The Prince Seduces Me with His Body

It was the next day, late in the morning.


Ouch…” Diana groaned as she got out of bed, her whole body aching with muscle pain. She vaguely remembered hearing Kayden say he was leaving for training but wasn’t sure if it was a dream since the spot next to her was empty.


Diana tried to sit up, but the pain shooting through her back forced her to lie down again. She had spent the night engaging in various sports with Kayden and had come back at dawn, collapsing into sleep. Her body, unused to such intense activity, hurt all over as if she’d been beaten.


Diana sighed as she gently tapped her aching back with her fist. “Is my back really hurting this much just from that?”


Thud. Suddenly, there was a small sound. Startled, Diana turned around to see a maid covering her mouth with her hands, a duster rolling away at her feet. Realizing what she had just said, Diana’s face went pale. …What did I just mumble?


Ah. The newly married third princess consort complained about her aching back.  The maid blushed deeply, having clearly overheard. Somewhere, she imagined she could hear the sound of a snowball called ‘misunderstanding’ rolling down a snowy mountain.




“I-I’m sorry! I’ll leave right away!”


Before Diana could say anything more, the maid, with her face bright red, bowed and quickly disappeared like the wind. Being left alone, Diana had to suppress her embarrassment.


“Well, it would be strange if a newlywed couple didn’t spend the night together…”


She decided she had to get used to such things if she was to be with Kayden, but it wasn’t easy, given how unfamiliar it all still felt.


Not long after Diana managed to calm her awkwardness, the maids arrived. Tania greeted her with an unusually warm smile.  “Good morning, Your Highness. Shall I assist you with your bath?”




Diana furrowed her brow, puzzled by Tania’s sudden kindness. She watched closely as Tania instructed the maids to prepare the bath. It was then that Diana noticed the sapphire earrings dangling from Tania’s ears. Her eyes widened. Those must be earrings that Rebecca had.


Thinking it might be a mistake, she looked closer while being attended to in the bath, but it was certain. The earrings were unique, made by a renowned jeweler specifically for Rebecca before Diana’s regression.


Diana understood the change in Tania’s demeanor and chuckled quietly. Manipulating people that way, you haven’t changed a bit.


For someone with Rebecca’s power, earrings were trivial. But to Tania, the visible jewels were more valuable than any intangible power. It was obvious from how she touched her earrings while humming.


That satisfaction would only lead to greater greed. Enduring a bit of humiliation now and loosening her guard to catch something to report to Rebecca seemed more profitable to her. Diana, who had once given such earrings to people like Tania, knew this well.


Meanwhile, seeing Diana’s smile, Tania spoke in a friendly tone. “Is the water temperature okay? Should I make it warmer?”


“No, I like it now.”


“Alright. By the way, there’s a new fragrance oil from the west…”


Hoping it would reduce her discomfort, Diana closed her eyes and let the maids take care of her. By the time her bath and dressing were done, the sun was already high in the sky. Due to her unusually intense physical activity the previous night, she had no appetite.


Skipping lunch, she was reading a book, letting Tania’s chatter pass through one ear when…


“Your Highness. The first princess consort has come to visit.”


“Right now?”


“Yes. She’s waiting in the parlor. What would you like to do?”


“I’ll go.”


Diana quickly put down her book and stood up. Heading to the parlor, Fleur, who was waiting with a hat on, greeted her warmly.


“Diana, you’re here.”


“Your Hi… I mean, Fleur.” Diana almost addressed her formally out of habit but corrected herself when Fleur’s face fell.


“Sorry for the sudden visit. I was so happy to have a friend in the imperial palace…”


Fleur blushed, touching the brim of her hat. Diana felt a pang of guilt in her conscience. With a determined expression, Fleur spoke resolutely.


“Would you like to go on a picnic with me if it’s okay? I’ve prepared everything, and it’s not far—just to the central garden.”




“Of course, if you’re tired, it’s okay to refuse. Really.” Fleur’s expression, however, seemed like she might cry if Diana declined.


After some hesitation, Diana nodded. With a serene look, she agreed, and Fleur, smiling brightly, led her to the central garden of the palace.


“The weather is nice today. It feels like spring.”


Fleur chatted excitedly while the servants set up a table and chairs. Indeed, the weather had been bright and pleasant recently, lifting everyone’s spirits. Many nobles were out in the garden.


As they exchanged greetings with the passing nobles, the setup for tea was soon complete. The maids, having prepared the tea, stepped back a bit. Tania looked disappointed, likely wanting to eavesdrop, but couldn’t ignore the etiquette with so many eyes watching.


The tea’s aroma was delightful. Fleur, sitting opposite Diana, whispered joyfully. “Diana, did you know?”


“Know what?”


“This place has become a famous spot for couples since you and Prince Kayden met here.”




Diana was surprised, nearly choking on her tea. Fleur handed her a handkerchief, and Diana, blinking in astonishment, covered her mouth.




“Prince Kayden fell in love with you at first sight here and quickly married you. Everyone wants to share in that luck.”


Looking around, Diana noticed many young noblemen and women, seemingly couples. Some glanced at her, quickly looking away when she met their eyes. Realizing the impact of the staged love story with Kayden, she felt a bit dazed. They really believe we are in love. Maybe… she really does have a talent for acting?


<It can’t be.>


Shut up, Yuro.


Considering her hidden talent, Diana smiled, sipping her tea.


“If it’s the case, then the place where Fleur and Prince Elliot first met must be a famous tourist spot.”


“Oh no, it wasn’t as romantic as yours.” Fleur shared the story of her first meeting with Elliot in her family estate.


Diana listened while mentally organizing her upcoming tasks. I need to find a trustworthy maid. She glanced subtly at Tania.


Tania and the other two maids would likely be used by Rebecca and disappear within two weeks, judging by their nature. Rebecca and the first concubine wouldn’t need to watch Diana anymore after that.


The empress’s judgment would ensure they are competent. Diana recalled the empress’s promise to send suitable maids. But then, her eyebrows twitch slightly. However, I need someone who can truly be mine. Even Mizel can’t be an exclusive maid…


Exclusive maids were prestigious positions reserved for noblewomen. No matter how skilled Mizel was in disguise, she couldn’t impersonate a noble born with a guaranteed status.


Diana sighed silently. It was no use worrying now; she would deal with Tania and her group first. Deciding to enjoy her time with Fleur, Diana smiled and listened to her story. Then, there was an unusual commotion.


“Oh my…”


Someone’s gasp of astonishment quickly spread through the crowd.


“What happened…?”


Diana and Fleur turned their heads in curiosity, both opening their eyes wide in surprise.


“…the Second Princess?” Diana muttered softly, her eyes on the extravagantly dressed girl who had just appeared in the garden.


It was the notorious Second Princess Carlotta, Ferand’s sister. Carlotta was known for her arrogance and love of showing off, traits she shared with her brother. But what really shocked Diana and everyone else was the birdcage she had brought with her.



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