The Prince Seduces Me with His Body

“Guild Master.”




Diana’s eyes widened in surprise. The maid’s tone, expression, and even her minor actions were completely different from before as if she were a different person altogether.


“Mizel?” Diana unconsciously muttered the name that came to her mind.


The maid smiled in confirmation and approached her. “You’re surprised, aren’t you? I thought you would always be composed, no matter the situation.”


“Is it really you, Mizel? Did you change your face?”


“Yes. By the way, I’ve finished reorganizing the guild as you ordered, so you can relax now.”


It wasn’t surprising that Diana didn’t recognize Mizel. She looked entirely different, with altered hair and eye colors and even her facial structure.


Mizel nonchalantly wrinkled her nose and poured tea into Diana’s cup with smooth, fluid movements. “Why are you so shocked? I had a bounty on my head when I was working in the field. This is nothing.”


“Well… true. Yes, I suppose so.” Diana regained her composure and nodded.


As the surprise of encountering an unexpected person in an unexpected place faded, she felt a sense of satisfaction. As expected, I chose the right person.


Mizel was indeed a capable guild master. Ah, now I’m the guild master. Diana corrected her thoughts, took a sip of tea, and marveled at Mizel’s skill in brewing it.


“You came much sooner than I expected. Honestly, I wouldn’t have blamed you if you had run away.”


When Diana revealed her name, she recalled the image of Mizel signing the contract with a face that looked as if she had lost everything. That was how precarious Diana’s position was. Despite her strength, she was like a tree that could be swept away at any moment by the storm that was the first princess.


Mizel sighed deeply. “No matter what, I’m not the type to run away after signing a contract. I wouldn’t have signed it in the first place.”


She meant it. At first, she had felt despair for stepping into the political turmoil, but since there was no turning back, it was wiser to do her best to help Diana. With that mindset, Mizel had removed the rotten parts of Wings, and the guild had become more vibrant.


“Thank you for not running away.”


“Even if I did, you wouldn’t let me go easily, would you?”


Ahaha,” Diana responded with a clear laugh.


Mizel shuddered with a pale face, imagining the situation if he had tried to escape.


“You came at the right time. I was just thinking I should reach out to you.”


Anyway, it was time to get to the main point. If necessary, she could make up an excuse that she had called a maid for something, but with the first concubine’s maids around, it was safest for Mizel to avoid showing her face as much as possible.


Diana, holding a teacup in both hands, lowered her gaze slightly. “I have something I need you to do.”


“Please, tell me.”


“First, create a fake identity for me. The name will be Dane Obscure, and add an owl mask to hide my face.”


This was Diana’s original purpose for visiting Wings. A fictional character to attack Rebecca, not ‘Diana Sudsfield, the Third Princess Consort.’


Mizel nodded as if it were easy. “Understood.”


“And second, this isn’t urgent, but…” Diana lowered her voice, almost whispering. “Find some records for me. Specifically about the five elementalists, the founders of Valhanas. The older, the better.”


Mizel frowned in curiosity. “Wouldn’t there be more of such records in the imperial palace library?”


“I’m looking for ‘erased’ history. There probably won’t be any meaningful records in the imperial palace library.”


Before the regression, Rebecca had tried to find information about the dark elementalist for Diana. But even Rebecca, who had practically turned the imperial palace library upside down, couldn’t find any significant data. So, there were two possibilities: either the records were lost, or certain parts were erased. Rebecca had heard from locals during her travels to exterminate monsters that a dark elementalist existed, so the latter seemed more likely.


If the same thing happens again, it’s better to have some evidence proving the existence of the dark elementalist.


Diana took another sip of tea to calm herself. She continued, having consciously erased the memories and emotions of when she was abandoned. “And lastly, find a boy named ‘Antar’ in the capital. He’s probably in the slums.”


“A boy from the slums? Is he perhaps an illegitimate child of some noble?”


Mizel’s eyes sparkled with curiosity, befitting a member of an information guild. But Diana shook her head with a regretful smile.


