The Pure White Lady Intelligence Officer

Nisha, the girl from the slums

The next day, I woke up early, brushed my teeth, washed my face, went downstairs for breakfast, and then headed to the slums.
The slums were a poor neighborhood in the capital city of Londinium, home to unprotected immigrants, homeless vagrants, thugs, and criminals. It could be considered the lowest stratum of this country. I heard even gangs were hesitant to go there, let alone ordinary citizens.
According to the original story, Nisha – who had devoted herself to protecting Rosalind when she was thrown here – lived on Street 2, in the deepest part of the slums.
The story development documents also mentioned that the girl was independent, didn’t socialize with anyone, and would pretend to seduce men who approached her for her body, kill them, and rob their possessions. If she couldn’t resist, she would offer her body while enduring the humiliation.
Nisha, like Olivia, was a character I loved after Lady Rosalind.
I couldn’t do anything for the deceased Olivia, but I could help Nisha right now. There was no need to wait five years for the foolish prince I wanted to kill most to come and save her.
As soon as I set foot in the slums, I could feel scrutinizing gazes from all directions. The locals were eyeing me like foxes stalking prey, but I deliberately emitted a murderous aura to intimidate them. Eventually, I reached Street 2 unscathed. There, appearing before me was the girl Nisha from the story.
“What is it, mister…?”
Upon hearing the girl’s first words, I couldn’t help but exclaim.
Sun-tanned skin; short, messy black hair just past her shoulders; slightly slanted eyes, as blue as sapphires; a delicate nose and small mouth; it was Nisha.

