The Princess Controls Everything


Chapter 5


“Yeah, I have to go according to protocol.”


As I stepped into the corridor, I quickened my pace.


I had to head to the capital of the Elvend Empire, where all events were unfolding.


“That’s the only way I can make a meaningful impact.”


But this was the Star Palace of the Duchess Yekaterina, located in the southernmost region.


If I were to ride a regular carriage, it would take more than a week to reach the capital.


“Where was that portable portal on the third-floor corridor again?”


Luckily, I knew the locations of the portals scattered around.


Once I found one, getting to the capital wouldn’t be difficult.


“Diel, Diel, Yekaterina!”


“Please don’t follow me!”


The problem was Evan, that tall, lanky guy, chasing after me.


With his long legs, he was bound to catch up easily.


“Well, the situation might not be ideal, but I have no choice.”


Evan never runs in any situation. He’s a noble, after all.


He’d rather choose death over something as vulgar as running indoors.


Because that’s what nobles do!




But I’m not like him.


So I dashed out without hesitation.


“Hey, hey! Who was that woman that just passed by?”


“Wait, isn’t that the princess?”


The servants looked at me with surprised eyes as I sped through the corridors.


“This isn’t the right way. Was it this corridor? Why are the corridors so labyrinthine?”


Damn it! It’s ridiculously spacious!


I was getting increasingly out of breath.


Having only seen it through monitors, it wasn’t easy to find it in person.


“Phew, hoo, whoo. That tall guy… doesn’t seem to get tired.”


How long had I been dashing around?


When I felt like I was just running around in circles, I finally met Evan face to face.


“Why are you standing there like an idiot? Catch the princess now!”


Evan shouted like lightning, and then the knights snapped to attention and started chasing me.


“Stop right there, Your Highness!”


“Your Highness!”


I dashed again.


This time, not towards a portal, but towards the exit.


As I pushed the door in front of me, sunlight poured in.


It’s hot, damn it!




At the same time, my legs gave out.


Well, considering I’ve never really walked properly, it’s no wonder my weak legs gave out after dragging them around while running.


“Why are you not letting go?”


“Until the orders of the Grand Duchess, I have no choice.”


“Were you always this fast? When did you become so fit?”


I muttered as I caught my breath.

With a metallic click, the pursuing knights bound my wrists together.


The scorching sunlight poured down as if to scald my head. The gritty sensation of sand scraping against my legs was unpleasant.


“Yeah, this isn’t headquarters.”


I gradually accepted that fact.


From now on, this was my reality.


“Diel  Yekaterina.”


As I turned my head, Evan was approaching.


He stared at me as if I were a trapped prey caught in a snare.


But there was no way to escape. My strides only became a bit wider and more desperate.


“Maybe he’s a noble after all. Come on, let’s go.”


I should learn that too.


“You really know how to piss people off.”


Evan grabbed my chin firmly as he drew closer.


“Say it nicely, Diel  You’re going out of here to do what? Go to the royal palace? And then what?”


I could tell just by his gaze.


“When you shed tears, it was just a tantrum.”


Evan seemed genuinely pissed off now.


Even though the atmosphere felt like we could be thrown into the dungeon any moment, all I noticed were these changes.


“If you had been this angry earlier, maybe there would have been some left to open the control window.”


Since the control condition had shifted from anger to sympathy, it would probably be useless now.


“Oh my, Your Excellency.”


But then, a voice came from behind.


“You’re here. I left a message, but it seems our carriage was faster.”


A look of bewilderment crossed Evan’s face, nervously looking beyond him.


“…How did Lord Karl suddenly…”


A couple who had just stepped out of the carriage walked towards Evan.


“Ah, His Majesty the Emperor sent word, so we’ve come. This new magical carriage we bought is quite efficient, worth every penny.”

[Robert Karl, Grade C, Third Prime Minister of the Emperor] [Jane Karl, Lady of the House, Grade E, Wife of Lord Karl]


‘If he’s the Emperor’s Third Prime Minister…’


Both Evan and Lord Karl seemed equally bewildered, the latter shamelessly boasting about his wealth.


