The Prince Seduces Me with His Body

“Y-You’re Lady Sudsfield…”


Realizing Diana was soon to become the Third Prince’s consort, Mizel signed the contract with tears in her eyes. The tears stemmed from the premonition of the political storm she would soon endure. Although feeling a bit sorry, Diana tucked the contract into her sleeve.


Time passed, and when spring flowers were in full bloom, the wedding day finally arrived.


“Milady, you mustn’t move.”


“You might as well tell me not to breathe, Madam.”


“That will be the case when you put on the dress.”


“I can’t believe this…”


Madam Deshu was twice as strict as usual. Diana had endured even more grueling mornings than before. She still wondered how she was alive. Although she looked impeccably noble, elegant, lovely, and above all, wealthy, it was an experience she never wanted to repeat.


Finally, Madam Deshu placed a translucent white lace veil on Diana’s head and stepped back. “You’ve worked hard, Milady.”


“Well, even though I was half imprisoned, the results are good, so I’ll let it slide.” Diana jokes, and Madam Deshu laughs lightly, bowing her head.


“Congratulations on your marriage. May you be happy.”


An almost camaraderie-like warmth filled the room between Diana, Madam Deshu, and her assistants. Then there was a soft knock, and the door opened. Everyone but Diana quickly bowed their heads.


“Greetings to Young Master Sudsfield.”


Millard Sudsfield, dressed as smartly as the day he got engaged to Rebecca, entered the room, looking ready to celebrate his sister’s wedding. Some of Madam Deshu’s assistants blushed at his prince-like appearance.


Millard, with his light milk-caramel hair neatly swept back, spoke kindly. “Thank you all for your hard work. I appreciate your efforts.”


“We are merely doing our job, nothing more.”


Madam Deshu’s tone was professional. Though it sounded curt, her composed expression left no room for reproach.


Millard, taken aback by the lukewarm response, awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. He was used to people being easily moved by his ‘un-noble-like’ kindness. Maybe I’m mistaken.


As soon as he regained his smile, he requested, “I need a moment alone with my sister before she leaves. If the preparations are complete, could you give us some privacy?”


“Of course.”


Madam Deshu bowed and gave Diana a small smile before leaving. Seeing this, Millard’s mood soured further. So I wasn’t mistaken.


She must be taking sides after spending days with Diana. How dare she?


Millard had never considered Diana his equal or superior. She was always beneath him, a fundamental truth like the rising and setting of the sun. But since the third prince started showing interest in Diana, his feelings had been in turmoil.


While he was engaged, not married to Rebecca, if Diana married the third prince, her status would surpass his. Though he maintained his composure in public, it was a bitter pill to swallow for his pride. His resentment turned towards Diana.


“So arrogant. Not even greeting me? Just because you’re lucky enough to marry the third prince, you think you’re above me?”


Diana clicked her tongue inwardly. It was astonishing how consistently pathetic he was. But outwardly, she appeared regretful, softening her expression.


“I’m sorry, Milord. I’ve been confined to preparing for the wedding, and it’s been so long since I’ve spoken, I’m struggling to find my words.”


It was true she had been locked away, enduring Madam Deshu’s rigorous preparation. Diana continued quietly while Millard was momentarily at a loss for words.






“Please don’t be too angry. Even if I marry the third prince, I’m still part of the Sudsfield family.”


Before the regression, Millard had been so captivated by Rebecca that he almost handed over all the Sudsfield estate, even killing their father to gain control of the opera diamond mine. Diana intended to use the viscount’s support for the third prince’s palace, so if Millard squandered the family’s wealth on Rebecca, it would be problematic. She needed to plant a seed of caution.


“I’ve heard from people that the first princess favors frugal and courteous gentlemen.”


Her voice, calm and serene, like still water, touched his sense of reason deeply buried beneath Rebecca’s allure.


“Both my marriage and your engagement… they serve the same purpose.”




“All for the glory of Sudsfield.”


Diana smiled gently as she looked at Millard, who had a strange expression on his face. It was a smile like a painting.


* * *

The carriage carrying Diana and Viscount Sudsfield arrived at the third prince’s palace as the sun reached its peak.


“Let’s go.” Viscount Sudsfield, looking like a great burden had been lifted, offered his hand to Diana, who took it and stepped out of the carriage.


The day was warm and clear, signaling the start of spring. The imperial palace garden, prepared for the wedding, was beautifully tended by skilled gardeners.


Diana nudged the long red velvet carpet with her foot, then looked up at the sound of approaching footsteps. She held her breath. Kayden, in a white ceremonial suit, was right in front of her.


“Your Highness? Why are you here…?” Viscount Sudsfield spoke on her behalf.


The third prince was supposed to wait at the end of this path, so why was he here? Fortunately, it wasn’t only them taken aback. Looking over behind Kayden, his aide, Patrasche, was also nervously pacing behind him.


“…I thought this would be better.” Kayden mumbled, staring at Diana like a man entranced.


Her eyes, seen through the translucent veil, shone an unusually bright blue under the sunlight. Her petal-like hair mixed with the white lace fluttered slowly in his vision.


This is strange.


Despite having met Diana several times after sending the proposal to maintain appearances, each encounter felt tender and nostalgic, as if they had been apart for a long time.


“Right now, we’re in a hurry…”


Kayden snapped back to reality, hearing Patrasche grinding his teeth behind him. He reluctantly tore his gaze away and gestured towards Viscount Sudsfield holding Diana’s hand. His meaning was clear.


“You may leave now. You’ve done well.”


“But, this is…”


“Shall we go, Wife?”


As Viscount Sudsfield stammered, Kayden swiftly took Diana’s hand, flashing a brief smile. It was a clean dismissal.


Diana, feeling the cautious yet warm grip on her hand, looked at Kayden silently and then smiled. “Everyone is watching us.”


“Exactly. There are enough unpleasant rumors about your sudden rise in status. We don’t need to add to them.”


Traditionally, weddings involved the bride’s father giving her to the groom. Kayden disliked this, finding it too reminiscent of the emperor’s objectification of his family.


“Does this make you uncomfortable?” Kayden, realizing his actions, looked at Diana cautiously.


She shook her head with a slight smile. “No, it makes me happy.”


Relieved, Kayden smiled and began walking. The act reminded Diana of a day long ago.


Before her regression, Diana, as Rebecca’s person, seldom interacted with Kayden. But there was one time they walked side by side like this. It was on the last day of the first prince and his wife’s funeral. 



  1. picari says:

    Last chapter I went “well that escalated quickly” – some passerby character beheaded almost at random, and ta-da, MC is a guild master! I was kinda expecting to learn more about the whole guild thing this chapter, but instead we jump ahead to the wedding? Okay, a fast-paced story that wastes no time on superfluous detail!

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