“No, that’s not it. I’ll need his help soon.”


The reason Kayden was away was because of the upcoming ‘Knights’ Mock Battle.’


* * *

Late at night, Tania Hamilton, who had just been appointed as the third princess consort’s maid, hurried with a black hood pulled low over her face. Avoiding people’s eyes, she arrived at the White Flame Palace. Only after entering an inner room did she remove her hood and bow deeply.


“Tania Hamilton greets Your Highness the First Princess.”


“Come in, Tania.”


A sweet voice welcomed her. Rebecca, dressed in comfortable loungewear, stepped around the partition with a welcoming smile. Such a grand reception made Tania bow even more humbly.


“Raise your head. I want to speak while looking into your eyes.”


At those words, Tania lifted her head as if enchanted. Despite having seen her countless times, she still sighed in awe at Rebecca’s beauty.


Satisfied with the reaction, Rebecca asked with a sly smile, “So, how is the third princess consort?”


“There was nothing suspicious. She seemed like a naïve girl deeply in love, as I was told. The third prince had just returned to the palace, so I also took my leave.”


Hmm, really?”


“Yes. She seemed almost foolish.”


Tania recalled how Diana had naively told her to go inside first, even though Tania had suggested leaving before her superior. And they call her a princess consort? As expected, the illegitimate child abandoned by her family was incredibly foolish.


Rebecca’s smile faded as she sank into thought, then she gestured to her maid. “Thank you. This is a reward, so don’t refuse.”


“Su-Such a precious gift…”


Rebecca handed over a pair of expensive sapphire earrings through her maid. Tania hesitated, then tucked them into her sleeve and bowed before leaving. As soon as the door closed, the smile on Rebecca’s face vanished.


“Foolish, huh… What do you think, Ludi?”


She stretched and removed the partition, revealing Ludwig Kadmond sitting gracefully behind it.



“What do you think, Ludi?”


Rebecca asked again, and Ludwig tilted his head with a faint smile.


“…Well.” His light blue eyes narrowed as if recalling a memory.


“…Does it?”


The day before, when he had restrained the rogue second prince in the banquet hall corridor. Though it was brief, Ludwig had clearly seen the hint of turmoil in Diana’s eyes. He lowered his gaze and stared at the swirling tea in his cup.


“For some reason, it felt like the Third Princess Consort knew me.”


“Publicly? Or privately?”




“Have you met her separately?”


“No. I must have been mistaken.” Ludwig dismissed his suspicion and took a sip of tea.


Rebecca sat across from him, sweeping her hair back. “Strange. It’s rare for you to be mistaken.”


“Even I can make mistakes. After all, I’m human.”


“True enough. By the way, the Marquis Saeltis visited the third prince, didn’t he?”


“Yes. It’s probably for the upcoming mock battle.” Ludwig smoothly answered as he set down his teacup.


Every March, the imperial guards conducted a mock battle as part of their training. It wasn’t just a contest of martial skills but a strategic fight to protect and capture each division’s flag. Among the five divisions of the imperial guards, the one that won the mock battle led the Founding Festival parade. Although it seemed like an honor, the reality was different.


Leading a division meant being recognized by the emperor, so whichever imperial family led the parade often became the people’s favored candidate for the next emperor. Since Rebecca began leading the first division, she has always led the parade. Hence, the Marquis of Saeltis was very focused on strategy meetings and training. If Kayden managed to lead the Founding Festival parade even once, it would stir not only the citizens but also the nobility.


Hello, this is Alyalia to bring you some news. Since PSMWHB has already suppressed the previous translator chapters, every next update will only release one chapter. I can’t keep up updating that many chapters every week since I got busier (っ◞‸◟c). So, PSMWHB will be updating 2 chapters every week, on Tuesday and Friday. Thanks for reading it~


  1. HeathBar says:

    Thank you so much for picking this up! I’m happy for any releases at all. 🥰

    1. Alyalia says:

      You’re welcome (♡´▽`♡)

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