The Prince Seduces Me with His Body

Is this the meeting place?


Diana, confused, walked into the central garden and looked around. The central garden of the imperial palace was accessible to any noble. Given the pleasant weather, many nobles were enjoying the well-maintained garden. However, discussing marriage proposals was usually done in a more private setting.


But when Diana turned to ask the maid, she was already laying out a picnic mat in a corner of the garden. It was then that Diana noticed the maid had brought picnic supplies like mats and baskets.


“What is all this… for?” Diana, out of habit from her time with Rebecca, almost spoke disrespectfully but quickly corrected herself. In this time period, she couldn’t speak informally even to a servant.


The maid, looking annoyed, finished setting up and dragged Diana to sit in the middle. The maid whispered quickly, close to her ear. “Listen carefully. You decided to go on a picnic because the weather is nice. You just happened to meet the third prince, and you fell in love at first sight.”


“What are you talking about? Who?” Diana was so shocked she forgot not to speak informally and asked blankly.


The maid repeated irritably. “Don’t make me repeat myself. It’s Prince Kayden Seirik Bluebell, the third prince. Understand?”


“There must be some mistake…”


“Stay here quietly until His Highness passes by. I’ll tell the coachman to come back later.” The maid rattled off her instructions and quickly walked away.


Diana, half-dazed, just sat there, unable to think of stopping her. Kayden is my suitor? Even ignoring the absurdity of Kayden being her suitor, it didn’t make sense.


Viscount Sudsfield supported Princess Rebecca and engaged Millard with her. For Kayden to propose marriage made no sense. He wasn’t foolish enough to not understand alliances.


Perhaps the viscount suggested it, but that was still dubious. Doing so would surely incur Rebecca’s wrath. The viscount might be somewhat foolish, but he wasn’t completely brainless.


Why on earth would he…?




Lost in her scattered thoughts, Diana suddenly had an epiphany and groaned softly.


“You decided to go on a picnic because the weather is nice. You just happened to meet the third prince, and you fell in love at first sight.”


They’re trying to disguise it as a marriage without political intent. It would be burdensome for both sides to openly defy Rebecca.


By tripping Millard and avoiding Rebecca, she had changed the situation.


Diana heard that Rebecca’s engagement to Millard hadn’t fallen apart. But Rebecca’s behavior might have made the viscount uneasy. He was exceptionally perceptive in such matters.


Does he want to become the grandfather of the imperial grandchild, to be accepted, and to rise in the noble society? Even with this absurd charade? But what about Kayden…?


Kayden. His name brought her back to reality.


Diana quickly stood up and looked in the direction the maid had disappeared. The maid was still nowhere in sight, likely taking her time returning to avoid attending to Diana.


I should leave.  Her mind was in turmoil.


Diana knew fleeing would anger Viscount Sudsfield. But once she heard Kayden’s name, her course of action was clear.


This marriage must be stopped.


Viscount Sudsfield wanted to be the grandfather of an imperial grandchild, seeking recognition and prestige. But once he had an imperial grandchild, he wouldn’t be satisfied. He was greedy enough to extend his influence from the first princess to the third prince.


Supporting Kayden’s palace now would be beneficial, but once Kayden’s power solidified, Viscount Sudsfield would be a hindrance.


In her previous life, Kayden’s faction succeeded without the Viscount Sudsfield’s help. To protect Kayden, the viscount must be stopped from becoming in-law of the imperial family.


It’s earlier than I planned, but I’ll sell the dress and secure a fake identity, then leave the viscounty. That’s the best way.


Sorry, Madam Deshu. Your masterpiece will fund my independence. Like in my past life, it was destined to be short-lived.


Diana, offering a silent apology, quickly walked away when no one was watching. She knew most of the hidden paths in the palace from her time as Rebecca’s maid.


Diana took hidden routes towards the back gate of the palace. Ironically, moving away from the center of the imperial palace brought her closer to the third prince’s palace.




Diana hid herself, avoiding being seen by the third prince’s servants. She moved through the bushes near his palace and then stopped.


“Your Highness!”


“Your Highness! Where are you!”


“Prince Kayden!”


Quiet calls echoed nearby.


At the familiar name, Diana instinctively frowned. The white palace, elegant but with signs of neglect, stood before her. A few servants were frantically running around, calling out.


What’s going on?  Diana, puzzled, stopped walking.


Nearby, a red-haired man and a maid met. The man spoke first, his face grim. “Did you find him?”


“No, he’s nowhere to be found.”


Ugh! This is driving me crazy. It’s one thing for him to disappear suddenly, but why now…”


“If we send out more people, other palaces will find out.”


“We have no choice. We have to keep looking. Notify me immediately if you find him. He can’t have gone far.”


“Understood, Sir Remit.”


They finished their brief conversation and scattered.


Diana watched the red-haired man disappear and then squatted down. Scenes from earlier floated in her mind.


Kayden is missing? It sounded impossible. The Kayden she knew never broke promises suddenly. Even if he had a reason, he would have informed his close aides. But he was supposed to meet her in the central garden and suddenly vanished.


Did something happen…?


Remembering Kayden’s battered state before her death, she felt a surge of worry. Diana looked back at the path she had been taking, then at the third prince’s palace, and sighed deeply.


I have no choice. If I can’t escape easily, I’ll summon Muf.


After much deliberation, Diana began cautiously circling the third prince’s palace. Despite making a wide loop around the area, she couldn’t find Kayden. Her feet were starting to ache.


Is there no other way… She sighed softly.


Diana worried that something might have happened to Kayden, but knowing he survived five more years reassured her he wouldn’t die immediately. For now, she needed to leave the imperial palace. Only then could she build a support base to help Kayden or counter Rebecca.


Suppressing her lingering concerns, Diana turned towards the back gate of the palace. But at that moment, a faint, weak groan reached her sensitive ears.




Instinctively recognizing the owner of the groan, Diana froze. Kayden…?


Before she could think, her body moved. Turning sharply, Diana ran towards the sound. The surroundings were thick with bushes. She glanced around anxiously. Sensing a faint trace of mana, she hurried her steps.


Finally, she stopped in a secluded area a bit away from the third prince’s palace. Her fingers trembled as she reached for the bushes.


“…Your Highness?”


Rustle— Calling softly, Diana pushed the bushes aside. And immediately gasped.


“Your Highness!”


Behind the dense bushes, Kayden lay curled up, pale, and drenched in cold sweat.


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