The Prince Seduces Me with His Body



Beyond the glass, she saw Belladova bowing her head with a distressed expression.


Why is she here? There shouldn’t be anything around here except the glasshouse… Diana blinked in confusion.


There was no reason for Belladova, a noble lady, to be near the greenhouse, which only the imperial family could access. Unless she was here to meet someone…


“…Understood. I’ll see you later, Your Highness the Third Princess Consort.”




The next moment, as Diana recalled Belladova’s goodbye, she confirmed who was standing opposite her and instinctively rose from her seat.


Elliott and Fleur called out to her in surprise.




Ah, just a moment. Stay here!”


Diana hastily said as she moved towards the glasshouse exit. As she opened the glass door, a shrill voice faintly reached her ears.


“…This is not a place for a lowly noble like you to set foot in. Get lost.”


Like brother, like sister. Diana found Carlotta, who was saying harsh words to Belladova with an expression resembling the second prince, Ferand, and shook her head. Her expression has been bad lately, and now she’s picking fights with just anyone again.


Belladova hadn’t entered the glasshouse but was merely lingering nearby. However, even that seemed to bother Carlotta, who was already in a bad mood. Considering her usual behavior of being haughty towards everyone except the emperor and Rebecca’s family, it wasn’t surprising.


Meanwhile, Carlotta let out a hollow laugh and swept her hair up as Belladova, looking embarrassed, remained in place despite her command to leave.


Look at this.  


Carlotta had just been released from confinement for allowing monsters to escape their cages and rampage in the garden. She had planned to enjoy a rare tea time in the glasshouse. But some bug-like person was loitering nearby. Even more annoying was that Belladova remained stubbornly in place, seemingly deaf to her command to leave.


Carlotta’s face twisted as she growled again. “Didn’t you hear me? Get lost!”


“…I have someone I need to meet.”




Despite looking a bit flustered, Belladova stood her ground and responded firmly.


At the moment when Carlotta, angered by Belladova’s retort, raised her hand to strike her, Diana stepped in and blocked Belladova. Both Belladova and Carlotta flinched.


It’s understandable for Belladova, but why Carlotta too…? Diana tilted her head in puzzlement at Carlotta’s unusually startled reaction. But she soon pushed aside her doubts and softened her expression.


“I forgot I was supposed to have tea with the first prince and his wife in the greenhouse today, so I called Belladova to the imperial palace. She must have been looking for me. Right, Belladova?”


“Yes, that’s correct.” Belladova quickly agreed, and her response was much faster than before.


Diana looked triumphantly at Carlotta. If Carlotta tried to find fault again, she was ready to offer an empty apology. However, Carlotta, looking somewhat afraid, took a few steps back from Diana.


“Next time, please be more mindful. For today, I’ll let it go, considering it’s the Third Princess Consort. Then.”


After saying something similar to the second consort at the banquet, Carlotta hurriedly turned away. Servants carrying Carlotta’s tea time items quickly bowed to Diana and followed their mistress.


Oh, she’s gone.


What was that? Diana frowned slightly at Carlotta’s uncharacteristic behavior. She had expected her to pick a fight at least three more times.


As Diana pondered, a dejected voice reached her ears. “I owe you again. I’m sorry.”




Diana collected her thoughts and turned around. Belladova’s timid face came into view. She then shook her head with a gentle smile. There was no Ferand or Carlotta here now, so her tone returned to normal.


“This happened because you came to meet me. It’s no big deal.”


“No, I should have waited for my turn for an audience, but I was worried Your Highness might forget about me… I was impolite. I’m sorry.”


Belladova bowed deeply in apology. Then, in a quiet voice, she continued. “I’m very late in thanking you. Both then and just now. Thank you for saving me, Your Highness.”




“If Your Highness hadn’t saved me, I would have hanged myself without confessing my feelings to the one I love. I sincerely thank you.”


Diana felt slightly embarrassed by Belladova’s overly polite gratitude.


As Belladova straightened up, she smiled and said, “I want to repay Your Highness’s kindness.”


“It’s not something that needs to be repaid…”


“Please make me your person, Your Highness.”


At those words, Diana paused. Belladova calmly continued.


“If you hadn’t helped me that day, I would have surely taken my own life.”




“The life you saved, let me use it for you.”


Diana silently stared into Belladova’s clear, unwavering pink eyes. Kind eyes… Trustworthy.


As Diana observed Belladova, Belladova was also watching her. The gradually emotionless and cold face that emerged from Diana’s cute features sent shivers through Belladova.


After a moment, Diana spoke in a calm voice. “Belladova.”


“Yes, Your Highness.”


“Are you really okay with this?”




“You don’t know what kind of person I am, yet you say you’ll risk your life.”


Diana deliberately tried to scare Belladova with a stern face. But Belladova didn’t flinch.


“The person I saw in Your Highness was a good person. Someone who couldn’t ignore a stranger in trouble.”




“So please make me your person.”


After finishing her words, Belladova waited nervously for Diana’s response. Just a few seconds felt like an eternity to her.


A smile slowly appeared on Diana’s face. She smiled with her eyes and answered. “Alright, Bella.”


At that moment, Bella instinctively realized. It wasn’t Diana who benefited from this decision, but herself.


* * *

The next day, Kayden and Diana had lunch. Kayden pushed a plate of sliced meat toward Diana and asked.


“By the way, are you sure you don’t want to ask the empress for ladies-in-waiting?”


“Yes. Bella is enough for me.”


Having the Empress’s ladies-in-waiting around would only restrict her actions. Diana shook her head as she put a piece of meat in her mouth.


Despite the upcoming mock battle, Kayden made sure to return to his palace to have meals with Diana. Diana worried about his fatigue but had become too accustomed to dining with him to refuse.


Oh, and about the note you gave me. Patrasche investigated and found it to be true.”


Kayden shook his head in disbelief as he popped a grape into his mouth. He hadn’t expected to find a mid-level earth elementalist in an illegal dogfighting ring. Moreover, Vitas was a place that made him feel bad just thinking about it. Its operations and contracts were akin to enslaving people.


Though it was Diana who had led him to Vitas, she pretended to be unaware and smiled brightly. “Really? That’s a relief.”


“Indeed. With Antar in the Fourth Order, we can really aim for victory this time. Let’s meet him after the meal.” Kayden’s face was much more relaxed.


Diana smiled, pleased with this. Then, a worried thought crossed her mind. “But you mustn’t get hurt.”


Kayden playfully rested his chin on his hand and smiled. “Why?”


“Why do you think? Obviously because…”


“I see. If I get hurt, you won’t be able to touch my body as you please.”


Cough.” Diana coughed in embarrassment. She quickly looked around to ensure no one else was in the dining hall.



  1. Fara says: cutie piess…i look forward to their juicy romance..thanks for updating

  2. faranak says:

    Nice and heartwarming.thanks❤️❤️‍🔥

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