The Princess Wants to Live

CHAPTER 027: Where is the criminal?

Greta was smiling contentedly. Because the fear felt by her palace chief made her laugh. Greta spoke again through the crown prince’s mouth.

“Let’s finish the work in the villa. As soon as possible.”

* * *

Incidents and accidents always happen unexpectedly. That is why they are called events or accidents. And this incident also happened at a time no one expected and a place no one expected. Even the person who caused the incident unexpectedly… 

Slurp, slurp.

The unconscious human being was placed on a piece of cloth with the pattern of an ancient god speckled on it.

“Ugh, huh, huh, huh.”

The man looked down at the unconscious Ambre, breathing heavily up to his chin. A few tens of minutes ago now.

‘Huh? Did he come to work today too? Working hard is appreciated, but if you go too far, it will ruin his body…? Ugh!’

 Ambuch was kidnapped by a man. The heir of the Taren family came into his hands very easily. The man’s plan was extremely simple. He makes sure to kidnap her the next time he encounters her. That’s all. Thinking of kidnapping the heir of the ‘Taren’ family, such a poor plan. Even a passing monkey would laugh. But there was a big gap between the man and the other kidnappers. This is none other than the reason for the kidnapping. Kidnappers usually kidnap someone for two main reasons: Revenge, or money. And in both cases, the criminals don’t want to get caught. Therefore, they carefully plan everything from how to approach the person they are kidnapping, the process of kidnapping him, and the post-kidnapping process, but…

“Oh God. My god, oh God.”

The man never worried about getting caught. It’s not like he suddenly gained such great strength that he could knock down everyone who came to catch him at once and run away. However, once the final sacrifice is offered in the ritual, his god will descend. What has he to fear when he meets God? The man stroked the unconscious Ambuch’s soft pink hair and laughed with his mouth torn.

“God is coming.”

The relationship that started with Ambuch’s pure good intentions ended very badly. 

* * *

Go back in time, a few hours before Ambuch was kidnapped.

“Is this place?”


Olivia and Cryer arrived at the vacant lot that the man from the Norden country had pointed out and discovered blood stains.

“It hasn’t been long. A few days, maybe within two days.”

Olivia looked around at Cryer’s words as he looked at the blood stains. Just like last time, there was a strangely sweet smell, and even though there were such clear blood stains, there was no smell of blood at all.

“It’s a pattern.”

Cryer found a distorted Old God symbol cleverly hidden in a pile of weeds, but Olivia was looking for something else.

“The princess?”

In response to his question, Olivia didn’t stop looking around her and said,

“A dead body. If there was no blood, what about the body?”

“Does not exist.”

Olivia gritted her teeth at Cryer’s firm answer.

“Then he’s still missing.”

If he’s not dead, there’s still a chance he could be saved.

“We should first find out who the owner of this blood stain is.”

Olivia’s actions were as rough as a storm.

“Good. Find my people.”

Olivia released the person. An overwhelming number of people. No matter what you do, it takes time and resources. And for most things, you could save time by investing a crazy amount of resources. For the princess, the only bloodline of the continent’s only empire, the Bolsheik royal family, to free people would mean mobilizing as many people as to dramatically reduce ‘time’.

“Your Highness, I found it!”

Thus, in a short time, she discovered that her mother and daughter, who had been having a hard time getting through the day without anyone paying attention or thinking anything strange, had disappeared.

“When did it disappear?”

“Well, I’m not sure about that…”

It seemed like only now did her mother and daughter’s neighbors realize that her mother and daughter were gone.

“Because the situation was so difficult, I thought he might have secretly escaped. She even wanted to run away.”

Olivia, who had been listening to the old woman’s story in a cracking voice, left the room. When the woman said that she wanted to run away, she was also saying that she deliberately did not give them her gaze. If her mother and daughter run away and those who pursue them appear, her neighbors must remain silent if they do not know their whereabouts. There was no way ordinary villagers could deceive the attention of professional human hunters. As soon as Olivia entered her imperial palace, she found a man from the country of Norden.

“Where are you?”

“I haven’t come to my senses yet, so I went to the room I was staying in…”

Even before her servant finished speaking, Olivia took her steps without hesitation. She found a trail of blood in the vacant lot the man had pointed to, so the killer must have been there, but not now. So now she had to find out where the culprit was.

‘This place.’

‘Here? This must be an empty lot… What, are you dead?’

‘No, I lost my mind.’

The man from Norden who had promised to tell him where the culprit was, fell into the vacant lot that Olivia and Cryer had turned over and lost consciousness again like a doll with its strings cut. He knows that Greta is behind the man. No, she knows that he is her doll. So, the fact that the man suddenly fainted like this was probably due to magic or something. But either way, the missing mother and daughter had no time to wait for the man to come to his senses. One side of the imperial palace. Because it was a place where envoys from other countries stayed, there was a commotion in the normally quiet palace. 


