The Reason Why She Wanted To Leave


“Did something happen there? Did someone do something bad to you? Just tell me. Even though I’m an old man now, I’m not so toothless that I can’t exert some influence in society.”

Grandfather spoke with anger as if it were his own matter.

If Grandfather gave me his support, surely people will at least reluctantly acknowledge me. But I couldn’t rely on something that wasn’t mine forever.

Even if Grandfather defended me now, it was something I would have to go through again eventually.

As I realized at the ball, I am only the head of a powerless Viscountess family. It was better not to desire things beyond my means from the beginning.

Having once already faced ruin due to excessive greed, I didn’t want to go through such an experience again. If it was something I had to go through anyway, I didn’t want to rely on Grandfather.

“Nothing happened. If something bad happens later and I can’t handle it myself, I’ll let you know then.”

I said so, but I probably would never ask Grandfather for help.

“Alright, if you ever need my help, be sure to tell me.”

“Yes, Grandfather.”

I smiled gently to reassure Grandfather.

As I was chatting with Grandfather for a while, a knock was soon heard on the door.

“Master, Viscountess Marves, the meal is ready.”

“Yes. We’ll be there.”

Recognizing Rachel’s familiar voice, I stood up from my seat.

A servant who had been waiting nearby approached and supported Grandfather. Grandfather rose from his seat, leaning on the servant.

He used to be able to walk alone before, but now even that seemed difficult.

Seeing Grandfather’s condition again made my heart ache a lot. Because of that, I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

Just as I was about to take a step, I staggered for a moment.

Fortunately, Rivet, who was standing next to me, caught me. Holding Rivet’s hand, I took a small deep breath.

However, the uneasy pain in my chest showed no sign of subsiding.


As I remained still, holding onto Rivet, Grandfather called my name, perhaps feeling puzzled.

I didn’t want to worry him unnecessarily, especially since he wasn’t in good health, so I tried to smile as brightly as possible.

“It’s just… I felt dizzy suddenly when I stood up.”

“Is it anemia again? You need to take care of your health too.”

Grandfather didn’t know that I was suffering from Trintz disease. I had begged Dr. Watt to keep my illness a secret. Because of that, Grandfather only knew that I had simple anemia symptoms.

“Yes. I’ve already met with Dr. Watt and got a prescription. You don’t need to worry too much.”

“Alright, that’s a relief… But still, just in case, I hope you get another check-up from Dr. Watt. Your complexion hasn’t been looking good lately.”

“Yes, I will. Definitely.”

After confirming that Grandfather was reassured, I took a step. Fortunately, there was no problem moving my feet.

I walked at Grandfather’s pace.

Luckily, Grandfather wasn’t fast. If he walked with long strides like Ains, he would have quickly noticed my condition.

Still, after practicing for a bit, I could soon walk as if nothing was wrong.

“Shouldn’t you take your medicine?”

As I let go of Rivet’s hand and walked alone, Rivet whispered to me in a small voice. After pondering for a moment, I shook my head at Rivet.

“Not yet. If it seems to get worse, I’ll take it then.”


I lightly patted Rivet’s drooping shoulder and went down the stairs.

The dining room was located on the first floor.

After descending all the stairs, I entered the dining room. Grandfather sat at the head of the table, and I sat next to him.

While waiting for the meal to be served, the closed dining room door opened, and an unexpected person entered the room.


I unconsciously called out Ains’ name as I stood up.

Ains, who had entered the dining room, confirmed Grandfather and me, and then moved his long legs straight towards the dining table.

Then he sat down in the seat opposite me.

“What are you doing? Do you plan to keep standing there?”

Ains muttered, scolding me. I looked at him with a troubled face and then sat down.

“I didn’t expect the Duke to come. You usually don’t show up…”

Even though Ains had planned to have dinner in the dining room tonight, I thought he would give up his seat since I had said I would have dinner with Grandfather.

It was a natural thought because it had always been that way until we got divorced.

However, after thinking about it a bit more, I quickly realized that the occurrence itself was strange.

After all, Ains was the owner of this mansion.

Until we got divorced, he hated even encountering me, so he didn’t come to the dining room, but now there was no reason for him to avoid me.

Rather, if anyone felt uncomfortable, it would be me, the guest, who should leave early.

However, Ains didn’t seem to mind that I was sitting opposite him.

“It’s not strange for me to have a meal in my mansion’s dining room, is it?”

“I was worried that the Duke might be uncomfortable…”

I spoke as I got up immediately, and Ains looked at me as if he couldn’t believe it. But the scolding words that should have followed didn’t come.

Ains, who had been staring at me silently for a long time, crossed his arms with a bitter smile.

“So, what if I say I’m uncomfortable?”

“…I’ll leave. I can’t bear to make the owner of the mansion uncomfortable.”

I finished speaking and turned to Grandfather. Grandfather was looking at me with a pitiful gaze.

“Grandfather, I’m sorry about tonight’s dinner…”


I was about to say I would get up from my seat, but Ains interrupted me.

I looked at Ains with a puzzled heart. He was frowning as if something was displeasing.

“It’s fine, just have your meal. I came knowing you were here anyway.”

His words were harsh, but they contained permission.

I hesitated for a moment but chose to sit down. Despite my relationship with Ains, I didn’t want to worry Grandfather.

“You came out knowing I was here?”

“Yes. There’s no way things happening in this mansion wouldn’t reach my ears.”

It was a natural story. It was actually more embarrassing because it was something I already knew.

But I didn’t show it and kept my mouth shut. Ains also didn’t say anything further.

Grandfather looked back and forth between Ains and me and sighed quietly.


Grandfather called Ains.

When Ains looked at Grandfather, Grandfather made a stern face.

“Cecilia was once your wife. Even though you are divorced, treat her with respect.”

“It was an unwanted engagement and an unwanted marriage. Forced by you, Grandfather. But you didn’t acknowledge my efforts to endure this marriage until the divorce.”


Grandfather scolded him sternly. Ains stared straight at Grandfather and then turned his head.

“I’m doing my best, so let’s leave it at that.”

Ains informed as if he wouldn’t listen to Grandfather’s scolding anymore and turned his gaze. He looked at me. His still emotionless eyes were directed at me.

A heavy silence fell over the dining room.

Neither I, Grandfather, nor Ains spoke because of the awkwardness.

If the meal hadn’t started coming out one by one, I would have experienced indigestion without eating anything.

“After dinner, take the documents before you leave.”

Ains spoke while we were quietly continuing our meal.

At first, I didn’t realize he was talking to me, so my response was a beat late.

“…What did you say?”

“The documents Jackson investigated about Viscount Moldovan. It details how he seduced wealthy merchants’ wives and noblewomen to extort their valuables.”

At Ains’s words, I recalled the time I met Ains while I was with Cadia a few days ago.

As the memory of that day came to mind, my brows furrowed naturally.

“I don’t think I need those documents.”

Anyway, I had no feelings for Cadia.

Even if he was a scoundrel who was after my wealth, he couldn’t take anything from someone who had no feelings for him.

Moreover, I also remembered that Ains had mentioned Cadia twice. Because of that, I was already cautious about Cadia.

“I’ll handle my matters myself. Thank you for your concern, but I’ll say it one last time. Don’t interfere in my affairs.”


Ains frowned at my firm words.



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