The Reason The Villain Covets Me

Chapter 9

‌⁠♡⁩ TL: Khadija SK




The day after Theodore took Annette out of the asylum as the Grand Duchess, all the popular newspapers and wall magazines in the city of Leider covered the event with identical headlines.


[The Secret Marriage of Grand Duke Theodore to Lady Annette, the Only Daughter of the Late Marquis Cheringen.]


The marriage became a scandal, although it didn’t matter whether it was a trivial scandal or a serious issue.


Prominent social figures, who were bored, found Theodore and Annette’s story to be a source of entertainment.


According to imperial law, even the marriage of a poor village peasant is announced to the entire village, but a member of the royal family got married in secret?


Theodore had mixed blood, his father being the Emperor and his mother a commoner concubine, but he certainly carried royal blood.


Moreover, his strong appearance and domineering demeanor—which instilled fear in others—were more befitting of a royal family member than the behavior of Crown Prince Hugo.


Although no one acknowledged it, everyone knew it because Hugo was the son of the current Emperor.


Ironically, Theodore was treated as a member of the imperial family only when he did something unworthy of his family’s position, and this was used as an excuse to belittle him.


The aristocrats who attended his first wedding were well aware of how terrifying and frightening Theodore was compared to the imperial family.


Although it was a failed marriage that wasn’t completed, it was unforgettable for the same reason.


Theodore’s first marriage was to Paula Stadler.


The Stadlers were a noble and respected aristocratic family.


The head of the family was a court aristocrat without a title but held an honorary rank instead.


(T.N: By “title,” it refers to titles such as Duke, Marquis, Count, Baron, etc.)


He built his reputation by setting an example for the nobility through his generous contributions to the common people.


He was far from the power struggle and was distinguished by his honesty and virtue, but this reputation became a power in itself.


The respect the Stadlers received was exactly what Theodore, who was looked down upon as the illegitimate son of the Emperor, needed.


Thus, the previous Emperor, Theodore’s father, arranged a marriage between Theodore and the daughter of Mr. Stadler—who was one of his loyal subjects—in the hope that his beloved son would face less criticism.


He thought Theodore could overcome one of his major weaknesses if he gained the support of the Stadler family through marriage at that time.


Therefore, it was a political marriage, and for this very reason, there were people who stood in the way.


Paula Stadler was poisoned at her wedding.


There was a poisoned needle in her bouquet, and the girl was slowly poisoned from the moment she appeared on the bridal path.


The sweat Paula thought was running down her skin due to nervousness was actually a cry for help from her body.


The bride’s expression, which had been smiling shyly, turned into a deathly pallor after holding the flowers.


The bride collapsed when she reached the platform and started bleeding from every orifice of her body right in front of Theodore, but he never panicked.


With terrifying eyes, Theodore looked at the guests’ seats, not at the bride who had become a cold, lifeless corpse.


He wondered who would want to stop his marriage and looked at those he found suspicious.


Judging by the guests’ reactions, Theodore identified the suspects among whom the culprit could be.


There were people everywhere who didn’t want the wedding to end peacefully, and one of them was definitely the culprit.


Theodore searched for the culprit with his eyes, and a cold smile appeared on his face as he looked at the attendees.


No one knew if Theodore identified the criminal that day or not, but everyone who saw his face could never forget the horror.


[The Devil Smiles Even in Front of His Bride’s Death.]


The newspapers reported that his cruel smile was his true demonic face.


Theodore’s cruelty attracted more attention than the identity of the killer who murdered Paula.


The marriage, which was intended to suppress the criticism questioning Theodore’s character, damaged his reputation even more.


From that day on, those who witnessed the deadly smile on his face avoided facing him directly.


Among them were Casselia Cheringen and Bjorn Cheringen.


Annette’s aunt, Casselia, and her uncle, Bjorn, saw Theodore’s eyes at the wedding.


Therefore, it was extremely exhausting for Casselia and Bjorn to endure Theodore’s gaze here and now.


The eyes that were now looking at them were exactly like those of a hunter searching for the culprit on that day.


Thus, they needed to flee quickly to avoid falling into danger.


Bjorn spoke in a high-pitched voice as if trying to conceal his discomfort.


“How rude! Are you accusing us now or what?”


In the middle of the elegant salon, Theodore had suddenly appeared and seated himself before the two Cheringens, uttering words that sounded like an interrogation.


By manipulating documents related to Annette and investigating those who had forcibly admitted her to an asylum, Theodore discovered that the culprit was within the Cheringen family.


Of course, Bjorn and Casselia denied it.


Bjorn, in particular, was fiercely resistant.


“How many times do I have to tell you to understand? I told you I know nothing. No matter how grand a prince you may be, you cannot accuse a noble of being a criminal without evidence.”


“Lower your voice, Bjorn.”


Casselia covered her mouth with a fan and whispered to Bjorn.


Attention had been drawn to them in the salon.


It was clear that what happened today would spread through society, as they were nobles with a significant reputation in social circles.


