The Prince Seduces Me with His Body

Prince Elliot…


The first prince, Elliot Lee Bluebell, was the only son of the current empress. However, the empress was from a foreign country, and the first prince, born with no ability to handle mana, was very weak.


In contrast, Rebecca had one of the four ducal houses of the empire as her maternal family and was a powerful elementalist herself. As a result, most of the ministers supported Rebecca as the next emperor, and there were hardly any nobles backing the first prince. But Rebecca didn’t want to leave even the tiniest speck of uncertainty.


“Dian, kill the first prince and his wife. Do it for me.”


Rebecca had whispered, cupping Diana’s face tenderly. At that time, Diana couldn’t even imagine refusing Rebecca’s orders. To her, Rebecca was almost a god. Yet, she hesitated for the first time at that command.


“But, Your Highness. They—”


“I know. They’re exceedingly kind and gentle and have no interest in the throne.”




“But Diana, I don’t want to leave any small risk. Don’t you want me to ascend to the throne in perfect condition?





“Isn’t that right?”


In the end, Diana couldn’t refuse Rebecca’s order and killed the first prince and his wife. She attended their funeral, shedding tears of public mourning alongside Rebecca. But standing next to the lifeless bodies of the people she had killed filled her with unbearable horror.


“Your Highness, I… I don’t feel well. I’ll take a leave first.”


Unable to suppress the nausea rising within her, Diana fled the funeral. As she collapsed at the entrance of the main palace, desperately gulping in the cold air.


“Are you Lady Sudsfield?”


Kayden, on his way to attend the funeral, stopped in front of her.


At his low call, Diana flinched involuntarily. Kayden had been as close as a brother to the first prince. Although no one but Rebecca knew that she had killed the first prince, she couldn’t help but feel like a criminal in front of him.


Diana managed to steady her shaking and replied,


“Your Highness Kayden.”


“Why aren’t you by my older sister’s side and instead out here?”


“…It’s because I’m not feeling well. I was going to return to White Flame Palace.”


“You said you weren’t feeling well, but going back alone?”


“I’m fine.”


Kayden glanced around, seeming displeased, and frowned slightly.


“I’ll escort you.”


“I’m really fi—”


“I’m not fine with it. Now, stand up. If it’s difficult, tell me, and I’ll help you.”




As Kayden reached out to support her, she quickly stood up on her own, startled. The two then walked to Rebecca’s palace, maintaining an awkward silence and a certain distance between them. The only sounds were the rustling of grass and earth beneath their feet.


Diana quickened her pace, feeling uncomfortable. Finally, when they reached the front of White Flame Palace, Kayden spoke unexpectedly.


“Have you ever considered coming under my wing, Lady Sudsfield?”


For a moment, Diana doubted her ears. She shook her head to clear her confused mind and took a step back.


“I don’t understand… what you mean by that, Your Highness. I’m just a humble servant favored by the first princess.”


“No, I believe you’re the greatest asset in my older sister’s faction. I have a good eye for people.”


Kayden’s voice was firm, leaving no room for denial.


Diana was genuinely shocked. How could he be so certain that she was more than just a favored maid of Rebecca?


Seeing her surprise, Kayden laughed mischievously.


“Your surprised face is quite a sight. If you come under me, I might even tell you how I know. Doesn’t it tempt you a little?”


“I still don’t understand what you’re talking about, Your Highness. If you have nothing more to say, I will take my leave.”


“…I see. That’s just like you.”


Trying to hide her confusion, Diana responded firmly. Kayden stared at her for a long moment before finally turning away.


“But I’m serious, Milady. Let me know anytime if you change your mind. Take care.”


Before either of them could act on his offer, they would both lose their heads.


He could only say that because he didn’t know I killed the first prince… Diana thought bitterly.


Remembering those days vividly made the current situation feel even more surreal. The sunlight poured over her, and the feel of the soft fabric against her skin, the flowers and ribbon adorned with the blessing of eternal preservation from an earth elementalist knight, and most dreamlike of all, Kayden holding her hand.


Blinking once, she wondered if this was all a fleeting dream. But the only thing that changed was their location.


Today was their wedding day, and they stood before the officiating priest. As Diana and Kayden stopped at the altar, the priest began the ceremonial speech in a solemn tone.


“It is a most joyous day. We are here to celebrate the union of His Highness Kayden Seirik Bluebell, the fifth child of His Majesty Emperor Ricardo Logan Bluebell…”


As the conventional words flowed, Diana’s gaze shifted beyond her veil to the stinging stares from behind. Sitting in the front row were two elaborately dressed women. The first concubine and the second concubine.


The two were whispering something, clearly significant. As Rebecca’s mother, the first concubine obviously distrusted Diana. The second concubine, originally the first concubine’s maid and loyal to her, also viewed Diana with suspicion.


Are they plotting to poison me? Diana thought nonchalantly before something caught her eye, and she paused.


Behind the seats of the first concubine and second concubine sat a young man with an impeccable posture. Feeling her gaze, he looked up, and their eyes met through the veil. His striking blond hair and blue eyes made him appear as if he were royalty from a neighboring country. The brilliance of his features was almost blinding. For a moment, he exchanged a puzzled look with Diana before giving her a mysterious smile.




Kayden, who had been glancing at Diana intermittently, unconsciously narrowed his eyes. From under the translucent white veil, he saw Diana’s gaze directed away from him. Where is she looking at? He turned his head to follow her gaze and was momentarily stunned to realize she was looking at another man.


“This solemnly declares that these two are now married before Almighty Tilia. The groom and bride may now exchange vows with a kiss.”


Just then, the end of the long ceremony was announced. Diana still had her eyes fixed on the young man, which Kayden found disturbingly uncomfortable. He decided it was merely his irritation at her failure to stay focused on their arrangement.


Someone would think she’s marrying him, not me. Annoyed, he reached for the edge of her veil.


“Your Highness?”


Startled, Diana snapped her attention back to Kayden, away from the young man. As Kayden lifted the veil, her large blue-violet eyes, now fully exposed, widened in surprise. Seeing her eyes focused solely on him filled him with a faint sense of satisfaction.


“I told you to call me by my name.”


Ah.” Realizing she had been too distracted, Diana softened her expression.


Kayden, smiling like a mischievous boy, gently tapped her cheek with his finger. “Stay focused, Diana.”


His large hand cupped her fair face softly, hiding their lips from the onlookers. Without time to register the warmth of his hand, the distance between them closed swiftly.


“This is the real deal now.”


Immediately after that low whisper reached her ear, their lips met in a seamless kiss. 



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