The Prince Seduces Me with His Body

At that moment, a tearful voice came from the end of the hallway.


“…Please let me go, Your Highness. I beg you.”


“You’d better not make me angry, Milady. You should be grateful that a prince is showing interest. Once you meet me, you’ll change your mind.”


Diana frowned slightly as she heard the disturbing conversation. That voice, could it be…?


She approached the source of the conversation silently. Peeking around the corner at the end of the hallway, she saw a drunken man. Despite his flushed face, he was unmistakable.


Diana gritted her teeth instinctively. That crazy b*stard.  


The man was the second prince, Ferand, the eldest son of the second concubine. He was known as the most notorious debauchee in the history of the imperial family.  Some habits never die, and sure enough, he was still the same troublemaker even after Diana regressed.


Whose life is he trying to ruin now…?


Ferand’s specialty was spouting nonsense and using his status to force relationships wherever he went. He was probably harassing another young lady he came across this time. Knowing that the second concubine and her children were backed by Rebecca, these young ladies couldn’t easily refuse Ferand.


Fortunately, the woman was someone Diana recognized. Diana clicked her tongue inwardly and stepped forward. It was impossible to avoid running into them if she wanted to enter the lounge. She turned the corner with an innocent smile on her face, completely different from before.


“Oh my, Belladova. Here you are.”


“…Yes, yes?”


The pale-faced woman, Belladova, widened her eyes when she realized the person before her was the bride of today’s wedding. The third princess consort? What…? Belladova was confused. After all, she didn’t know Diana personally.


Meanwhile, Diana blinked curiously and tilted her head. “Why that face? You’re the one who called me here about some maid duties, right?”


Ah…” Belladova’s clouded mind suddenly cleared. Realizing Diana was trying to get her out of the situation, she quickly composed herself. “Yes, that’s right. Thank you for coming.”


“There’s not much time, so let’s go in. This way.” Diana calmly gestured toward the lounge door.


Belladova glanced nervously at Ferand before stepping forward.


“And who are you?” Ferand blocked Diana’s path with a grimace.


Diana looked up at Ferand momentarily, then politely greeted him. “Greetings to Your Highness the Second Prince. I’m Diana Bluebell.”


“What? Bluebell…? Ah.” Ferand’s drunk voice sneered as he recalled. “You’re that upstart’s daughter?”


Gasp.” Belladova gasped softly at the rude remark that warranted a slap in the face.


Ferand scrutinized Diana from head to toe as if appraising her. …Hmm. She’s much prettier than I heard.


The woman who had just become the third princess consort was unexpectedly very beautiful. Petite with a slender frame, her light pink hair reminded him of flower petals swaying in the breeze.


So, this belongs to that b*stard.  Ferand’s smirk grew crooked as he thought of Kayden. The alcohol was dulling his senses further.


He jerked his chin at Belladova, who was frozen behind him. “Hey, you can go now.”




“I’ve lost interest in you, so get lost.”




Belladova looked at Diana with a troubled expression. However, Diana calmly shook her head.


“It’s okay, you can go first.”


“…Understood. I’ll see you later, Your Highness the Third Princess Consort.” In the end, Belladova bit her lip and bowed politely to Diana. It was a gesture acknowledging her as the third princess consort and promising to repay the favor.


Ferand grinned sleazily as Belladova, who kept looking back worriedly, disappeared around the corner. “Sending her away so readily must mean you’re interested in me, right?”


Here’s the nonsense again. Diana thought coldly. She wanted to tear this man apart immediately but knew it wasn’t the right time.


Just as she did when dealing with the second concubine, Diana feigned innocence. To handle a fool, one must act like a fool.


“I’m sorry, but I’m ignorant. What do you mean by ‘interest,’ Your Highness?”




Ah. Did you mean I should have greeted you first now that we’re family? I was just on my way back from greeting the second concubine.”


Ferand flinched at the mention of the second concubine. He was constantly nagged by her to behave and not disgrace Rebecca. If word got out that he had been harassing his sister-in-law while drunk… No way.  The sudden realization sent a chill through him.


Ferand thought he should threaten Diana to keep her quiet and took a menacing step forward. “You…”


“Your Highness Ferand.”


A hand grabbed his shoulder from behind. Ferand turned angrily, only to see a familiar face.


“Marquis Kadmond.”


“What are you doing here in such a secluded place? The banquet is that way.”


The young man with bright golden curls asked kindly. He was the man Diana had exchanged glances with at the wedding.


Ugh…” Ferand groaned softly, feeling the pain from the grip on his shoulder.


Ludwig Kadmond whispered softly in his ear. “I won’t report this to the princess this time.”




“So, quietly return to your quarters while you can. Unless you want to provoke her anger.” Ludwig smiled as he released Ferand’s shoulder.


“…Tch.” Ferand glared at Diana before leaving reluctantly.


He’s still picking a fight while being watched.  Diana thought disdainfully, clicking her tongue inwardly. She turned her head at the curious gaze she felt on her profile.






The two of them stared at each other in silence for a moment. Ludwig, who was gazing at Diana with clear blue eyes, smiled. “This feels familiar, doesn’t it?”


“…Does it?” Diana hid her true feelings behind a smile and tilted her head as if she didn’t understand.


Ludwig raised his eyebrows as if saddened. “Oh dear. I’m not a beauty that is easily forgotten.”


His innocent demeanor reminded Diana of how she dealt with the second concubine and Ferand. He’s still good at pretending to be miserable…


Ludwig had been something of a mentor to Diana before her regression. They clashed often, but thanks to that, she learned to wield her tongue like a blade while smiling. So, in a way, he was indeed her teacher.


“Her Highness is not a god. I also follow her, but I serve her as a servant, not as a worshiper like you.”


Rebecca’s strategist. The one who first sowed the seeds of doubt in Diana’s blind faith. That was Ludwig Kadmond. That’s why she couldn’t look away when she saw him at the wedding. He was also one of those eventually executed by Rebecca.


“I apologize on behalf of His Highness Ferand. It’s a joyous day, so he may have overindulged.”


As Diana stared at Ludwig with mixed feelings, he stepped closer. He took her hand gently, smiling as his eyes narrowed.


“Come to think of it, I haven’t formally introduced myself. Ludwig Kadmond, at your service, Your Highness. May the glory of light be with you.” His long eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings as his red lips approached the back of her hand.




A low voice accompanied the arm that wrapped around Diana’s waist, pulling her back.



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