachel covered her face with both hands. I could hear a faint sob from Rachel.

“I really thought your illness had worsened…”

Her voice, wet with tears, was mixed with relief.

“I’m so glad. Really.”

“Thank you for being happy for me.”

Seeing Rachel wipe away her tears, I started walking again.

Then I suddenly remembered the painkiller I had dropped on the dining room floor.

I thought about going back to get it but then shook my head. Instead, I looked at Rachel beside me.

“Rachel, I’m sorry, but can I ask you a favor?”

“Yes, just tell me.”

“There should be a bottle of medicine on the dining room floor. It’s a painkiller for the side effects that I dropped while coughing up blood. Can you find it and return it to me?”

“Yes, please wait a moment.”

Rachel grabbed a passing maid and instructed her to do what I asked. It was a simple task of going to the dining room and finding the bottle.

“I’ve instructed her, so she’ll find it soon. Is it okay if she brings it to you tomorrow morning?”

It would be great if she could find it right now, but knowing that it wouldn’t be easy for the maid to enter the dining room with Grandfather and Ains there, I nodded obediently.

“Yes, do that. Rivet has spare medicine, so it’s fine.”



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