The Prince Seduces Me with His Body

To the emperor, it might have been a fleeting whim, but for Rebecca, it made her situation even more precarious.  She could acutely feel how people’s gazes towards Kayden had changed due to the emperor’s words, even with just a quick glance around.


Rebecca had always made a painstaking effort to succeed to the throne without a single flaw. She could proudly claim that she had nothing to be ashamed of. But…


“A high-level light elementalist! How long has it been since we’ve seen one…?!”


“Well done. I see you in a new light.”


Kayden had always ‘luckily’ taken things that Rebecca never had. That’s why she hated him to the point of wanting to kill.


A child who was lucky enough to be born with strong symbolic attributes of the imperial family. A child who, by sheer luck, threatened everything she had built.  To Rebecca, Kayden was merely an incompetent person who, through sheer luck, constantly blocked her path.


Smile… However, Rebecca could not show such emotions in front of people, so she forced herself to relax her hands and smoothly lifted the corners of her mouth.


Everyone here was like a pack of wolves.  If she showed any weakness, they were ready to turn on her and tear her apart. She couldn’t afford to give them that opportunity.


Rebecca straightened her back even more and lifted her chin. Fortunately or unfortunately, her mother, the first concubine, also seemed to be in a low mood and spoke to her with a bright smile.


“Your grandfather is over there. Shall we go greet him together?”


“Yes, Mother.”


The first concubine and Rebecca left the front of the platform to talk with Duke Findlay. The second concubine also led her children to follow them. People looked at them with curious eyes, wondering if they were leaving out of pride, but soon their interest returned to Kayden.


Um… Your Highness, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I am…”


“Your performance in the mock battle was truly impressive.”


“Greetings. Are your injuries better now?”


“Your Highness Third Prince.”


As soon as Rebecca’s faction left, people began to approach Kayden one by one. In the blink of an eye, Kayden was surrounded by a crowd. As he struggled to hide his fluster, Diana leaned close to his ear and whispered softly.


“I’ll step away for a bit. Please go ahead and talk.”


“Why? Are you uncomfortable?”


“A little…” Diana glanced at the throng of people in front of Kayden and gave an awkward smile. It was clear she felt burdened by their attention.


Kayden reluctantly let go of Diana’s hand, hiding his disappointment. “Okay. Be careful and don’t get into trouble. I’ll come find you later.”


“Take your time. Please talk comfortably.”


It’s done.


Diana emphasized ‘take your time’ and backed away from Kayden. She did feel somewhat burdened by the people’s attention, but more importantly, she wanted to ensure that Kayden’s presence was firmly imprinted on the nobles through this celebration. Rather than standing by his side and drawing attention away, she thought it would be better to step aside and let him stand out.


He’ll do well. Diana looked at Kayden, who seemed a bit tense as he listened to people’s words with a stiff smile. Though he might be awkward with the sudden surge of attention now, he was naturally sociable and smart. Soon enough, he would be able to interact with people as skillfully as Rebecca. With that belief, Diana quietly stepped away.


As she predicted, it didn’t take long for Kayden to converse with the nobles more comfortably. He adeptly deflected tricky topics to others and gathered useful information for himself.


It wasn’t until the nobles who were interested in him began to disperse that Kayden could catch his breath. Where is Diana? 


Kayden habitually looked around the party hall for Diana and then hesitated, frowning slightly. No. Maybe it’s better to look for her if I want to control my feelings. But leaving her alone…


Thinking about how Ludwig had approached Diana when he left briefly during the wedding reception made him anxious.


Just then, Ludwig approached Kayden with a smiling face. The people who saw this scene held their breath and watched them intently.


Ludwig greeted Kayden with a graceful bow. His demeanor was impeccably elegant. “Ludwig Kadmond greets Your Highness the Third Prince.”


“…What brings you here, Marquis Kadmond?”


Kayden glared at Ludwig with a wary expression. It was natural, as there was no reason for Ludwig, Rebecca’s strategist and her cousin, to seek out Kayden.  However, Ludwig maintained his smiling face, making it hard to read his intentions.


Ludwig spoke with an angelic smile. “Why? Your Highness is undoubtedly the star of this banquet. Isn’t it natural to come and offer congratulations to the star?”




“Congratulations on your victories in both the individual and defense battles, Your Highness.” Ludwig smoothly finished his words and extended his hand for a handshake.


Kayden squinted at the offered hand and glanced around. People were watching their every move with great interest. Although Ludwig must have felt bitter as his master had lost the defense battle, he approached Kayden first with a smiling face to offer congratulations. At least, outwardly, it seemed that way. If Kayden refused the congratulations, it could create sympathy for Ludwig.


He’s being clever.  Kayden silently stared at Ludwig before slowly extending his hand to shake it. He squeezed Ludwig’s hand firmly and said quietly, “Thank you for the congratulations.”


Haha, it’s nothing…”


“But don’t you have something to say first, Marquis?”




Ludwig, who was ready to respond cheerfully, froze with his smiling face. Kayden didn’t say anything more, but his piercing gaze was enough to convey his message.


Ludwig Kadmond was Rebecca’s strategist and close aide.  There was no way he didn’t know about Rebecca’s proposal to attack Diana.


He must have known and did nothing.


As Kayden expected, Ludwig had been told by Rebecca right before the defense battle that there was something to check about Diana. But he did nothing to stop it. He, too, had felt something peculiar about Diana from the moment they first met.


Hmm. Ludwig discreetly observed the people’s reactions. I intended to gain some sympathy by having my greetings rejected…


Ludwig had assumed Kayden wouldn’t accept his congratulations due to what he and Rebecca had tried to do to Diana. So, he deliberately approached Kayden in a place where many eyes were on them to offer his congratulations.


Kayden was just beginning to gain recognition from the nobles. In this delicate phase where every breath and step mattered, it wouldn’t have been wise for him to outright reject a public congratulation, even from an enemy.


Ludwig planned to shed a tear and look pitiful if Kayden harshly rejected his congratulations. That wouldn’t completely silence the rumors about Rebecca, but since people are often swayed by what they see, it would at least disrupt the overwhelming support for Kayden at this banquet.  However, Kayden unexpectedly accepted Ludwig’s congratulations without much fuss. Not only that, he subtly pressured Ludwig by mentioning the defense battle incident.


I thought he was a mere mouse, but maybe he’s a leopard cub…


Ludwig’s eyes narrowed. 


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