According to the original story, 17-year-old Nisha was taller and more robust, while the current 12-year-old Nisha was skinny as described in the story development documents. However, her sharp gaze and the aura of a fierce beast remained unchanged.
“You’re Nisha, aren’t you?”
My heart surged with emotion as I spoke to Nisha.
“Yeah, that’s right. Who are you? What do you want with me?”
In response to Nisha’s suspicious gaze, ready to pounce and kill me at any moment, I extended my right hand:
“I’ve come to save you. Become my companion, Nisha.”
Nisha was stunned for a moment, her face seeming to say, “What the hell is this guy talking about?”
“… What are you saying? Did I hear that wrong? You came to save me? Not to buy me? Besides, with a face like that, surely you don’t lack for women, right?”
“You didn’t mishear, Nisha. I live to save an unfortunate person, and I need a partner. Also, I want you to be happy. That’s why I want you to become my companion and partner!”
Nisha frowned:
“Are you… on drugs or something? Or are you looking down on me? Do you think you can trick a slum kid with sweet talk? Are you trying to lure me away to sell me to slave traders?”
“No, I’m very clear-headed, and I don’t intend to sell you. I just want what’s best for you. Come with me, and you’ll eat well and sleep in a warm bed every day.”
“Are you crazy…? And how do you even know my name?”
This isn’t working… Normally, I would say something more manipulative, but I let my emotions override my reason.
“Think about it carefully. Do you want to live forever in fear, not knowing when you’ll die in a place with no future like these slums?”
“Even so, what’s that got to do with you!? Get out of here! Or I’ll kill you!!”
Agitated by my words touching her pain, Nisha pulled out a knife and threatened me, her eyes fierce like a rabid dog.
How strange. Nisha’s deepest desire must be peace, which is why she followed Prince Karl out of the slums, right…?
“Or perhaps she only calmed down and changed her way of thinking at seventeen…?”
“What are you mumbling about!? Don’t look down on me just because I’m a kid!!”
Currently, Nisha is 12, not 17. Perhaps this stage is the peak of her rebellious teenage years. She’ll view everything in the world as an enemy, not thinking about the future at all.
Even if she wanted to escape these slums, no one in their right mind would agree to the proposal of a stranger who suddenly appears claiming to save them.
“Alright… It’s my fault…”
I was disappointed by my impulsiveness. Is this how Raptor should act? There were so many better ways to persuade her, weren’t there?
“I look suspicious, so it’s no wonder you don’t trust me. But I want you to believe me. Nisha, come with me.”
Why am I saying such clumsy things? This isn’t like me at all.
“That’s enough, shut up! Stop calling my name so casually! You look rich, don’t you? I’ll kill you and take your money!”
“Is there no avoiding this…? But I don’t want to use force…”
Before I could finish my sentence, Nisha closed the distance and stabbed her knife at my chest. I dodged to the side and snatched the knife in an instant.
Nisha stared blankly at her hand, which had been disarmed without her realizing it, then spun around and shouted:
“W-what did you just do!?”
“I just dodged. Here, I’ll give it back.”
I tossed the knife back to her.
“What’s that supposed to mean…?”
Nisha picked up the knife while glaring at me with murderous eyes.
“You adorable mad dog, I guess you won’t feel at ease until you know who’s on top, right? Alright, come at me. I’ll subdue you as gently as possible.”
“You bastard…! If you want to die, I’ll kill you!!”
Being small, Nisha relied on her dagger to face opponents who were larger and physically stronger. However, using a knife without technique makes it very easy to dodge.
“What!? Ouch!”
Before the knife could touch me, I placed my hands on Nisha’s shoulders, shifted my weight to my supporting leg, and pushed gently, causing her to fall on her bottom.
“Is that all?”
“D-don’t underestimate me!”
Nisha immediately stood up, holding the knife reversed in her right hand. She feigned a slash while aiming to stab my heart, but just as she swung her arm, I used both hands to push her chin.
Nisha lost her balance and fell on her bottom again.
“Damn it!”
As Nisha tried to stand up, I used my right hand to push her left jaw.
Affected by the opposing force while in an unstable state, Nisha couldn’t regain her footing. She was about to stand up but fell again, repeating this cycle several times. The technique I had been using was a form of Eastern martial arts that allows the user to neutralize an opponent while minimizing injuries, very suitable for this situation. However, if I applied force carelessly, it could still cause broken bones, dislocations, or muscle damage.
Surprisingly, Nisha, with her keen fighting instinct, quickly grasped the technique and transformed her fall into an immediate counterattack.
I dodged the swinging knife while reaching for Nisha’s neck, performing a lariat move like in wrestling, causing her to fall backward.
“Ugh! W-who the hell are you…!?”
Facing Raptor, a type of person she had never encountered before, Nisha harbored complex emotions, a mix of discomfort, fear, and humiliation.
Originally, there was no reason for someone to suddenly appear wanting to save her. She had always lived in a world where one either robbed or was robbed, killed or was killed. She had killed so many people for money and food, and had been raped by countless men she couldn’t overpower. Besides criminals, prostitutes, slave traders, or madams, no one needed someone whose body, soul, and hands were as tainted as hers.
And then there was his strength. She had faced many different opponents before, but this guy was different. Forget about winning, she didn’t even feel like she was fighting a human anymore.
“Who on earth are you…!?”
Medium-length blonde hair, long eyelashes, golden eyes, a straight nose, thin lips, a slender jaw, standing nearly 1.9 meters tall, with a lithe build. This guy was unbelievably handsome. Moreover, his voice was sweet and deep. There was nothing to criticize. How could such a perfect man come to save her? No way that could happen!
“W-why are you…”
Exhausted after many failed attempts, Nisha was about to inquire about Raptor’s true intentions when over a dozen men dressed in ragged, dirty clothes rushed out from an alley wielding crude weapons.
“Hey, Nisha. You’ve been killing too many of our friends lately!”
“Y-you guys…!”
Why did they have to show up at the worst possible moment, Nisha clicked her tongue.
