The Prince Seduces Me with His Body



Kayden widened his eyes, momentarily thinking he had misheard. But Diana, with a serious expression, spoke quietly.


“You told me to say if I felt uncomfortable or disliked it. I didn’t dislike it, Your Highness. It’s just that, as you mentioned, the setting made me hesitate.”




“Your Highness?”


Diana tilted her head as Kayden looked at her with a peculiar expression. Then he laughed softly.


“You’re… remarkably forgiving, Diana. What if I were a worse person than you think?”


Diana felt a pang of guilt. Kayden was indeed sharp. Fortunately, he seemed to brush it off as a mere feeling and didn’t press further.


Returning to his seat, he spoke again. “More importantly, there’s something else crucial to make our relationship seem genuine.”


“What is it?”


“Our names.”




“It would be odd if those who supposedly fell in love and overcame political barriers still called each other ‘Your Highness’ and ‘Lady.’ So, you should call me by my name, Diana.” Kayden added this in a straightforward manner.


Diana liked his tone and voice, so she smiled. “Alright, Kayden.”




Oh, are your ears turning red?”


“Don’t tease me. I can’t control it.” Kayden lowered his head to hide his ears, grumbling.


Diana forgot about the onlookers and laughed heartily. Kayden’s ears turned even redder at her laughter.


* * *

Millard fumed all the way to the White Flame Palace, the residence of the first princess, Rebecca.


“How dare she ignore the first princess’s summons! If that lowly girl angers Her Highness…!”


“Calm down. After all, the other party is the third prince. Her Highness will understand.”


Viscount Sudsfield soothed his son in a low voice as they followed the maid to the garden banquet area. Both bowed deeply to those already seated.


“Thank you for the invitation. This is Nigel Sudsfield.”


“This is Millard Sudsfield.”


A soft yet chilling voice greeted them. “Welcome. But it seems someone is missing.” The first concubine, who was seated at the head of the table, flashed eyes that were strikingly similar to Rebecca’s.


At her question, Millard’s shoulders jerked. Viscount Sudsfield nudged his son on the back and calmly straightened his posture.


Rebecca, seated to the right of the first concubine, asked again, “Where is Lady Sudsfield? She might become my brother’s wife, so I called her because I couldn’t skip the introduction.”


“She left home early this morning at the summons of His Highness the Third Prince. I apologize for her absence.”


Ah, I see. The third prince….” Rebecca’s lips curved into a smile that seemed briefly delighted. However, everyone present knew her smile was far from genuine.


“It’s unfortunate but unavoidable. We will have to wait until next time. Both of you, please sit. The food will get cold,” said the second concubine, who was seated to the left of the first concubine with a cold expression.


After many twists and turns, Viscount Sudsfield and Millard sat down and began their meal. With a flushed face, Millard repeatedly tried to speak to Rebecca, and she responded with a faint smile.


As Viscount Sudsfield discreetly observed the two, Rebecca suddenly spoke while patting her lips with a napkin. “By the way, Viscount Sudsfield.”


“Yes, Your Highness.”


“Does Lady Sudsfield also have feelings for the third prince?”




“I worry that my brother might be pushing his feelings onto her without consideration for hers. If so, please let me know at any time.” Rebecca smiled sweetly with an exceptionally kind face.


Viscount Sudsfield felt a cold sweat trickling down his back as he forced a smile back at her. As expected, she’s suspicious about it…


Rebecca was simultaneously warning Viscount Sudsfield and testing him. Suppose the third prince was indeed demanding cooperation one-sidedly. In that case, she was telling him to confess so she could handle it. But he couldn’t do that.


Viscount Sudsfield soon regained his composure and resumed his skilled merchant demeanor. “Thank you for your concern. However, it seems my daughter was very touched by His Highness’s kindness, perhaps because she grew up quite lonely.”


“Oh gosh. There are many better men in the world, though.”


“First experiences are always intense. I have never been much of a parent to her, so I do not wish to stop her from marrying the person she desires.”


