The Prince Seduces Me with His Body

There is a possibility that the third princess consort is an elementalist…


Rebecca recalled her first impression of Diana. The first time they truly met was at the wedding banquet. Diana had shown impeccable manners and a perfect smile despite being neglected. There was a peculiar detachment or strangeness that emanated from her then. Was that ‘calm’ possibly because she was an elementalist?




Her light blue eyes narrowed. It was a far-fetched assumption, but it was still too troubling to dismiss entirely.


What should I do…


After deliberating, Rebecca couldn’t ignore the peculiar sense of discord she felt from Diana. Resolving herself, she headed to the waiting room of the regular knights participating in the capture battle.


The vice-captain of the first order, led by Rebecca, spotted her arrival and hurriedly ran to greet her with a deep bow. “Greetings to the First Princess. What brings you here…”


“Come with me for a moment.”


Rebecca glanced at the murmuring knights and turned to walk away. The vice-captain followed her outside.


“Salamander.” Rebecca used a low-level fire spirit to ensure no one was eavesdropping before she spoke. “Sir Bezet.”


“Yes, Your Highness.”


“For the past few years, the first order has always won the defense battle.”


“Yes, I am well aware.” The vice-captain answered seriously.


The defense battle was scored based on who quickly captured the enemy’s flag while defending their own. During this process, orders could cooperate if needed, but any cooperation would simply consolidate power under one side without earning points for capturing flags.


For the past few years, Rebecca and the second prince’s alliance had always won. The two dukes leading the other orders disliked each other and were more interested in fighting among themselves than winning, while the Second Prince Ferand sided with Rebecca.


Ferand would hand his flag to Rebecca at the start and focus on protecting her flag. This allowed Rebecca to concentrate solely on capturing Kayden’s flag without worrying about losing her own.


Kayden, however, had to both protect his flag and try to capture Rebecca’s. Though Kayden was superior in offensive power compared to Rebecca and Ferand, the fourth order lacked someone capable of securely guarding their base. Thus, Rebecca had consistently won the defense battles.


The other two orders often didn’t participate effectively, leading to their disqualification. Rebecca would capture Kayden’s flag with Ferand’s support and win.


In the ‘defense battle,’ losing one’s own flag was more critical than capturing the opponent’s flag. Given Kayden’s abilities were not suited for defense, protecting the flag was nearly impossible for him.


Even if he struggles, it will be a futile effort. Rebecca coldly assessed and continued speaking. “I plan to propose that instead of flags, each order should designate a person to serve as the symbol in this defense battle.”




“I have a reason for it. Anyway, it aligns better with the spirit of the defense battle, so the emperor is unlikely to object.”


The defense battle ultimately aimed to protect the life of the nation’s ruler. The emperor would likely accept Rebecca’s proposal without much resistance.


“However, the person serving as the symbol must not be a knight and must be someone particularly close to each order leader. This will ensure everyone is alert and serious about the match.” Though she said this, it was merely an excuse to draw out Diana.


Objectively, the only person fitting Rebecca’s criteria among Kayden’s close associates was Diana. That was precisely what Rebecca aimed for.


“The third prince will probably put forth the third princess consort as the substitute flag. While Ferand and I distract the others, seize the opportunity to attack the third princess consort. A little injury is fine, just make sure her life isn’t in danger.”


If Diana was indeed hiding her identity as an elementalist, she would have to use her powers to avoid the attack. But if she wasn’t an elementalist… Well, it would be unfortunate, but Rebecca was more interested in confirming her suspicion than worrying about Diana’s injury.


The vice-captain seemed uneasy about the order to attack the ostensibly fragile third princess consort.  “Why such an order—”


“Did I grant you the right to question me?” Rebecca’s icy voice cut him off.


The vice-captain, realizing his mistake, quickly knelt on one knee and bowed his head. “I overstepped. Please forgive me.”


“Just answer first.”


“I will carry out your command, even at the cost of my life, Master.”


Only then did Rebecca’s face show a faint hint of satisfaction.


The vice-captain solemnly bowed his head and kissed Rebecca’s dirt-covered shoes.


* * *

A voice coming from the magical device signaled the end of the short break.


“The defense battle will commence shortly. For all orders, please gather them on the platform.”


Hearing the announcement, people began to gather at the platform. Once they were all assembled by order, the official in charge spoke.


“Before we start the defense battle, the first princess has made a proposal.”


“…A proposal?”


“What is it?”


Everyone, regardless of whether they were knights or spectators, murmured at the unexpected announcement.


Rebecca walked up to the platform amidst their gazes. As the official stepped back from the magical device, she took his place and began to speak. “I have proposed that in this defense battle, we use a person as the symbol for each order instead of a flag. This aligns better with the spirit of the defense battle and will boost morale. The emperor has already approved this.”


What? Diana’s eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected turn of events. Rebecca was not known for making sudden changes, so this caught her off guard. Looking towards the emperor, she saw him frowning in displeasure at the attention and turning his head away.


Rebecca’s smooth voice drew everyone’s attention back to her. “Since the proposal emphasizes the spirit of the defense battle, the person serving as the symbol should not be a knight and must be someone particularly close to the order leader. If anyone has any objections, speak now.”


The people murmured at her words. Although so sudden, there seemed to be no reason to oppose Rebecca’s proposal.


Kayden, suspicious, narrowed his eyes on Rebecca. What is she thinking…?


There was no way Rebecca would make such a sudden proposal without some hidden motive. However, without any clear signs of her intentions, it was difficult to oppose her outright.


Rebecca glanced around at the crowd and concluded confidently. “Since there are no objections, each order should select a person to serve as the symbol, conveniently referred to as the ‘flag.’”


Leaving those words, Rebecca stepped down from the platform. Knights of the fourth order gathered around Kayden, who was furrowing his brows.




“What should we do? Is there anyone you have in mind?”


The knights discussed, but Kayden was too focused on deciphering Rebecca’s intentions to speak. The knights began contemplating who they should choose as a flag.


“Objectively, someone particularly close to Your Highness would be… the first prince and his wife, or Sir Remit.”


“But there was a condition that the person must not be a knight.”


“And the first prince and his wife are very frail… it would be awkward to ask them.”


The gazes of the knights who were exchanging opinions suddenly turned towards the audience.




Their eyes fell on the third princess consort, Diana, who was blinking and looking back at them.


  1. faranak says:

    I hate rebecca..

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