The Princess Controls Everything


 Chapter 1


In the year 20xx, it is the era where everyone is being possessed.


Baek Ju-ah also came here after being hit by a possession truck like everyone else, but couldn’t pass through the gate.


“It was originally my turn to be hit by the person next to me, but I got hit instead.”


In most cases like this, they return to their original world.


However, Baek Ju-ah was a unique case who stayed at the possession headquarters.


His precise title here was a controller.


He had the authority to control characters.


In other words, he was in charge of controlling the characters from the original work.


If anyone acted on their own, the story would become a mess.


Oh, how do you control them?


Diel Yekaterina, You tried to escape again.


Inside the dark control room.


Only several monitors floating in the air were emitting light.


“What are you doing, Lee Suhyuk.”


Baek Ju-ah, who had been watching the screen for a while, said.


“The control window for the Duke has opened. Quickly raise the cruelty level. Include impulsiveness.”


In this scene, the Duke must slap Diel.


However, the Duke character was originally polite and rational. He wasn’t the kind to resort to violence just because he was angry.


That’s why a controller was needed.


At times like this, the Duke had to be controlled to eventually slap Diel.


“Um, Senior Ju-ah. Diel is already in a difficult state… Maybe we can skip the slapping.”


But as Suhyuk hesitated, seeming uncomfortable with the situation.


“Do your job. Save those overly immersive comments for your diary.”


A firm voice was heard.


This was precisely why Baek Ju-ah stayed at the headquarters.


To put it nicely, he was good at his job, but to put it bluntly, he lacked humanity.


After enduring seven years in a team that everyone avoided, he had said it all.



When speaking nicely, one does their job well; when speaking poorly, there is no humanity.


After enduring seven years in the dreaded Control Team, I’ve said it all.


“I told you. If you go changing the situation as you please, the original work will be ruined, and dimensions will warp.”




“Our job is to protect the original work until the Possessor arrives. To ensure it runs smoothly as per the original.”


Unlike the Possessors, the controllers at headquarters must not interfere with the original work.


That was the sole rule and law of this control room.


“Someday, I will escape from here! I will run away and expose all the secrets!”


“How dare you!”


Eventually, a sharp noise echoed.


“If you dare blabber such nonsense again, I will send you to the monastery in the north.”




The mention of the monastery caused Diel’s once stiff expression to crumble.


“What to do… I feel so sorry for him.”


The controllers did not look pleased seeing Diel like that.


Meanwhile, Ju -ah  remained indifferent.


“Never forget, Diel. No matter how much you run, you can’t go anywhere.”


The enraged Duke stormed out according to the story.


“Could he end up killing Diel at this rate?”


“He can’t die. It’s not his time yet.”


Trying to commit suicide would be futile. Unless he dies according to the predetermined ending, he will inevitably fail.


“That’s true, but…”


While Suhyuk was still deeply immersed, Ju-ah glanced at the clock.


Diel would soon tire and fall asleep. Then the controllers’ work would be done.


“Looks like we can start heading home soon.”


Ju-ah mumbled with sleepy eyes.


“Haha, hahaha! That person was right! You all were losers too.”


A strange line came from the screen.


What’s going on?


“Did you enjoy controlling my life as you pleased?”


There was no such scene.


“Hey, senior! Look over there!’’


At that moment, Suhyuk pointed somewhere and shouted loudly.


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