The Prince Seduces Me with His Body

The memory was still suffocating just to recall, so Diana closed her eyes tightly and took a deep breath. Finally, she managed to push the memory back down and smiled. “Of course. Please feel free to call me Diana, Your Highness.”


“Then please call me Fleur.”


“…Yes, Fleur.”


While Diana replied in a choked voice, and Elliot’s face lit up.


“You made a good decision. The imperial doctor said that increasing physical activity is good for your health, so this is a good opportunity to go on outings often.”


“You should take your own advice and go for walks instead of just reading books. The imperial doctor said I’m healthier than you.”


Ugh, Fleur…”


Elliot blushed at Fleur’s teasing, making everyone laugh softly.


Diana watched this warm scene and made a vow to herself. I won’t let the same thing happen again.


This time, she wouldn’t let anyone fall victim to her or Rebecca’s hands.


* * *

After the empress promised to send two maids soon, Diana and Kayden returned to the third prince’s palace.


Patrasche, who had spent the night cleaning up the assassins’ traces, greeted them with a weary face. “You’re back.”


“…What happened to Sir Remit overnight?”


“…I’m not sure.”


Kayden feigned ignorance when Diana expressed her shock.


Patrasche, glaring sharply at his master, sighed deeply. “Marquis Saeltis is here. He wants to discuss tactics for the upcoming mock battle. After that, there’s training with the knights.”


Kayden sighed at the list of tasks. He turned to Diana and said, “I was hoping to take a walk around the palace with you, but I’ll have to postpone that. Rest well.”


“Go ahead, Your Highness. I’ll be waiting.”


Kayden paused for a moment. …Did the word ‘waiting’ ever sound nice to hear? Since meeting Diana, everything felt new, as if he was learning about the world anew through her.


Suppressing his thoughts, he smiled and lightly patted Diana’s head. “I’ll be back soon.” With that, Kayden left with Patrasche.


Diana watched them go for a moment before entering the palace. “This is the room where you’ll be staying, Your Highness.”


The head maid of the third prince’s palace guided Diana. The room wasn’t very large, as the palace wasn’t in the best financial condition, but it was cozy and neat.


“There’s a separate bedroom for you two to share. Would you like to see it?”


“No, I’ll see it soon enough…” Diana replied absentmindedly while looking around the room, but then she froze. But it was too late to take back her words.


The head maid covered her blushing cheeks with her hands, her eyes wide. “Oh my, I see. It makes sense since you’re newlyweds…”


This mouth of mine. Diana inwardly lamented. Even if she tried to explain that she didn’t mean it that way, it would likely fall on deaf ears. Well, this will reduce suspicions about my relationship with Kayden… Diana decided to let it go.


After inspecting the room, she sat on the living room sofa, and the head maid brought up a matter.


“Until the official selection of the maids, we will be attending to you. It might be a bit inconvenient…”


Ah, you don’t have to worry about that. The empress said she would send trustworthy people soon.”


“That’s good to hear.”


“Even if it’s for a short time, please take good care of me.”


The head maid seemed pleased with Diana’s polite demeanor.


As they exchanged warm greetings and discussed where to have light refreshments, there was a knock on the door.


“Your Highness.”


“…? Come in.”


Diana tilted her head, thinking there was some commotion outside. When she gave permission, a maid from the third prince’s palace entered with a troubled expression and bowed her head.


“T-The maids sent by the first concubine are waiting outside.”


“…The first concubine?”


“Yes, it was written in the letter.”


“What does that mean? Your Highness said the empress would send the maids…”


The head maid asked, bewildered. The maid, who also seemed clueless, looked at Diana.


Diana inwardly chuckled. So, she’s trying to get ahead of me.


She tapped her fingers on the table, thinking. It was unclear whether the first princess had planted eyes and ears in the empress’s palace or if she had prepared this as soon as she heard about Diana becoming the third princess consort. Either way, it was troublesome.


Even if I refuse, they won’t listen.


Even if she claimed the empress promised to send the maids and tried to send them back, the First Princess wouldn’t stay quiet. It might just result in the death of the maids sent by the empress.


Besides, Diana was known publicly as a submissive person to Viscount Sudsfield. Refusing something that wasn’t really a threat to Kayden could arouse suspicion.


I’ll have to wait and see. Diana silently swallowed a sigh. She wanted to stay quietly and disappear as if she wasn’t there, but it seemed that they wouldn’t leave her alone.


The maid, observing her, cautiously asked, “I’ve led them to the parlor for now. What should we do?”


“I suppose I should go meet them. Please show me the way.”


“Yes, Your Highness.”


Diana, accompanied by the head maid and a maid, headed to the parlor. When she opened the door and entered the room, three young ladies, who were evidently of noble birth, stood up from the sofa and greeted her.


“Greetings to Your Highness Third Princess Consort. May the glory of light be with you.”


“May the blessing of light be with you. Please, rise.”


At Diana’s words, the three rose. She noticed that as they straightened up, they glanced over her briefly but did not show it outwardly. Are they here to monitor me?


The woman standing at the forefront among the three young ladies handed her a letter from the first concubine. “I am Tania Hamilton. This is from Her Highness the First Concubine.”


Diana received and unfolded the letter from the woman’s hand. As expected, it stated that it was a small kindness extended between practical in-laws, so she should not refuse it. Diana folded the letter with a seemingly joyful expression.


“I should send a letter to Her Highness the First Concubine, thanking her for her consideration. I look forward to our time together.”


“It is an honor, Your Highness.” The three responded in unison, their voices flat.


Diana handed the neatly folded letter to the head maid and smiled. “I was planning a simple tea time in the garden, so let us go outside. You all can join me.”


* * *

Diana had them serve tea to gauge their attitudes. Normally, it was something the princess consort’s maid would naturally do. But being the monitors sent by the first concubine, they were subtly disrespectful within the bounds of propriety.


“Though it is spring, the wind is still cold, Your Highness. Shouldn’t we end the tea time and go inside?”


Tania spoke with apparent concern, and the other two eagerly agreed. However, Diana knew it was not for her sake. They find this bothersome.


Considering that Diana herself was an illegitimate child abandoned by her family before marriage, their pride must also be hurt. Of course, they couldn’t reveal such thoughts, so they pretended to be concerned about her health.


This works out well. It was safer to pretend not to notice their intentions here.


Diana smiled innocently and said, “It seems everyone is feeling cold. I will stay a bit longer, so feel free to go inside first.”


“How could we…”


“Really, it’s fine.” Diana repeatedly encouraged them to go inside and warm up.


After exchanging glances, the three rose one by one, looking awkward.


“Since Your Highness insists, we have no choice but to comply.”


“Thank you, Your Highness. If you need anything, please call us.”


“Then, we will take our leave.”


They left with polite bows, returning to the third prince’s palace.


Diana, intending to give the servants who had prepared the outdoor tea time rest as well, spoke to them. “You too, go inside. I will ring the bell if I need anything.”


“Your Highness…”


“The weather is too nice to go inside just yet.”


The servants, though uneasy, could not refuse her order and retreated.


Just as Diana finally escaped the many watchful eyes and took a deep breath, she noticed a maid still standing nearby and asked in confusion,


“Why are you still standing there? Didn’t you hear me tell you to go inside?”


It was the maid who had informed her of the visitors earlier. Seeing her still standing there, Diana frowned in suspicion. But then, the maid slightly lifted her head and whispered softly,


“Guild Master.”



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