The Prince Seduces Me with His Body

Not long after the imperial doctor left, there was a knock, and Diana came in. She smiled warmly, dressed up properly for the first time in a while.


“Are you ready?”


Kayden turned at the sound of Diana’s voice, then noticed something in her hair, making a curious face. “That….”




Diana smiled as she reached for the spot Kayden was looking at.  A small flower woven into a ribbon decoration touched her white fingertips.


“It’s the flower you gave me the first day we met. Do you remember?”


“…You still have that?”


“It was the first gift you gave me. I wanted to keep it as a memento.” Diana fiddled with her hair decoration, then let out a bashful laugh and lowered her hand.


Kayden didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, so he just stared at her.


Diana tilted her head, puzzled. “Kayden?”




“Don’t worry. Once Your Highness ascends to the crown prince position, I will surely divorce you.”


Kayden recalled Diana’s words and swallowed a bitter smile inwardly.  To be honest, he resented Diana a little.


Diana was like the sun to Kayden. The sun in the sky shines equally on everyone, but… Kayden himself felt like a traveler who, after basking in the sunlight, ended up losing his coat.


I knew this relationship was doomed from the start…


As time passes, just as the sun disappears mercilessly over the horizon,


Even while laughing with Diana, every time she drew a line or mentioned divorce to remind him of the end.


Just a little, just a tiny bit, he resented that Diana didn’t feel the same way.


How shameless. Kayden let out a short, self-deprecating laugh and scolded himself inwardly.  Soon, he erased that feeling and, with a cheerful smile, extended his hand to Diana.


“It goes well with the clothes you’re wearing. Is it the work of the designer who handled your wedding dress?”


“That’s right. How did you know?”


“Just a feeling. You can tell at a glance, right?”


“You were a bit annoying just now.”


“So, do you dislike it?” Kayden asked, slyly narrowing his eyes.


Even though he already had an outstanding appearance, when he smiled intentionally, his face became captivating enough to make anyone hold their breath for a moment. However, contrary to his face, Kayden’s heart was anxious.  He felt that if Diana said she disliked it, he would be hurt.


Just then, Diana let out a small laugh and took his extended hand. “Of course not.”


Her firm reply without a moment’s hesitation and the warmth of her hand holding his tightly made Kayden stare blankly at Diana’s face like someone who had suddenly seen the light, and then he made up his mind.


Even if my feelings can’t be controlled, I should at least try.  He decided to avoid meeting Diana as much as possible except when necessary.


Kayden didn’t want to forcefully hold onto Diana against her will. From the very first meeting, Diana had made it clear to him.


“Please divorce me, one year later.”


She didn’t want anything else but a divorce in a year. Kayden had promised to grant that wish, and he didn’t want to break that promise just because his feelings had changed.


Diana had become that precious and dear to Kayden. So, he decided to try. To make sure Diana wouldn’t get hurt because of his selfish desires, he would keep his distance.  With that determination, Kayden held Diana’s hand a little tighter.


* * *

It was the night of the celebratory banquet. In contrast to the splendid banquet hall, there was a peculiar atmosphere among the people.


A noblewoman quietly whispered to the person next to her, covering her mouth with a fan. “When will the imperial family arrive…?”


“They usually enter together, so it should be soon.”


“Then the first princess and third prince will be arriving together as well.”


“Of course…”


People kept glancing at the entrance of the banquet hall, mixing anticipation with tension. Now that Rebecca had been dragged down from her unshakable position, the nobles’ primary concern was whether to align themselves with Kayden, who had newly ascended as a candidate for the throne or to remain loyal to Rebecca.


Although Kayden had shown remarkable prowess in the recent mock battle and had recruited an outstanding earth elementalist, the legacy Rebecca had built as the ‘most suitable successor to the throne,’ along with the support of her maternal family, Duke Findlay, could not be ignored.


Would a new contender emerge? Or would it be just a fleeting spark that would soon fade away? As no one could easily predict the outcome, people cautiously watched each other and held their tongues.


Then, the sound of a horn blared, and the attendant’s loud voice announced, “His Majesty Emperor Ricardo Logan Bluebell and Her Majesty Empress Mariella Bluebell are entering!”


The people exchanged significant glances and quickly showed their respect.


Soon, the imperial family appeared, walking along the red carpet that stretched across the banquet hall. At the front, the emperor and empress entered hand in hand, followed by the first, second, and fourth concubines.  The entrance of the princes and princesses came next.


People whispered to each other as they glanced at Rebecca in her white dress.


“The First Princess is as beautiful as ever.”


“But a white dress… Isn’t that too conspicuous for someone who didn’t win?”


Shh. Be careful what you say. After all, she’s still the first princess…”


Regardless, Rebecca stood upright, seemingly unfazed by the whispers, on the opposite side of the platform from Kayden and Diana, who stood observing the crowd.


As the imperial family took their places, the emperor received a glass from an attendant. He raised it high and exclaimed, “This year’s competition lived up to the reputation of having the best knights on the continent. Enjoy to your heart’s content as you’ve all worked hard.”


“Thank you, Your Majesty.” The people replied in unison, bowing their heads.


The emperor drained his glass in one go and then descended from the platform. He preferred to indulge in pleasures in his chambers rather than enjoy the boisterous banquet. It was now customary for the emperor to leave after giving his congratulatory speech.  But just before leaving, he did something unexpected that surprised everyone.


“Well done. I see you in a new light.”


Before leaving the banquet hall, the emperor came down from the platform and patted Kayden on the shoulder as he said this. Those who heard his words widened their eyes in surprise.


Kayden, also momentarily taken aback, hurriedly bowed his head. “…Thank you.”


In truth, the emperor’s praise was not at all welcome to Kayden, especially since he had turned his back on the third concubine immediately after her death. But with everyone’s eyes on him, Kayden bowed out of courtesy.


The emperor soon walked away with a bored expression. Kayden straightened up, his face blank as he thought, ‘As expected.’ Meanwhile, the people around him could not hide their astonishment.


“Did you hear that? Just now…”


“His Majesty definitely said ‘well done’…”


Rebecca tried to maintain her composure, but she ended up clenching her teeth and fists quietly. Why? After being silent all this time, why now……!


The emperor had shown no interest in the issue of succession. He neither supported nor favored anyone.


“What happens after my death is none of my concern.”


He always maintained the attitude that it didn’t matter who succeeded him. So, even when Rebecca returns after a great victory against the monsters or receives praise from the people for her charitable work, the emperor remains silent and has a bored expression. Yes, he definitely was like that.


Why to the third prince…?


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