The Princess Wants to Live

CHAPTER 002: Is there any need to beat around the bush when everyone knows?

And following Olivia’s gaze, the attention of those gathered there was also fixed on the knight. His clear silver hair, reflecting all light like the moon of a night, and his half-lowered crimson eyes seemed to reflect everything. Following his straight nose, which slid smoothly, his lips, closed in a straight line, even felt a subtle pressure.




His gaze may have gone, but… it wasn’t as if he had been caught staring for just a moment, and to be fixated on him for so long. Despite being a modest beauty who didn’t make a fuss, Olivia, who was one of the most beautiful women on the continent, had never been involved in any rumors regarding men. If such a princess were to fall in love at first sight with a mere knight from a remote kingdom… the entire continent’s landscape would change dramatically. By the time people were swallowing their saliva. After the Imperial official finished speaking, the meeting proceeded amid an awkward atmosphere.


“… and those who oppose the proposal…”


No matter who shouted what, Olivia’s attention was entirely focused on Craeyer. And she didn’t try to hide it. Even if she tried to secretly observe him, there was no way Craeyer wouldn’t feel her gaze. In that case, it would be better to spread rumors all over town. “I have a huge interest in that man!” Among those present, there was no one who didn’t pay attention to Olivia, the princess of the empire. But if such a princess were to pour all her attention on a mere knight from a remote kingdom… that knight, Craeyer, wouldn’t be able to move recklessly. Craeyer wouldn’t kill everyone here and start a war right away. It was only a few months ago that the continent was on the brink of war. So the rumors created by her actions would serve as a lifeline for Olivia before negotiations or any discussions with Craeyer took place. Well, there was also the possibility that the crazy man would suddenly go berserk, kill himself, and turn this place into a sea of blood. But that was something beyond her control… Olivia clenched her fists. Although the smoothly manicured nails pierced her palm, the pain would help dilute the fear of Craeyer. Taking a deep breath, Olivia raised her hand without taking her eyes off Craeyer. As the voices of those who were becoming more and more intense with heated discussions quieted down at her gesture.


“It seems things have gotten too heated. Let’s take a break and resume.”


Before Olivia could finish her sentence, she stood up abruptly and approached Craeyer. Regardless of people gasping for breath, covering their mouths with both hands in astonishment, it didn’t show in Olivia’s eyes at all. At the end of her gaze, there was only Craeyer, sitting there with a face that showed no interest in anything in the world. -Thud. -Thud thud thud. As she approached, Olivia’s steps quickened. Drawing the attention of everyone in the meeting room, Olivia finally reached Craeyer, who was right in front of her, and spoke.


“Let me see.”


Ignoring etiquette, greetings, and pleasantries, Olivia cut to the chase. Although there was the sound of people gasping in astonishment, Olivia focused only on Craeyer. There had been some progress over several regressions and several continental wars. Although it was unknown who Craeyer was, where he came from, or how he became so powerful, there were a few minor preferences he had. First, he didn’t like people who talked too much. He said he preferred to keep things brief. He didn’t have the luxury to focus on other things. Olivia had died at his hands four times in the past few regressions. Not once did she escape his grasp. Olivia had to put in superhuman effort to ensure her neck, which was perfectly intact now, stayed that way. As she moved her heavy footsteps, as if weighed down by lead, just like a prisoner wearing heavy shackles, Olivia finally reached him. But instead of Craeyer in front of Olivia, another person popped up.


“Your Highness.”


“Your… Majesty.”


While mechanically receiving the greeting from the King of Norden, Olivia did not take her eyes off Craeyer. No, she couldn’t. The moment she took her eyes off him, it felt like her neck would be severed. Alternating between looking at Craeyer, who was silently bowing his head with a puzzled expression, and Olivia, who seemed to be glaring at him as if she wanted to kill him, the King of Norden finally spoke up.


“Is there something wrong with our knight?”


“Yes. There is a problem.”


“A problem?”


“Yes, there is an issue I need to discuss with him. Excuse us for a moment.”


Although the King of Norden didn’t understand at all, faced with Olivia’s attitude, which seemed too stubborn to be called the princess of the empire, he could only nod his head. The situation where the empire and a distant kingdom were entangled because of just one knight was not what he wanted at all.


“Um… yes. Please follow me for a moment.”


Olivia, who was about to call out his name out of urgency but ended up coughing awkwardly, gestured towards Craeyer. However, he remained silent. How much time had passed in the blink of an eye? Despite the cold sweat on her back, Olivia’s fingertips began to tremble slightly. As she reluctantly parted her dry lips, fortunately, the King of Norden spoke first.