Rebecca narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing him to see if he was sincere. He continued speaking with a calm demeanor so convincing he almost believed it himself.


“In any case, I have no intention of supporting the third prince. If our family can prevent him from gaining power through marriage, that would be beneficial. Diana is a very obedient child, so she won’t go against my wishes.” Viscount Sudsfield mixed truth and lies skillfully and ended with a smile.


Rebecca, who had been silent for a while, finally declared a truce, slightly shaking her wine glass. “Very well, if you insist. I will prepare a wedding gift.”


“It is an honor.”


“I hope Lady Sudsfield will please me as much as you do.” Her last murmur was rather ominous.


In the chilly atmosphere, Rebecca smiled gracefully and sipped her wine. The blood-red liquid disappeared between her equally red lips.


* * *

Shortly after the meeting on Parmangdi Street, it was the day Kayden formally sent a marriage proposal to the Sudsfield family. Viscount Sudsfield toasted with a frog-like smile. Although Viscountess Sudsfield and Millard were not very pleased, they still celebrated with him. As a result, from the servants to the head couple, everyone was drunk, and the mansion was quiet.


Diana took this opportunity to assume her postponed fake identity. After her return, thanks to Madam Deshu’s meticulous care, she looked more noble than ever before as she covered herself with an old cloak.




Diana’s eyes briefly turned deep violet as her mana stirred, silently changing the room’s atmosphere.


Meow. A black cat with violet eyes, the intermediate-level spirit ‘Muf,’ emerged from under Diana’s cloak. The cat rubbed its face against Diana’s feet, marking its territory.


Bending down to scratch the cat lightly behind its ears, she said, “I know, I’m happy to see you too. But hunting will have to wait. We need to go out now, and after our business is done, you can catch as many deer or rabbits as you want.”




When Muf meowed as if asking how many, Diana responded, sweating slightly, “Three?”






Meow. Grumbling in dissatisfaction, Muf finally seemed content and adorably rubbed against Diana’s feet. Thinking that the cat was indeed cunning, Diana clicked her tongue lightly and left the Sudsfield mansion.


Rather than dealing with Muf’s demands and getting caught by someone again, this is easier.


Thanks to Muf’s barrier concealing her presence, evading the guards was not difficult. She slipped into the alley where she first encountered Kayden after her regression. Crossing the dark, musty alley without hesitation, she arrived at a large gambling den.


“You swindler! Who are you trying to fool?”


“Admit defeat if you’ve lost! Hey, guard! Look at this guy!”


“You b*stard!”


The entrance to the gambling den was noisy. People entered with faces glowing with drunken happiness, while others, having lost everything, raised their voices in vain.


Diana passed by the guard who was breaking up a fight and entered. Avoiding people inside the den, she headed toward the back door.


Though I could continue using the alley, it was harder to hide my footsteps there. This is less troublesome.


As the saying goes, hide a tree in the forest. Muf’s barrier made her invisible, but it did not mask footsteps or prevent collisions. Thus, it was easier to pass through a crowded place where people were distracted. It was easier to conceal her footsteps, and even if she bumped into someone, they would mistake it for someone else in their drunken state.


Exiting through the back door leading to the depths of the slums, Diana removed Muf’s barrier, ensuring no one was around.


It should be around here.


Diana remembered that the information guild she was seeking was nearby and looked around. Then, she saw a familiar figure through a half-open door.


Found it.


The woman, with a short bob haircut and round glasses, was the guild master she knew before her regression. As Diana approached with a light smile, she stopped in her tracks. The woman was arguing loudly with someone.


“Guild Master, please! That child is only ten years old! Please restrain yourself…!”


Guild master?


Diana furrowed her brows, sensing something odd. As far as she knew, that woman was the guild master of the information guild ‘Wings.’ Yet, the woman was acting as if there was another guild master.


At that moment, a man’s voice, sounding heavily drunk, came from behind the door.


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