The Prince Seduces Me with His Body

It was the next day.


Mmm, as expected… beef from the Wicksvil territory is the best. Ah! Not that this dish is bad. It’s just that my palate is so refined. I’m used to only the finest ingredients, hahaha.”


Damn it. This is why I didn’t want to eat with this guy.


Kayden ignored Count Tudok’s voice and slowly cut into the steak. The large dining room only had Kayden and Count Tudok, making it even more torturous.  It would have been better if Patrasche were there, but he, irritated by Kayden’s recent avoidance of Diana, had scheduled this meal with the count and then conveniently disappeared.


“This is a restaurant I reserved three months ago! Absolutely! Do not follow me! And Don’t run away! Understand?”


Patrasche had said that and then bolted before Kayden could stop him.


Kayden wanted nothing more than to chase after him and disrupt his plans, but Count Tudok was a rather influential noble. If he broke the appointment unilaterally, the image he had painstakingly built among the nobles would be reduced to worthless scraps of paper. So, Kayden had no choice but to reluctantly have a one-on-one meal with Count Tudok. Still, Kayden managed to endure the time with him quite admirably.


What should I buy next?


Kayden spent the entire meal thinking about what gifts to give Diana. After sending the dresses through Patrasche the other day, it seemed like there were always more things Diana needed. Of course, he planned to send all those gifts through Patrasche as well. Just seeing Diana from a distance was enough to make his heart flutter.


Just a little longer.


Kayden clenched his fist under the table as he watched the servants set down the dessert plates and step back. He felt like cheering for himself for enduring the time with this talkative and arrogant count. He quickly picked up his spoon, intending to finish his dessert and leave.


At that moment, Count Tudok, who had been glancing at Kayden, cautiously spoke up. “By the way, Your Highness, have you decided on a partner for the upcoming debutante ball?”


Kayden frowned in confusion at the question. He found it strange that the count was asking something so obvious and opened his mouth to respond.


“Why would you ask that? Of course, it’s—”


But before Kayden could finish his sentence, Count Tudok rubbed his palms together with a subtle smile. “If you find it uncomfortable to be with the third princess consort, how about with my daughter?”




Haha! It seems this is the first time I’ve seen Your Highness make such a face.”


Count Tudok burst into hearty laughter, paying no mind to Kayden’s bewildered expression.


“I’ve heard that Your Highness hasn’t been seen with the third princess consort recently unless it’s for official events. Well, it’s understandable; you must be tired of her by now. I have a beautiful and virtuous daughter who is set to make her debutante this social season. However, she hasn’t found a partner yet, which has been quite troublesome…”


The suggestion was so absurd that Kayden’s mind couldn’t even process it.


For other nobles, it might be different, but the partner of someone making their debutante held significant meaning. Being the partner of a young lady or young lord making their debutante essentially indicated that they were their fiancé or fiancée.


Kayden, unable to comprehend what he had just heard, stood frozen for a moment before regaining composure and slamming his cutlery down in displeasure. “What nonsense are you spouting, Count?”


“There’s no need to pretend with me. I understand everything. After all, heroes are known to be womanizers.”


Count Tudok continued with a rather generous expression.


“I apologize for saying this, but honestly, the current third princess consort is an illegitimate child, isn’t she? Compared to an illegitimate child who doesn’t even receive support from her family, my daughter would be more beneficial to Your High—”


But Count Tudok couldn’t finish his sentence this time. Kayden, who had abruptly stood up, roughly grabbed Tudok by the collar across the table. The tip of the golden sword in his other hand was aimed right at the Count’s neck.


Gah, ack! Wh-What are you doing…?!”


“You’d better stop right there, Count. Unless you want to lose your head right here and now.”


Kayden’s eyes were fierce as if he was ready to plunge the sword into Count Tudok’s neck at any moment. Seeing those eyes, Count Tudok shrank back in fear.


Kayden glared at the count, gritting his teeth menacingly. Suddenly, something surged up from within him. Because of me…


Because he harbored unnecessary feelings for Diana.


Because he pathetically couldn’t even manage his own feelings and avoided Diana.


That’s why these kinds of people dared to find even the slightest excuse to belittle Diana.


Kayden blamed himself. At the same time, he was genuinely furious. Why do people always act as if Diana being an illegitimate child is her fault?


The reason Diana became an ‘illegitimate child’ in the first place was because of Viscount Sudsfield’s wrongdoing. She didn’t choose to be born as an illegitimate child. But people always used the reason of her being an ‘illegitimate child’ to easily belittle her.


“What happened? I remember…”


The person who couldn’t even properly express anger despite going through such harsh experiences.


“I just want you… to be happy.”


The person who sincerely cared for such his pathetic self without expecting anything in return…


Grinding his teeth, Kayden couldn’t contain his rage and roughly threw Count Tudok aside. With a thud, the count’s body rolled across the dining room floor. Kayden looked down at him with cold eyes and said, “It would be best if you disappeared from my sight quickly, Count. I don’t need the support of a scoundrel who tries to push another woman onto a man who already has a wife.”


Cough, gasp! I-I understand.”


Count Tudok, overwhelmed by Kayden’s presence, nodded frantically, his chin trembling. Struggling to his feet, he let out a small sob and dashed out of the dining room.


“Oh my, Count…!”


“What’s going on…?!”


Outside, the startled voices of the servants could be heard. But once the count left the dining room and the door closed, their voices became muffled, as if heard from underwater.


Left alone, Kayden dismissed his sword and took deep breaths, trying to calm his anger. However, the thought that his foolish actions had once again hurt Diana completely dominated his mind. His emotions caused his mana to fluctuate uncontrollably. He felt a violent nausea, as if he wanted to vomit everything he had eaten.


Through his chaotic thoughts, he heard Elfand’s concerned voice.


<Are you okay…?>


But at that moment, Kayden gasped as if his heart was being pierced and clutched his chest. “Ugh…!”


Kayden bit the inside of his cheek until it bled to stifle the scream that almost escaped reflexively. It felt like someone was squeezing his heart. The excessive pain made his knees buckle. His vision flickered rapidly.


When he came to his senses, he found himself with his face pressed against the cold dining room floor. Meanwhile, Count Tudok, having escaped Kayden’s murderous aura, seemed to regain his composure and was now raging in front of the dining room.


“You cannot do this to me, Your Highness! If you think you can get away with such rudeness, you are gravely mistaken!”


“Count, please calm down!”


“Get out of my way! Your Highness!”


The doorknob rattled uneasily as Count Tudok tried to open the dining room door. The sounds of the servants desperately trying to stop him followed one after another.


I need to get out of here. 


Kayden staggered as he got up.

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