“Um, what are you doing? Your Highness seems to be calling the knight.”


“I apologize.”


As soon as Craeyer spoke, the hair on the back of Olivia’s neck stood up. Although her throat felt stiff, she had no choice but to proceed.


“This… way.”


Without even accepting his escort, Olivia took brisk steps forward. Only Craeyer noticed the slight trembling of her round shoulders. Finally, arriving at the prepared chamber, Olivia swallowed her dry saliva. Since many people had seen them come here together, Craeyer wouldn’t just suddenly cut her throat here. He… he wouldn’t. Let’s believe that. Trying to hypnotize herself, Olivia, who entered the chamber first, turned around terrifyingly as Craeyer entered. -Click. The sound of the door locking echoed louder than thunder, making Olivia’s shoulders tremble greatly. Finally. Finally, they were alone. Her heart was pounding so hard that it felt like it would jump out of her mouth any moment. It was not the excitement but rather an arrhythmic pounding close to palpitations. She would have been much happier if the situation were like those in novels where she couldn’t resist calling him out due to love at first sight. 


“If Your Highness is pleased to see me, I apologize, but my body is still not ready to accompany anyone.”


Before she could even finish her thoughts, Craeyer, in a very polite yet oddly annoying manner, took the opportunity to speak. Although he maintained the semblance of proper etiquette, his greetings were brief and to the point.


“I didn’t bring you here because I like you. I called you here because I have something real to discuss.”


Brushing her chilled cheek, Olivia refuted his words without hesitation. She then gestured towards Craeyer.


“You don’t need to follow etiquette that doesn’t suit you. Whether you speak informally or formally, it’s up to you.”


It was his first experience of trembling so much while addressing someone with honorifics. Then again, how many times had he experienced it before? Olivia was born a princess of the empire and had never heard informal language except from the Emperor himself. But Craeyer had been straightforward with her from their first meeting. No, not just straightforward… he had even threatened to sever her throat in one swift motion.


“It shouldn’t be difficult for you.”


Suddenly summoned by the princess of the empire and being alone with her, Craeyer’s eyebrows twitched slightly at the inexplicably provocative and incomprehensible words. Olivia didn’t wait for his response and continued to pour out her words relentlessly. She was so anxious, uneasy, and scared that she couldn’t endure even a moment of silence.


“I have only one reason for calling you here. What should I do, no, what can I do?”


Olivia was desperate. And Craeyer couldn’t possibly miss her determination. However, he still didn’t reveal his intentions.


“It’s difficult to follow your story.”


“So, what should I do?”


With a determined expression, Olivia tried to step forward towards Craeyer, but she couldn’t muster the courage to go all the way and took a half step back.


“For you!”


The distance between him and her was barely two steps, but to Olivia, those two steps felt like a gaping chasm leading to a bottomless pit.


“What can I do for you?”


“Your Highness, I am just a knight of the Kingdom of Norden. There is no need for the Princess of the Empire to do anything for me.”


As Craeyer continued to remain elusive, Olivia clenched her fists tighter and shouted more determinedly.


“What should I do to prevent a war?”


After Olivia’s desperate cry, a deep, heavy silence descended. How long did the suffocating silence last?


“For now, just breathe.”


“Guh, huff! Hah!”


Gasping for air as she exhaled the breath she had been holding, Olivia hastily took a deep breath. As air rushed into her deflated chest, Olivia, with tear-moistened azure eyes, stared at Craeyer.


“You, you just used informal language!”


“I said it’s fine.”


Dispensing with the formality and etiquette, Craeyer shrugged lightly and leisurely observed Olivia. Like a predator examining its prey. With that gaze, Olivia implored as if she were a frog facing a snake. Please don’t kill me. Please don’t kill me right now. Would it have the same effect as an exorcism? Craeyer didn’t seem to have any immediate intention of twisting Olivia’s neck. Fortunately for Olivia, Craeyer showed interest in her words.


“What do you mean by war?”


“Is there any need to beat around the bush when everything is clear?”


“Everything clear? Come to think of it, Your Highness, what do you know?”




Olivia promptly responded without a pause to catch her breath. In fact, she wasn’t sure if she was breathing properly at the moment. In response to her answer, Craeyer tilted his head slowly.


“You know everything! You know that you’re going to start a continent-wide war, causing blood to flow like a river in your hands, people to groan in death! And!”


Olivia’s throat was momentarily choked up as she spat out her words in a frenzy.



Translator Note:

Happy Valentine’s day!!


This chapter was translated by Bree.

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