“Sister! Our family has just been insulted. Even if he’s a prince, he can’t ignore the status of the Cheringens!”


“The real insult is what my wife endured in that mental hospital.”


“Didn’t I just tell you earlier that we had nothing to do with her admission to the mental hospital?”


When Bjorn’s voice showed no sign of retreating, Casselia gently poked her brother’s hand with her fan.


Only then did Bjorn realize that everyone around them was watching with curious eyes.


Instead of Bjorn, who still needed to learn composure, Casselia dealt with Theodore.


“Where is my niece now? I don’t believe the daughter of Cheringen was ‘staying’ with Your Highness when she should have been attending her father’s funeral.”


Casselia skillfully changed the subject, redirecting the criticism from the complex relationship within the Cheringen family to the inappropriate relationship between Theodore and Annette.


“She may not compare to members of the imperial family, but she is a precious child who inherited Cheringen blood. If she is truly with you, I ask you to return her to her home.”


“My sister is right. The fact that she became the Grand Duchess is stranger than the fact that she was locked up in an asylum. Your Highness must return her until it’s confirmed whether the rumors in the newspapers are true or not. We cannot risk her honor.”


Even Bjorn joined in demanding Annette, but Theodore was not easily swayed.


“My wife is in my home, which is now also her home as the Grand Duchess. However, her safety is not guaranteed, so she is refraining from going out at the moment.”


“She is in the Grand Duke’s palace… Are you saying that you really married Annette and made her the Grand Duchess?”


“The marriage was conducted in secret, with just the two of us present. The priest who witnessed our union at that time can testify to this.”


Bjorn could not hide his embarrassment.


Kasselia, who had always thought her younger brother, who displayed his emotions without restraint, lacked a lot, would have struggled to manage her expressions too if not for the fan covering her face.


That iron man had defended Annette with all his might.


How could Annette escape with Theodore’s help?


How could she become the Grand Duchess and enter an untouchable darkness?


Why did her niece marry a strange man without saying a word to the family?


Casselia questioned firmly, but what she received in response was a thick sheet of paper.


They were documents proving the marriage of Annette and Theodore.


She examined them closely, but they were flawless documents with no issues in the legal procedures.


“You must know that a marriage is not established by the wedding vows alone; there are significant procedures beyond exchanging vows in the church.”


Theodore was a Grand Duke who inherited imperial blood.


It was impossible for someone of his stature to marry just because he desired it.


Casselia did not believe it at all and remained convinced it was mere nonsense.


When Bjorn clicked his tongue and expressed his dissatisfaction with Theodore openly, Theodore laughed and placed something else on the table.


“This… this…”


This time, even Casselia could not maintain her composure.


“I’m sure you both know what this necklace means. If you are of the Marquis Cheringen family, you will know its meaning without me needing to explain anything.”


It was a necklace engraved with a dragon holding a red ruby in its mouth.


There was only one person in the empire who could use a seal with a dragon, and that was the Emperor.


The dragon holding the jewel in its mouth symbolized the Emperor who had bestowed the necklace.


The ruby was a symbol of Emperor Dominik, Theodore’s father.


“I used this necklace on the day of my wedding to Annette.”


“Are you saying that His Majesty the Emperor’s seal was used for the marriage… Is that what you mean?”


“Exactly. I’m prepared to offer everything I have to stay with the Grand Duchess, whom I love more than anything in the world.”


Bjorn thought that it was time for Theodore to be admitted to a mental asylum himself.


The necklace bearing the Emperor’s emblem was a symbol of love and a mark of power. The person who possessed the previous Emperor’s necklace could obtain anything they desired from the next Emperor.


As long as the request did not threaten the Emperor’s position or the foundation of the empire, the Emperor was obliged to listen to the request of the person holding this necklace and grant them whatever they wished.


The reason for the current Emperor’s resentment toward Theodore was that he could not harm him, as Theodore was the one who had been granted the necklace by their father.


(T.N.: The current Emperor is Theodore’s brother and Hugo’s father.)


Above all, this necklace could only be used once in a lifetime.


But to think that Theodore would use the shield that protected him, which could be used only once, just to marry a crazy murderer…


This was not a rational act at all.


However, Theodore’s face remained calm as he looked at the stunned Bjorn and Casselia.


“I experienced the loss of my future wife right before my eyes, and I could not risk the same thing happening twice. That is why I arranged a secret wedding, and I hope you both understand my position.”


“So you are already married to Annette… Is that correct?”


“That’s right.”


Theodore’s failed marriage was an excuse to make Annette the Grand Duchess in secret. It seemed reasonable that he did not reveal their marriage publicly because he feared the bride would die again during the wedding.


But if one thought carefully, they could see a flaw in Theodore’s words. However, Bjorn, who was not quick to catch others’ slips, began to get confused.


Casselia was furious with her foolish younger brother in her heart, but she controlled her emotions and managed the situation on behalf of her brother, who lacked so much.




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