The Prince Seduces Me with His Body



With her first-ever kiss, Diana’s legs felt weak. The sensation was far more intense and overwhelming than the brief touch they had shared on Parmangdi Street.


Initially playful, Kayden gently nibbled on Diana’s lower lip with his teeth. Startled, she grabbed his arm and inadvertently opened her mouth, allowing his tongue to slip inside. The wet flesh rubbed together, making small, slick sounds. The kiss was gentle and soft at times, but when she seemed to pull away, he would stubbornly hold on, deepening the connection.


It felt like their entire body’s warmth was being exchanged through their lips. As Diana accepted the kiss, her fingertips trembled from the lack of breath. Fortunately, just as she felt she might faint, their lips parted.


Haa…” Diana gasped for breath as soon as their lips separated.


Kayden, also breathing lightly, looked at her flushed lips with a peculiar expression.


Why do I… Even after their lips had parted, it felt like someone was lighting a fire inside him. He didn’t want to stop. He wanted to devour every breath she took. This irrational impulse kept urging him on. Unconsciously, Kayden moved his hand and pressed his thumb gently against her lips.




The moment Diana’s lips moved to speak, a shiver ran down his spine. Almost losing his composure, Kayden hastily withdrew his hand and took a step back.


The applause and the sound of bells ringing marked the end of the ceremony. Kayden smiled brightly, trying to extinguish the lingering heat within him, and whispered, “May the light bless you. Welcome to the imperial palace, Diana Bluebell.”


The sight of his smile made Diana’s heart skip a beat. Thump, thump. The sudden loud beating of her heart filled her ears, overwhelming her.


Diana had never seen Kayden as a romantic interest before, even avoiding him due to his inexplicable familiarity. But the recent kiss, the mingling breaths, and the shared warmth were so vivid that she was acutely aware of him as a man. Her face flushed deeply as she realized this.


* * *

After the ceremony, the reception followed. Viscount Sudsfield spared no expense to celebrate this marriage, showcasing his investment to get closer to the imperial status he had long desired. The opera diamonds shimmered brilliantly, displaying his wealth.


Ha, look at that. You’d think he’s a nouveau riche…”


“Look at him grinning like an idiot. So tacky.”


The nobles quietly sneered at Viscount Sudsfield, who was surrounded by people and beaming widely. Yet, the crowd around him showed how irresistible his wealth was. The decorations, the diamond ornaments, the mountains of wine bottles, the endless finger foods, and the gold flowing from the fountain all reflected his immense fortune.

Viscount Sudsfield, a brilliant merchant, knew it was better to flaunt overwhelming wealth if he were to be looked down upon. Thus, the nobles, despite internally viewing him as a base, hurried to smile at him.


Consequently, Diana, as the day’s protagonist and his daughter, also became the center of attention. Under a chandelier studded with opera diamonds, Diana and Kayden danced at the center of the floor. Some thought their match was fitting, considering their backgrounds as an abandoned child and a merchant’s daughter, though they couldn’t deny the beauty of the couple swirling gracefully to the music.


Kayden tilted his head slightly, whispering something to Diana with a small smile. People assumed it was a sweet, intimate exchange between newlyweds and soon lost interest. However, the reality was slightly different.




“Yes, yes?”


“Are you telling me to smile?”




“Your eyes are darting around so much they might roll back.”


Kayden grinned mischievously, leaning closer to Diana’s face. Her blue-violet eyes instantly darted upward, almost in a panic. Kayden stifled a laugh, a breathy sound escaping his lips.














Every time Kayden tried to get into her line of sight, Diana’s reflexes made her look away almost instantly, yet she still danced without missing a step, which he found amusing and frustrating. Eventually, a vein popped out on Kayden’s forehead as he smiled coldly.


“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that my kiss was so terrible.”


“I-It’s not that…”


“How about I wrap my eyes with a ribbon so you’ll look at me, Dear Wife?”


Please, stop saying such things…


Diana almost burst into tears at the thought of Kayden with a ribbon around his eyes. Though she knew he didn’t mean it that way, once the thought crossed her mind, she couldn’t shake it. The touch of his hand on her waist, his breath, everything made her hyper-aware and nervous.


Someone, help me… Diana desperately scanned the room, but it was empty around them. Interrupting a newlywed couple was against social etiquette, regardless of how insignificant they seemed. So, everyone else danced with their partners, beaming with satisfaction at their supposed decorum. I’m not grateful at all, thought Diana in despair.


Meanwhile, Kayden, who had somewhat recovered from his surprise and annoyance, spoke with a slightly sullen face. “Anyway, I should have asked for your consent first. I sincerely apolo—”


“Don’t apologize.”


Diana’s head snapped up so quickly that she didn’t even realize she was interrupting him. Kayden, startled by the intense blue-violet eyes meeting him, closed his mouth. Her clear, direct gaze made his heart flutter in a way that felt almost ticklish.


“You don’t need to apologize. Your Highness never did anything to warrant an apology.”


Diana had once taken his life in her previous life. Even if he didn’t remember, no amount of apology from her would ever be enough. Thus, he should never have to lower his head to her. It wasn’t right. And beyond that,




Kayden tilted his head, unable to hear her mumbling. “I can’t hear you.”


“I said, it wasn’t because I hated it. It just felt a little awkward.” Diana quickly clarified, embarrassed, and fidgeted with her hands. Instantly, the sensation of his strong shoulders and the large hand against her waist vividly reminded her of their closeness, and she regretted speaking up.


Kayden looked down at her. Although she was struggling to control her expression while fidgeting nervously, she couldn’t help but keep her hands moving as if she wanted to leave as soon as possible.


When was the last time someone said they didn’t hate me?


Since the death of the third concubine, Kayden has lived a life of avoidance. He was always a child who might be killed at any moment, someone whose presence might provoke the first concubine and the first princess.


People recoiled when he reached out as if his touch was disgusting and unpleasant. Though he had gained allies like Patrasche recently, the memories of rejection were still vivid. That’s why Diana’s words, saying she didn’t hate him, brought him a small, unexpected joy.


Having shaken off his earlier disappointment, Kayden returned to his usual self. As a good husband, it was his duty to ease his wife’s discomfort. He deliberately opened his mouth in a serious manner.


“But, my dear.”




“No matter how gentle a husband I am, it’s hard for me when you keep fidgeting like that.”


“…When did I ever fidget?”


“Are you asking because you don’t know? You keep doing this,”


“Wait, not there!” Diana stifled a scream as Kayden’s hand moved playfully at her waist.


He laughed softly, whispering teasingly, “So your sides are sensitive. I’ll remember that.”




“The pervert isn’t me, but your mind. What were you thinking?”


“I was thinking that as a proper wife, I should control Your Highness’s debauched behavior.” Diana pouted with a sullen expression.


Kayden found her so amusing and cute that he couldn’t stop teasing her. Just as he was about to speak again with a smile, the music stopped. Reluctantly, Kayden withdrew his hand from Diana’s waist.


At that moment, a calm voice interrupted between them.



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