“Who are they, Nisha? Acquaintances?”
“As if! They’re the buddies of some guys who tried to rape me but I killed them instead!”
Nisha answered my question with a contemptuous tone.
“Hmm… I see…”
“Oh ho, Nisha, why do you look so battered?”
“How convenient!”
“Hey, what should we do with that handsome guy?”
“We’re all men here, let him have a taste too!”
“OK, let’s do it!”
“I’ll borrow this for a bit.”
“This doesn’t concern you, run away quickly!”
Faced with the thugs’ lewd laughter and vile gazes, Raptor showed no sign of fear, calmly picking up the fallen knife. Nisha shouted, but instead of running away, Raptor turned towards the thugs, glanced back at Nisha and smiled:
“I told you, didn’t I? That I came to save you.”
Looking at Raptor’s back, Nisha felt an indescribable sensation that she had never experienced since birth.
“What’s this, brother? Want to fight us?”
“Aren’t you afraid of ruining that handsome face?”
“It’s a whole group against one, you’ll end up with scars even if you don’t lose an eye.”
“Perfect timing. Nisha, let me teach you basic fighting techniques and how to use a knife effectively. Pay close attention.”
Raptor, as if facing familiar friends, closed the distance with the thugs.
Witnessing Raptor charges forward with a relaxed demeanor, without any defense or killing intent, the thugs became flustered.
“First, when fighting, always stay calm, don’t show emotions, maintain a natural attitude as much as possible, and judge the opponent’s purpose and strengths to determine how to respond. ‘The eyes are the window to the soul,’ usually looking into the opponent’s eyes will help you understand their emotions and intentions.”
And Raptor cut the carotid artery of the lead man at a speed invisible to the eye, yet looking as friendly as if shaking hands with a close friend.
By the time the man realized he had been slashed, blood was already spurting from his neck.
“When assassinating, aim for the throat. Cut at least 4 centimeters deep, otherwise the blade won’t reach the carotid artery. If you do this, the opponent won’t be able to call for backup.”
He collapsed on the spot. His companions, after being stunned for a moment, raised their weapons and fiercely attacked Raptor.
“Oi oi!!”
“You bastard!!”
“Kill him, bro!!”
“Next, when facing a group, avoid being surrounded. If possible, lure them into an alley or indoors, try to force them into one-on-one situations.”
Raptor dodged the thugs’ attacks by a hair’s breadth, calmly taking them down one by one.
“When attacking, don’t look directly at the spot you’re aiming for. Instead, use your gaze to deceive the opponent, feint in one direction and strike in another. Also, minimize preparatory movements, and exert maximum power with minimal motion.”
“If targeting the arm, aim for the armpit where many nerves are concentrated, it’s hard to stop the bleeding and can be fatal, or at least cause intense pain and immobilize the arm. For the leg, stab deep into the thigh, as the femoral artery is located there. If the opponent doesn’t die, it will at least restrict their movement.”
‘Practice what you preach,’ Raptor stabbed one man in the armpit and another in the thigh.
“If targeting the abdomen, basically anywhere works, but if you want to ensure death, aim for the heart or solar plexus. If you want the opponent to suffer prolonged pain, aim for the lungs or bladder. Stab to the hilt, and don’t forget to twist the blade.”
The men stabbed in the heart and bladder fell face-first, their eyes wide with extreme pain. Just hearing their agonized groans was enough to induce fear.
“The most important thing after stabbing is to withdraw the knife. If possible, have a backup weapon ready in case you can’t pull it out, then abandon it and use the spare.”
Now only one thug remained.
“W-wait a minute! I-I’ll do anything you say, please spare me! I-if you need money, I’ll give you everything!”
He dropped his weapon, took out his money pouch, and threw it forward. Raptor slowly approached…
“One last thing…”
… stabbed directly into the opponent’s throat, then moved behind him.
“… try to avoid getting blood on yourself, as it can transmit infectious diseases and stain your clothes.”
With that, Raptor pulled the knife out of the thug’s throat. Blood gushed out profusely, he clutched his neck and collapsed, gasping for air, his legs twitching for a moment before lying still.
“Do you understand, Nisha? Here, I’ll return this to you.”
Raptor took out a handkerchief, wiped the blood off the knife, then held the blade and offered the handle to Nisha.
Nisha timidly accepted it while asking:
“C-can I trust you…?”
She had always lived in these slums, a place filled with social evils. Her hands were stained with countless crimes. The gazes directed at her were always full of contempt, lust, and fear. Yet Raptor looked at her with kind eyes, speaking to her in a gentle tone that came from the depths of his heart. And he had fought to protect her against more than a dozen notorious thugs in the slums, killing them all in a matter of minutes with cold and brutal efficiency, without sustaining a single wound.
At first, she thought he was just some rich guy, but not. His eyes when killing the thugs were cold as ice, as if they had no value at all. But towards her alone, his eyes were as gentle as a father’s love for his child.
That difference unconsciously made her want to cling to the first loving gaze he gave her, even though she had always lived without relying on anyone.
“Of course you can. Right now, there are two people in this world whose happiness I desire. And you’re one of them, Nisha.”
Raptor extended his hand.
“Heh… you are crazy. Even in the end, I still don’t understand what you’re saying at all.”
Nisha took his hand.
“Yeah, I feel the same way.”
“What’s your name?”
Nisha asked as she stood up.
“I’m an orphan, so I don’t have a name. But people around me call me Raptor. You can call me whatever you like, Nisha.”
“In that case…” Nisha pondered for a moment before deciding: “Master!”
Raptor was taken aback by Nisha’s bright smile and chosen form of address. A feeling of joy welled up inside him.
“Do you want to call me that…?”
“Yeah, you were confidently ‘lecturing’ me earlier, why so shy now? From now on, please take care of me, Master!”
“Hmm, is that so? I warn you, I’m very strict!”
“How can it be stricter than living here?”
“Well said.”
After that, Raptor and Nisha left the slums, heading towards an inn, laughing and talking along the way.

hi guys, pls support me in my Kofi


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