The Promiscuous Life of Father and Son

The son's p*ssy is made to be f*cked by dad

Translator’s Note: Continuing this novel and all the other ones I’ve left in the cold for so long because of how bad my state of mind is before, thank you for waiting!


I was reading the first chapter and just realized how awkward saying “the son is.. or “the son that..” in almost every line because it’s english and it doesn’t make much sense, so I’ve decided to just use the pinyin, which is “Erzi“.


Let me know if you dislike that! I’m always open for changes♡


The soft and tender p*ssy tightly clamped the fingers inside, Wu Ziran closed his eyes, arched his back slightly, moved his hands quickly under the quilt, and moaned again.


“Mnhh…mhmm……daddy f*cked so fast…so deep…the little p*ssy will be f*cked badly by daddy’s big d*ck…”


“Daddy…Daddy…f*ck erzi hard…pierce erzi’s p*ssy to pieces… Erzi’s p*ssy was made for daddy to f*ck…”


“Ahhh~… Daddy’s big d*ck stabbed erzi’s c*nt… My little p*ssy is so comfortable being f*cked by daddy… ¹Erzi is so happy…”


“Ahhhhhhh!~…. Dad…Dad…Erzi is about to c*m…Daddy made erzi c*ms again…”




Wu Ziran gasped for breath, his body trembling all over as he c*mmed again.


After venting, Wu Ziran fell back and lay there limply.


“Father… Erzi is so comfortable… Erzi wants you to f*ck him like this…”


As soon as his murmur fell, Wu Changming’s voice came from outside: “Ran’er, come out for dinner.”


Hearing his father calling him, Wu Ziran quickly responded: “I’m coming, Dad.” After speaking, he hastily pulled his hands out of his p*ssy, quickly put on his pants, tied his belt,  lifted the quilt and got out of bed.


When he got off the bed, his legs were still soft, and there was still numbness in the p*ssy underneath.


But in order not to make his father wait too long, he endured the pleasurable discomfort, put on his shoes and walked out.


Soon he was in the kitchen.


Liu Qingniang had already prepared the food, and Wu Changming was sitting on the bench, drinking with a small plate of peanuts.


“You child is too ignorant. Your father has been busy all day, yet you still let him call you for dinner.” Liu Qingniang said in a preaching tone.


“I made a mistake, mother, I won’t do it next time.” Wu Ziran stood there and admitted his mistake.


Wu Changming, who was drinking, didn’t want to say much at first, but when he looked up and saw his son’s face blushing like his wife’s, he couldn’t help but to interject: “It’s alright Qingniang, the child didn’t make any big mistakes.”


“The big mistakes are all accumulated from small mistakes. Now he doesn’t know how to feel sorry for his elders. ²It’ll get back to us when we’re older.” Liu Qingniang was relentless.


Wu Changming was not happy to hear these words. After he picked up the wine glass and drank it down, he put the empty glass on the table with a “snap“.


“It’s just calling the child to have a meal, it’s not a big deal. Don’t mention this matter again. Sit down and eat!”


No matter how poor their family is, Wu Changming is still the head of the family. Liu Qingniang didn’t dare to say anything else, but she secretly hated this monster son who was neither male nor female in her heart more and more.


Seeing this, Wu Ziran couldn’t say anything, he washed his hands and sat down.


During the dinner, Wu Changming drank a lot of wine.


After the meal, seeing him getting up staggeringly, Wu Ziran quickly stepped forward to support him.


“Dad, I’ll take you back to the room.”


“Hmm…” The drunk Wu Changming put his hand on his son’s shoulder.


When Wu Ziran helped his father to leave, his mother said: “Take off your father’s clothes, don’t let him sleep with his clothes on.”


“Also, stay in the room and watch your father for a while. I want to prepare dry food for your father to go to the field tomorrow. You can go back to your room after I finish my work.”


“Understood, mother.” Wu Ziran obediently responded.


The father and son left the kitchen.


After returning to the room, Wu Ziran helped his father to sit on the kang, then took off his father’s blouse and shoes.


“Father, erzi will help you lie down.” Wu Ziran also got on the kang and helped his father to lie down inside.


After finally getting his tall and strong father on the bed, Wu Ziran began to take off his father’s pants.


Commoners from poor families mostly have their clothes sewn and mended, and sometimes the whole family wears one piece of clothing in rotation.


Wu Changming is capable, so he doesn’t need to share a piece of clothing with his wife and child. However, he is not rich enough to use cloth to make underwear.


Therefore, under the trousers, Wu Changming didn’t wear anything.


Wu Ziran, who was taking off his father’s pants, looked at the thick, long and huge co*k under his father’s crotch. His body softened instantly, and the p*ssy on his lower body clenched uncontrollably.


Daddy… Wu Ziran yelled in his heart.


Then, he glanced at his father who had his eyes closed tightly, as if he had fallen asleep, and by taking off his father’s pants, he inadvertently touched his father’s crotch.


When the tender fingers touched the c*ck, it immediately trembled twice.


Its movement frightened Wu Ziran quite a bit.


Wu Ziran hastily withdrew his hands, acting as if he was just trying to take off his father’s pants.


After a while, seeing that his father had no other reaction, Wu Ziran couldn’t help but heave a sigh of relief.


At the same time, this also fueled Wu Ziran’s courage.


Wu Ziran glanced at his father, then touched his father’s c*ck with his hand.


The “battle-hardened” c*ck has long been practiced with excellent ³technique, and it will usually erect proudly without touching it. It is as hard as an iron pestle. In addition, it is too strong, and ordinary meat holes cannot meet its needs. Therefore, It has always been in a state of dissatisfaction and ready to go all year round.


At this time, it was touched by Wu Ziran repeatedly, and it stood up straight in an instant.


“Uh… Qingniang…” Wu Changming woke up suddenly, and reached out to grab the hand under his crotch.


Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Wu Ziran to react, Wu Changming turned over, pressed him down, stretched out his hand to untie his belt, put his hand between his legs, raised his fingers and inserted into his wet p*ssy inside.


“Qingniang, there is a lot of water flowing in your c*nt, do you want to be f*cked by your husband?”


“Don’t worry, your husband will put his d*ck in your p*ssy right now and f*ck you well.”


¹Erzi is so happy – [要飞起来了] this sounds weird directly translated to English so i just use a more simpler term

²It’ll get back to us when we’re older– she meant that if now, their son, doesn’t even feel sorry for whatever he’s doing to the elders, what’s more in the future? He will definitely do more and the elders will suffer later because they didn’t properly discipline him.

³technique– [功夫]


catto support me!! (By onee-chan)


meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


  1. Xie yun says:

    Finallyyyyyyyyyyyy~~~~~ 😭😭 after long wait 😌 but TLr can i ask if u dont used * ?? Can use full words directly ?

    1. onee-chan says:

      Hi! Thanks for waiting for this novel(*´▽`)ノ I personally dislike the censorship “*” too! But the censorship is a must and cannot be changed(p′︵‵。)

  2. Nico says:


  3. Peach says:


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