Olivia looked for the man with a loud noise as if the door was being torn apart and as if someone was about to be chewed up at any moment.

“Greeting Her Highness the Princess…”

Miraculously, Olivia came to her senses just before she appeared, and before the man could mechanically bend her knees, Olivia was immediately in front of him. She mercilessly grabbed the man by the collar. Although she was much smaller than the man, the force radiating from her body overwhelmed the man. Olivia looked into her dead fish eyes and she whispered through gritted teeth.

“Criminal, where are you?”

But the man’s eyes are still cloudy. When he didn’t open his mouth, Olivia pulled him even closer.

“I allowed you to come to the empire because I was confident that you knew.”

The blue eyes that pierced the man’s blurry eyes were directed to Greta behind him. And the corner of Greta’s mouth twitched as she felt his cold gaze as if it were digging into her bones. Princess. Princess of the Empire. What was nothing became a thorn in my eyes for a moment, and now it was as annoying as a thorn on the tip of her fingernail.


The moment Olivia gets so close to the man that their noses are almost touching. Wudangtang! 

The man’s neck was bent almost at a right angle and fell flat on the floor. Olivia, whose hands were empty for a moment, raised her head, and Cryer, who had very lightly grabbed the man’s back and sent him flying, came into her field of vision.


Before Olivia could even open her mouth. 


Cryer, who was stepping on the man’s hand, heard the sound of something being crushed.

“Criminal, where are you?”

And the man whose finger was crushed by Cryer was laughing. I couldn’t be happier. And the man, or rather Greta, willingly opened her mouth. Only for Cryer.

“The culprit…”

“Your Highness! Her Royal Highness!”

The urgent voice of the employee who came running through the wide open door rang loudly.

“Her Highness the Princess! Lady Taren is missing!”

* * *

The old saying goes that there is nothing wrong with it. Did I say it was to make matters worse? They say that unexpected bad things come one after another, as if they were promised. As soon as her mother and daughter’s disappearance was revealed, Ambuch, the only heir to the Taren family, also disappeared. How likely is it that the two disappearances were completely separate incidents at such an odd timing? The Marquis of Taren, who was staying a day or two away, also came to the imperial palace a day or two after hearing the news of his daughter’s disappearance. He has no trace of the stamina or dignity of a person with blue blood. He couldn’t straighten his legs properly due to the excessive movement, so he almost crawled over to Olivia and grabbed her arms.

‘Please, Her Royal Highness. Please. My lady…’

 Olivia just held his hand tightly. There would have been no need to ask Lady Taren why she entered the business hall alone. Isn’t this Taren’s territory? Even if there are people with bad intentions, no one dares touch ‘Taren’, and if an outside idiot tries to do so, people will do whatever it takes to stop them. And the reason her people loved her so much was not just because Ambre was her ‘taren’.

‘It’ll be okay now.’

‘Don’t worry too much!’

‘I will help you.’

This was because Ambre extended his hand to them whenever they were in trouble, out of goodwill and kindness. Ambuch treated the people with goodwill, and the people also returned the goodwill to Ambuch. In good faith and in good faith. However, as a result, Ambuch was defenselessly exposed to the criminal and disappeared. Olivia went outside, leaving behind the silently screaming Marquis Taren. Because she had to put an end to this bloody affair.

“Your Highness.”

Olivia ordered firmly in front of the many people waiting for her.


It was a difficult order for anyone to easily accept in the current situation, but no one expressed her doubts. Just follow. Cryer’s eyes twinkled as he watched the scene from the shadows. Olivia’s back was as small as ever and her thin shoulders were as frail as usual, but more than ever she felt like a very huge mountain.


“I’m here.”

She knew where the culprit was. It was only the words of a man from Norden, but Olivia believed Greta’s words, borrowed from the man’s mouth. There was a somewhat twisted trust that the wizard and his daughter, who were more serious about the Old Gods than anyone else, would not dare to mess around with things related to the Old Gods. She didn’t say anything to Olivia.

“Did you hear?”


She barely said anything, but a lot of words were exchanged between them. Soon Olivia stretched out her hand towards him.

“Let’s go.”

“If my princess orders it.”

Cryer very naturally took her hand and hugged her. Soon Olivia and Cryer pressed their foreheads together. The two people who were staring at each other closed their eyes and took a breath at the same time, as if they had made a promise. At the moment when their two breaths slowly became one beat, the two slowly turned their heads in one direction with their foreheads pressed together. To the place where the distorted altar of the ancient god is located.

“It’s time to end it.”



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on June, 10.

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