The Prince Seduces Me with His Body

The news that the third princess consort had collapsed after almost being poisoned by a maid spread rapidly throughout the entire palace. By the time Kayden heard the news, abandoned his training, and returned to his palace, Tania was on her knees before the knights, crying and shouting.


“I am innocent!”


Struggling and protesting in front of the third prince’s palace, Tania froze and held her breath when she saw Kayden. Her eyes were filled with fear of him. However, Kayden did not spare her a glance and went straight inside.


“Where is Diana?”


“She is still unconscious, but the poison seems to be more of a paralyzing type than one that causes internal damage. Fortunately, it hasn’t affected her heart or lungs, so she is not in critical dang—” The imperial doctor trailed off, sensing the chill in Kayden’s expression.


Kayden went straight to the room where Diana lay. The busy servants bowed their heads in confusion as the pale-faced Kayden carefully cupped Diana’s cheek, who had her eyes closed.


“…Diana.” He called her name in a choked voice, but there was no response.


Feeling her cold skin, Kayden tilted his head to confirm she was still breathing before he could finally exhale the breath he had been holding. The overwhelming sense of self-reproach made him cover his face with one hand.


It’s my fault.


Failing to send back the maids sent by the first concubine. Failing to prevent the maid from ultimately harming Diana. It was all his fault for being powerless. Diana was even pretending not to know about his seizures and trying her best for him.




Biting his lip until it bled, he spoke in a low, sinking voice. “…The maids.”


“They are bound in front of the palace. Your Highness must have seen them when you came in…” Patrasche trailed off, realizing his master was truly in a state of turmoil.


Kayden, taking in Diana’s deathly pale face for a moment longer, turned and left the room. As he made his way to where the maids were bound, he exuded such a level of anger that even those around him found it suffocating. However, as he exited the palace, Kayden instinctively stopped in his tracks.


“You’ve come.”


Rebecca stood in front of the kneeling Tania, fluttering her fan with a smile. Tania held her breath at her feet, her face pale.


Kayden tried to push away the creeping sense of foreboding as he took another step. “…What brings you here, Older Sister?”


“I came because I heard the maid my mother sent caused some trouble. How is the third princess consort?” Rebecca inquired about Diana’s condition with a seemingly worried expression.


It was laughably hypocritical. Everyone knew that every action of the first concubine was no different from Rebecca’s.


“…She will wake up soon, so there is no need for concern.”


But the truth could not be spoken aloud, and that was power. For the first time, Kayden truly longed for power, not to wield it against someone like Rebecca but to protect his loved ones. Previously, he only wanted to protect himself and his people from Rebecca’s tyranny. Now, he felt a strong and clear resolve to fight against those who wielded tyranny. Not just for power struggles but for survival.


With this resolve, Kayden’s eyes gleamed more sharply than before. Meanwhile, Rebecca, covering her mouth with her fan, smiled gently at Kayden’s response.


“That’s good to hear. But a parent’s mistake is the child’s mistake. The fact that this girl tried to assassinate an imperial family remains unchanged…” Rebecca snapped her fan shut with a loud sound. She bent down and lifted Tania’s chin with the end of the fan. “Speak, Tania Hamilton.”




“Why did you harm the third princess consort?”




Tania, who had been silent like the dead, suddenly raised her voice. But as soon as she met Rebecca’s icy blue eyes, she felt suffocated with fear and couldn’t continue. She had many words swirling in her mind, but none could be spoken. Tania opened and closed her lips silently like a fish out of water.


Your Highness, please… I’m being framed.  She had heard that poison was detected in Diana’s teacup, but she swore to the heavens she knew nothing about it.


Tania looked up at Rebecca with tearful eyes, pleading for her innocence. She thought Rebecca wouldn’t abandon her just because of one false accusation, especially since she had given her such precious earrings.


Rebecca watched her silently, then smiled softly. “It seems you have nothing more to say.”


Suddenly, white flames erupted from beneath Tania, engulfing her completely. It was the power of a high-level fire spirit. The event happened so quickly there was no time to stop it.


“Older Sister!”


Kayden, shocked, grabbed Rebecca’s arm. But Rebecca shook off his hand and spoke coldly.


“You know that attempting to assassinate an imperial family member is an immediate execution, regardless of reason.”


“But!” Knowing Rebecca was right, Kayden clenched his teeth instead of raising his voice.


In the meantime, Tania turned to white ashes behind Rebecca without even a scream. The flames that had consumed her slowly faded, leaving a pile of white ash that looked like a grave, causing the other two kneeling maids to sob with pale faces.


Rebecca didn’t stop at killing Tania. She ordered the guards nearby. “The other maids are also responsible for not preventing their colleague’s conspiracy. They will receive ten lashes and be confined to a monastery for life.”


“As you command.”


“The authority to punish them belongs to the third princess consort, not you. Stop immediately.” Kayden growled low, blocking the knights from following Rebecca’s orders.


Rebecca, slightly surprised, paused. She glanced up and down at Kayden with an unfamiliar look. “You seem to care a lot for the third princess consort.”




“You never used to answer back no matter what I said.” Rebecca faintly smirked.


Kayden stood his ground, his fists clenched tightly. Then, Rebecca shrugged and took a step back.


“You’re right. Even if they were sent by my mother, the authority to punish them belongs to the third princess consort. I’ll leave their punishment to her.”


In truth, the authority to punish the maids lay with their master or the emperor and empress. But Rebecca, having overstepped her bounds, nonchalantly ‘granted’ the rightful authority, highlighting the stark difference in their positions.


“Don’t be too disheartened.”




“You are annoying.” Rebecca tilted her head and whispered before brushing past Kayden.


Kayden stood there, unable to move, until Rebecca’s presence completely faded away.


* * *

Diana opened her eyes late at night. The faint candlelight dimly illuminated the dark room. She blinked her heavy eyelids and thought. How much time has passed…?


She remembered losing consciousness after feeling the tea flowing down her throat stiffen her from the inside. As she tried to sit up, she found herself only able to move her neck. Frowning, Diana tried a few more times to move her hands and body but gave up.


Wasn’t it supposed only to be a mild paralysis?


She sighed lightly and moved her head, startled. There was a dark silhouette at her bedside.


“…Kayden?” With great effort, Diana managed to speak, her voice dry and cracked.


Kayden, with his somber face, immediately picked up a glass of water from the nightstand. He sat on the bed and gently lifted Diana’s upper body with one arm.


“Your hands.”


Kayden’s voice was low and steady. Diana was surprised that his voice sounded as if he hadn’t spoken in a long time.


“Can you move them?”


Umm… my body feels heavy below the neck,” Diana answered awkwardly.


Kayden carefully brought the glass of water to her lips. But Diana, after taking a few sips, coughed slightly. Her throat still felt shaky, indicating that the paralysis hadn’t entirely worn off. As she looked at the glass in embarrassment, Kayden suddenly said,


“Wait a moment.”


Kayden took a sip of the water and then leaned down.



  1. Nobodynobodyma says:

    I am looking forward for new chapter. Thank uu💕

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