“But who is this…”


In truth, the sight of Evan and me must have seemed odd to anyone.


A woman dressed in indoor attire, bound by knights…


“Oh, right. The Duke of Somewhere, um, yes, the Duke and his lover playing tag, um, that’s right, um, yeah. Correct.”


“Oh, yes. The Duke of Somewhere is at that age. It’s time for him to marry, so we have a good match for him. No, that’s not it. Anyway, would you like to come in?”

“Ah, yes. The Countess must be of that age. It’s time for her to get married, so we have a good match for her. No, that’s not it. Shall we go inside for now?”


The Earl and Countess of Karl noticeably flustered.


“That’s not it, Your Grace.”


At that moment, Evan calmly addressed the karl and Countess.


As an esteemed noble of unwavering dignity, Evan couldn’t just let this misunderstanding slide.


“It seems it’s been too long since you’ve seen her. She’s Princess Diel Yekaterina.”




Their attention turned to me at those words.


“As you know, Her Highness isn’t in the best condition, so these disturbances occasionally occur. Please be understanding, Earl and Countess of karl.”


Evan gave me a tired glance, conveying his frustration.


Immediately, Karl, with a sympathetic expression, comforted him.


“Ah, that’s unfortunate. The Count must have been through a lot.”


The Countess dabbed her mouth with a handkerchief, shaking her head.


“Well, considering the situation of the princesses expelled from the palace…. Even Duke of Yakaten must have acted with good intentions.”


Given that Diel was discarded by the imperial family and Evan was a minor noble in the Delacaten family, the answer was obvious.


The person they would support wasn’t me, but Evan.


“Escort the princess. Ensure there are no further disturbances until the conversation is over.”




“Please come inside.”


With a cold warning to the knights, Evan guided the Earl and Countess inside.


“A magic-charmed carriage? Faster than the imperial palace’s messengers?”


But whether being treated like a lunatic or not, all I could see was that carriage.


The magic carriage that Evan praised so dryly!


If they were to leave like this, what good was a teleportation portal? I wouldn’t be able to leave my room for a while.


So, the only thing that could save me now was that properly charmed carriage!




“Yes, yes?”


The Earl and Countess, who were heading inside, turned to look at me.


“Madam, don’t you remember me?”




I aimed for the Countess’s control window as if locking eyes with her.


Before Evan could interfere, I had to finish this.


“You know, it’s me, Diel.  You used to play with me a lot when I was in the palace, remember?”


“You played with Her Highness? When….”


Of course, it was a fabricated story.


But whether to believe or not was up to the Countess, and making her believe was my job.


“It was when I left the palace and came to the Count’s estate at the age of ten. I remember you used to play with me before that. Isn’t that right, Countess?”


I raised the Countess’s ‘trust’ and ‘loyalty’ to the highest level.


Slowly, the Countess’s eyes seemed to glaze over.


“Oh my, Your Highness! How long has it been?”


With a flick of her hand, pushing aside the Count’s hand, the Countess rushed towards me.


“My, you’ve become so thin. You must be ten? No, nine? Anyway, when you were young, your whole body used to be lively.”


She embraced me as I lay on the ground and burst into tears.


Ah, the relief that washed over me as those tears soaked my shoulder.


How fortunate it was that the Countess was of a grade that could be controlled directly.


“What are these knights? How dare they threaten someone with a sword? These uncivilized ruffians!”


The seemingly gentle Countess suddenly began to leap around.


“If you can’t take care of a sick princess properly, is it okay to treat her like this?”


“No, why is our lady…. My, my lady.”


“I didn’t know the Countess would act this way. I thought she was a person of excellent character.”


The Count was bewildered by the sudden change in his wife’s attitude.


But there was nothing he could do, really.


“Our marriage is not even ten years old. When did the Countess qualify to enter the princess’s palace?”


“Then, are you saying my words are lies? Why would I make up such lies? Can’t you see these tears flowing down my face?”


From now on, it would be the Countess, not me, who would step forward.


“Sob, Your Highness. To be so thin like this. My heart aches.”


I chuckled towards Evan, embraced by the woman.


Why, is this your first time seeing someone being manipulated?




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