The Prince Seduces Me with His Body

Diana awoke to the heavy sensation pressing down on her entire body.


Gasp.” She struggled to breathe as if she had just surfaced from the water, her eyes flickering open.


Heavy… She groaned and shifted her body, and the face of the sleeping Kayden, who was hugging her tightly, came into view.


Gasp. Diana held her breath at the dangerously close proximity as if their lips might touch at any moment.


Kayden’s sleeping face was utterly peaceful. Like a painting on a white canvas, his dark eyebrows and hair contrasted beautifully against his clean face.


As she glanced around with only her eyes, she realized they were in a wide, cozy room with warm tones, not the lounge. Where is this…? Diana blinked in confusion. Her last memory was lying on the lounge sofa with him.


It’s hot… Now fully conscious, she felt the heat radiating from Kayden’s body. Her face and ears were burning. It was because his body, solid and unyielding, was so close that it was maddening.


Eventually, she awkwardly turned her head to avoid touching his lips and lifted her arm to pat his back. “Kayden, wake up.”




Kayden frowned and squirmed, then slowly opened his eyes. He blinked at the sight of Diana’s face so close to his, trying to grasp the situation, and then quickly pulled back in shock.


“Diana?” Kayden called her name in a fluster, but she was too busy exhaling the breath she had been holding.


Seeing her flushed neck, reddened eyes, and crumpled clothes, Kayden’s face turned pale. Did I… Did I lose control and touch Diana last night…?


He knelt on the bed, his hair in a mess. “I’m sorry.”




“So, I mean, I must have… Actually, just tear my hair out first if you want.”




Diana was puzzled by Kayden’s incoherent apology and his offering of his head.


“Why are you… Ah.”


She soon realized why he was so flustered and checked her body. “Nothing happened. I think we just fell asleep from exhaustion…”


Huh?” Kayden stopped and stared blankly at her.


Seeing his bewildered face, Diana burst into a small laugh and reached out to smooth his hair. “You must have been really surprised. Your hair is a mess.”


As Diana gently tidied his hair, Kayden finally understood that nothing had happened and sighed in relief. “…That’s good. But was I too heavy?”


Um, a little?”


“I’m sorry.”


“I feel like I’ve heard enough apologies for a lifetime this morning. It’s really fine, stop apologizing.” Diana glanced at him with a slight pout.


Finding her expression cute, Kayden chuckled briefly, but then a knock sounded at the door. Diana quickly withdrew her hand at the servant’s voice.


“Your Highnesses, may I come in if you’re awake?”


“…Yes, come in.” Kayden, looking awkward, fiddled with the ends of his hair.


Upon his permission, the door opened, and a dignified servant entered. Kayden recognized her and greeted her.


“Head maid.”


“Did you have a comfortable night?” The head maid of the empress’s palace smiled softly and bowed.


Diana then realized they were in a room in the empress’s palace.


“Her Majesty invites you to join her and the first prince for breakfast. Will you attend?”


“After spending the night here, it would be rude not to join them for a meal.”


“Understood. I will send in the attendants to help you prepare.”


After receiving assistance from the servants to get dressed, Diana and Kayden were guided to the dining room by the head maid.


* * *

“I was so surprised when Sir Remit suddenly brought the newlyweds here last night, hoho!”






The empress’s laughter during the meal made both Kayden and Diana choke. As they hurriedly sipped water in their embarrassment, the first prince, Elliot, gently chided the empress.


“Mother, you’re being mischievous.”


“Yes, indeed. Are you alright, Third Princess Consort?”


“…I’m fine. Thank you for your concern, Your Highnesses First Prince and First Princess Consort.” Diana felt a bit awkward in such a setting but didn’t particularly feel too bad, so she smiled and shook her head. They’re kind people.


The first prince and first princess consort’s eyes softened, considering her response as thoughtful. The empress also watched the affectionate interactions between Kayden and Diana with a pleased expression.


The atmosphere was almost overly warm and affectionate. Considering everyone at the table was Diana’s in-laws, the warmth felt a bit overwhelming.


Why is everyone looking at me like that? I don’t think I’ve made any mistakes… Diana chewed her food thoughtfully, rolling her eyes.


Elliot, smiling brightly, continued the conversation. “Kayden, I’m glad you married someone you love. I was worried.”




Kayden flinched as he was about to drink water and quickly put the glass down. Diana, who had been picking at her fish, slightly scraped her plate with her knife. But Elliot, oblivious to their reactions, kept smiling at the sight of his happy brother. He looked almost like a saint.


They don’t know we’re planning to divorce in a year… It wasn’t that she didn’t trust the first Prince’s family or the empress, but the fewer people who knew about their arrangement, the safer it was.


Kayden, suppressing his guilty conscience, smiled calmly and took Diana’s hand. He kissed her fair hand and looked at her lovingly. “I am just grateful that she chose me. Isn’t that right, Diana?”


“Yes, Kayden.” Diana, having also suppressed her guilt, responded with a shy smile.


After creating a sweet atmosphere, Kayden subtly passed the conversation to the first princess consort. “And I hear that you and the First Princess are also very close. Compared to that, we are quite quiet, aren’t we?”


The First Princess Consort, Fleur, laughed softly. “Thank you for saying so, even as a compliment. Were you trying to tease us?”


“I would be hurt if you thought that. I was sincere.”


Kayden’s playful tone made Fleur laugh. With a gentle demeanor similar to Elliot’s, she suddenly looked at Diana with sparkling eyes.


“Rather than that, Third Princess Consort.”


“Yes, Your Highness?”


“Would it be alright if I visit you sometimes? There aren’t many women my age in the imperial palace…” Fleur trailed off with an awkward smile.


Besides Diana, the only women her age in the imperial palace were the First Princess, Rebecca, and the Second Princess, Carlotta. To put it bluntly and honestly, Fleur, the First Princess Consort, going to meet them was no different from walking into the jaws of a beast.


Of course, Fleur got along well with the empress and occasionally met with young ladies she knew before her marriage, but since she had become a member of the imperial family, her actions were inevitably restricted, and the fundamental loneliness that arose from this was unavoidable.


In the midst of this, Diana, who held the same position within the imperial palace, appeared. The mere fact that she was not an enemy was reassuring, but after meeting her in person, Diana turned out to be a very likable person.


“Was it too sudden…?” Fleur looked at Diana with eyes full of the desire to become friends, gazing at her with a pleading expression.


Diana felt a sting of pain in her heart at the pure goodwill and barely managed to maintain a smiling face.


The night she had killed the first prince and first princess consort was a deep one without even the moon. The first prince, fallen ill, and his wife, who vowed never to leave his side. But when Diana, dressed entirely in black, stepped into the garden of the First Prince’s palace, Fleur was looking up at the moon in the middle of the garden as if she had known Diana was coming.


“…Are you a person sent by the First Princess?”


Her voice was as calm as the wind, but it carried a strange power. For some reason, Diana stopped at the voice that clearly pierced her ears.


While Diana stood in place, Fleur lowered her gaze and turned her body. Even though it would have been natural to be surprised at the sight of a black-clad masked figure approaching, she remained calm throughout.


In that moment of debating whether to kill her right then and there, Fleur slowly lowered her body, knelt, and bowed her head before Diana.


“Please spare him.”




“I offer my humble life in exchange. So please… spare him.”




“He is more precious to me than my own life. So please…”


It was probably at that moment when she saw it.


Is this truly the right thing to do? Such ‘doubt’ began to spread like poison in Diana’s heart.



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