The Prince Seduces Me with His Body

“You seem to be having a good time, both of you.”


“…Your Highness the Second Concubine.”


Kayden and Diana both flinched and bowed. Standing before them was the second concubine, her brown hair elegantly styled. Her golden eyes, visible above her fan, showed faint contempt.


“Since we’re all one family now, I thought it was strange that I hadn’t had the chance to greet you yet, so I decided to come over myself.” Her tone was calm, but the content was decidedly hostile.


Diana discreetly rolled her eyes. So, she’s the vanguard.


Glancing around, Diana noticed the first concubine pretending to chat with the emperor while actually watching them. It seemed they intended to undermine her and issue a warning.


I have to appear harmless, like someone who only knows love… Diana took a light breath and straightened her posture. Dropping her eyebrows, she looked down and gently apologized. “I apologize Your Highness the Second Concubine. I was so engrossed in Kayden that I forgot my manners. Please forgive me.”


Kayden, who had been watching the second concubine warily, coughed in surprise at Diana’s unexpected words.


Diana turned to him with concern. “Oh my, are you alright, Kayden?”


“What did… Cough!” Kayden shook his head, trying to say something, but continued to cough.


The second concubine clicked her tongue, annoyed that Diana had so calmly deflected her comment. “How frivolous.”


“I apologize for my frivolity.”


“Your responses are so insincere…”


“If it seemed that way, I am deeply, truly sorry.”


Ha.” The Second concubine let out a frustrated laugh at the continuous apologies. Diana, however, maintained an innocent expression.


What’s the problem? I’m just apologizing because you’re upset. Is it also wrong to love my husband so much? How sad that you don’t understand the beauty of love…! Covering her mouth with one hand and making her eyes look moist, Diana seemed to convey this sentiment silently.


“Look over there.”


“The second concubine…”


“Even though she’s just been married today…”


People started whispering, wondering if the second concubine was bullying Diana, who had just joined the imperial family.


Politically, it made sense for the Second concubine to be wary of the new third prince’s wife, but many questioned the necessity of being so harsh on a newlywed bride who hadn’t even finished her reception.


Is she doing this on purpose? Or is she just an ignorant fool?  As the second concubine narrowed her eyes, about to speak, a soft, chilling voice interrupted her.


“Your Highness the Second concubine. Here you are.”


“…Older Sister.”


Catching himself a moment later, Kayden stepped forward, shielding Diana. Thanks to him, Diana had a moment to compose herself after freezing at Rebecca’s appearance.


The Second concubine greeted Rebecca with a markedly different, respectful attitude. “You’ve arrived, First Princess.”


“Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves, so I dared to intrude. If you don’t mind, I’d like to join your conversation.” Rebecca smiled warmly as if to ease the tense atmosphere, though everyone knew her smile only heightened the tension. However, no one voiced this thought.


“…Tsk. I’ll let it go for today because of the First Princess.”


“Take care.”


The second concubine clicked her tongue and turned away. Rebecca gave her a perfect, formal farewell.


It looked like a well-rehearsed play, and Diana revised her thoughts. So it was Rebecca’s order, not the first concubine. It wasn’t surprising, considering the second concubine was essentially the first concubine’s subordinate, and the first concubine was desperate to make her daughter the emperor.


After the second concubine left, Rebecca turned her gaze to Diana. “We finally met.”


Her smile was meaningful but lacked warmth. It was a cold, calculating smile.


“Did you enjoy your outing with my brother, Lady Sudsfield? Or should I call you the Third Princess Consort now?”


Her words sounded mocking, but her demeanor remained friendly. Diana took a deep breath and moved closer to Kayden, slightly behind him. Holding the hem of her dress with both hands, she extended her right foot back, bent her knee just enough to be noticeable, and then straightened. It was a perfect example of etiquette, as Rebecca herself had taught her before. Her downcast blue-violet eyes were calm.


“…Diana Bluebell greets Your Highness the First Princess. I regret that I could not attend the luncheon you invited me before.” Rising from her bow, Diana wore a serene smile.


Rebecca’s eyes briefly shone with suspicion, but she quickly masked it. “If you and the Third Prince are happy, that’s what matters. Hopefully, you will attend the invitation next time.”


“I would be honored to attend,” Diana responded with a respectful nod.


After staring at Diana for a while, Rebecca turned away. Standing closer to Kayden, she patted his shoulder in a seemingly affectionate gesture. “My dear brother.”


They looked like a loving pair of siblings.


A soft whisper reached Kayden’s ear. “Congratulations on your marriage. I’ve sent a gift to your palace, so open it when you get back.”


The mention of a ‘gift’ made Kayden’s eyes widen slightly. Clenching his fists behind his back, he managed to reply. “…Thank you.”


“Have a peaceful night. Both of you.” Rebecca left them with that final remark.


Once she was gone, Kayden turned to Diana with a sense of urgency. “I need to go to the palace. You should find a place to rest, perhaps the lounge.”


“Is something wrong?”


“It’s nothing serious. Just in case.”


Seeing Kayden’s pale face, Diana looked up at him with worry. Despite his anxiety, Kayden managed a small smile.


“By the way, Diana.”


“Please speak.”


“I’m sorry.”




Surprised, Diana’s eyes widened. Kayden approached her, leaning down until their foreheads touched, and murmured self-deprecatingly. “I have no power right now.”


Earlier, when the second concubine openly tried to oppress Diana, he couldn’t even protest. He knew people saw him as a powerless figurehead without any real authority.


“…Tsk. I’ll let it go for today because of the First Princess.”


But he had never felt this powerlessness so acutely. Knowing how much courage it took for Diana to marry him and stand by him, he felt even more determined.


“I’ll do my best to make sure you never have to bow your head unjustly again. So…” With their foreheads touching, Kayden took a deep breath. He looked into her blue-violet eyes and whispered. “Don’t endure it next time. You can even use me to protect yourself.”






His pitch-black eyes were filled with earnestness. The slightly furrowed brows evoked a pang in her heart.


Diana pretended not to notice how their breaths mingled, making it feel like another kiss, and smiled. “…Okay, go ahead.”


Relieved, Kayden chuckled and gently patted her head before quickly leaving. Left alone, Diana stepped out into the hallway, avoiding the main hall to escape further scrutiny.




Walking aimlessly down the empty corridor, she tried to calm her racing heart.


He really is such a good person, almost excessively so…


She shook her head, trying to dispel thoughts of Kayden’s face that kept coming to mind.


Sending flowers to the Sudsfield estate, being so considerate to her despite the contract—he was incredibly kind and gentle. If she had been unaware of everything, she might have fallen in love with him recklessly.


Fortunately… I’m not that shameless.


Diana let out a self-deprecating laugh. As she tried to clear her thoughts, she heard a tearful voice from the other end of the corridor.



  1. picari says:

    Oh, a wedding gift from the boss villain? I guess Kayden is rushing off to check whether it’s the cooling body of one of his vassals or something similar.

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