The Reason Why She Wanted To Leave


The day of the Reflen Auction arrived quickly. I spent the morning anxiously waiting for time to pass, and left the estate just as the auction house was opening.

Even while sitting in the moving carriage, my anxiety didn’t ease. Despite knowing I had enough money to buy the Tieria flower, I couldn’t help but worry. What if the flower listed in the pamphlet was a fake? Or worse, what if someone bid over a million gold?

Logically, these scenarios were highly unlikely, but I couldn’t keep my mind from racing. Clenching my cold, tense fingers, I closed my eyes tight and silently prayed that nothing would go wrong.

Upon arriving at the Reflen Auction House, I headed straight for the entrance. The staff member waiting at the door was the same one I had seen before. He recognized me and bowed politely.

“It’s been a while, Viscountess.”

“Indeed. Could you show me to my seat?”

“Of course, please follow me.”

Following him inside, I was assigned to seat number 8. It was clear I had arrived earlier than most. I settled into the sofa and leaned back. A singer was performing on the stage in front of me. I tried to calm my nerves by listening to her song.

It’ll be alright. By the end of today, this dreadful fear of death will be over. For the first time since leaving the estate, my heart started to feel a bit more at ease. Whether it was because I had arrived at the auction house or because of the singer’s soothing voice, I couldn’t tell.

* * *

“Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for waiting. I am Chapman Garnick, your auctioneer for today.”

The auction began just as I had been fervently praying for time to pass with my eyes closed. Though I had arrived early and spent a couple of hours waiting, today, even the waiting was enjoyable.

The Tieria flower I was waiting for was the eleventh item on the list. I watched the auction progress, quietly anticipating its turn. Finally, after the tenth item was sold, the eleventh item was brought to the stage.

“The eleventh item is the Tieria flower.”

I picked up the opera glasses provided and examined the item. It was indeed the Tieria flower I had seen in books.

“The starting bid for the Tieria flower is 50,000 gold.”

As soon as the auctioneer announced the starting price, bids began to rise from all corners. Even though the starting price was 50,000 gold, it was expected to go up to at least 250,000 gold. Realistically, I knew it would take around 300,000 gold to secure the flower.

Given that it was a highly sought-after material for both mages and swordsmen, I knew there would be competition. I placed my hand on the number pad and hesitated for a moment. The bid had just surpassed 114,000 gold. If I were to participate normally, I might get lucky and win at a lower price.

But ensuring I got the flower was my priority. Knowing it wasn’t the preferred method in auctions, I entered 350,000 gold directly into the number pad.

“Customer number 8 bids 350,000 gold! Any higher bids? If there are no further bids by the count of five, it will be sold to customer number 8. Five…”

As soon as I entered 350,000 gold, the bidding stopped. The amount was too high for anyone to comfortably raise.

“Four,” the auctioneer continued counting slowly.

“Three,” each second felt like an eternity to me.

“Two,” please, let there be no more bids.

“One,” I prayed fervently with my hands clasped.

“Sold to customer number 8 for 350,000 gold!”

The auctioneer’s announcement confirmed that my efforts hadn’t been in vain. Despite intentionally bidding high, I had secured the Tieria flower. It felt surreal, and I sat there, frozen in place.

“Now, onto the twelfth item,” the auctioneer moved on, confirming that I had indeed won the bid.

Overwhelmed with emotion, I covered my face with my hands. My breath quickened, and tears welled up in my eyes. The realization that I had finally obtained the crucial ingredient for the treatment was so overwhelming that I couldn’t help but cry.

It took several deep breaths to calm myself down. Too anxious to wait for the auction to end, I stood up immediately. Like last time, I knew I could collect the item upon payment.

I left seat number 8 and headed out.

“Do you need assistance?” A staff member waiting outside asked kindly. I nodded at her.

“I’d like to collect the item I won.”

“Please follow me.”

She led me to the transaction room where I had previously collected mana stones from Ains. The same staff member from last time greeted me warmly.

“Hello, Viscountess Marves. You won the eleventh item, the Tieria flower, from seat number 8, correct?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“The price is 350,000 gold. Would you like to pay immediately, or inspect the item now and pay within a week?”

There were two ways to collect items from the auction house.

If I had the ability to pay immediately, I could settle the amount here and take the item with me. If I didn’t have the money on hand, I could inspect the item now and pay within a week to reclaim it. If I couldn’t pay, the item would be re-listed in the next auction, and in the case of living items like the Tieria flower, a penalty fee would be charged.

Fortunately, I had anticipated that the auction price might exceed my expectations, so I had brought a substantial amount in checks.

“I can pay right away, so please show me the item.”

“Certainly. Please wait a moment.”

At the staff member’s signal, another employee brought out an elegant pot with the Tieria flower planted in it.

“Please inspect it first, and if everything is in order, you can proceed with the payment.”

I carefully examined the flower in front of me, comparing it to the countless images I had seen in books. The softly glowing white petals confirmed it was indeed the Tieria flower. No other flower I knew of emitted its own light.

“Everything checks out. I’ll make the payment.”

“Very well.”

I took out three 100,000-gold checks and five 10,000-gold checks from my pocket and handed them to the staff member. He verified the checks and then smiled at me.

“Payment confirmed. Thank you, Viscountess Marves. We appreciate your continued patronage at the Reflen Auction House.”

I stood up, not forgetting to take the pot with the Tieria flower.

“Allow me to escort you to the main entrance.”

I cradled the pot carefully as I walked outside. Though the staff offered to carry it for me, I didn’t want to risk anything happening to this precious flower, so I held onto it myself despite the inconvenience.

The carriage was already waiting at the main entrance, likely called ahead by the staff. Rivet, who was waiting by the carriage, saw the pot in my hands and greeted me with a bright smile.

“You got it! That’s such a relief, Master.”

“Yes. We can’t waste any time. Let’s head straight to Dr. Watt’s clinic.”


As soon as Rivet and I got into the carriage, it started moving toward Dr. Watt’s clinic. I kept checking the pot during the ride, almost unable to believe that the Tieria flower was really in my possession. Thankfully, the flower remained safely nestled in my arms.

“Viscountess, we’ve arrived at Dr. Watt’s clinic.”

Hearing the coachman’s words, I quickly got out of the carriage. Inside the clinic, Dr. Watt rose from his seat to greet me as I entered.

“Madam! You made it. And that pot…”

Dr. Watt’s eyes widened in surprise as he saw the Tieria flower.

“You mentioned you were going to get it, but seeing it in person is astonishing.”

“Yes. Please use this to make the medicine.”

“Of course. Since you informed me a few days ago, I’ve already prepared the other ingredients. However, processing the flower by steaming and drying will take some time.”

“How long exactly?”


Dr. Watt inspected the flower thoughtfully. He had mentioned last time that it would be ready by next week, so it shouldn’t take too long.

“It should be ready by next Monday. I will bring the medicine to you then.”

“Thank you. Truly, thank you.”

I expressed my gratitude to Dr. Watt repeatedly.

* * *

Dr. Watt arrived at the Marves estate on the promised Monday. Ever since handing over the Tieria flower on Friday, I had been eagerly awaiting his visit. As soon as he arrived, I led him to the drawing room.

“Is the medicine ready?” I asked.

Dr. Watt nodded. “Yes, Madam. Fortunately, it has been successfully prepared.”

“Then let’s administer it right away…”

“No, Madam. It can’t be done here.”

Dr. Watt’s tone was firm.



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