The Price Is Revenge

TPR Chapter 9

Chapter 9

The doctor, flustered, adjusted his glasses that had slipped down and spoke.

“It seems your condition is worsening. I’m concerned about the slow recovery. Let me check your pulse first.”

As usual, the doctor began to take my pulse but tilted his head in confusion.

“That’s strange. Your pulse seems to be improving, but your complexion is so pale. Are you experiencing any other discomfort?”

“No, the same as yesterday.”

“Hmm, have you been taking the medicine I prescribed regularly?”

At the mention of medicine, the bitter taste spread across my mouth reflexively. Under Ludger’s orders, they had added a supplement that was supposed to help with my recovery. Honestly, that medicine tasted horrible!

“…Yes, I’ve been taking it.”

“Why did you hesitate? Could it be that you’ve skipped a dose?”


The medicine was so bitter it felt like torture. My tongue vehemently rejected it, so I would take a few sips and secretly throw the rest away.

I shook my head in disapproval.

“Sigh, that won’t do. From today, I will stay and watch until you’ve finished taking all your medicine.”

For a moment, I almost yelled, “No way!” but managed to hold it back.

‘Please, spare me from that.’

If the doctor took even one sip, he’d know it wasn’t something a human should consume!

Unaware of my silent plea, the doctor took out some herbs from his bag and made the medicine right there.

“This is a tonic for recovering your strength. Drink it all down without leaving a single drop.”

The doctor, with a stern look in his eyes, pushed the medicine towards me.

Since I was pretending to be sick, I had no choice but to drink it. With trembling hands, I took the bowl. The color was like dirty water mixed with dung. I squeezed my eyes shut.

‘This is just another thing I have to endure.’

For the sake of my revenge, I could bear anything.

Only after watching me finish the medicine did the doctor leave. Unfortunately, from that day onward, he stayed by my side until I had finished every drop of the medicine.

It was so bitter that it almost brought tears to my eyes, but I could feel the effects for sure.

‘I feel like I’m getting healthier.’

I could feel strength coursing through my body, so eventually, I drank it willingly, though the bitterness never got any easier to handle.

‘There’s no harm in building up my stamina.’

After all, I needed to run towards my revenge with all my strength.

With Shanette’s help, I continued to deceive the doctor and stayed in the mansion for five more days.

That morning, however, the mansion was unusually noisy.

‘What’s going on?’

Shanette had left to check on the situation outside, leaving me alone in the bedroom, feeling frustrated. Thanks to my feigned illness, I had managed to prevent Ludger from departing for the battlefield immediately, avoiding that misfortune. Staying in the bedroom was physically easy, but it left me feeling stifled since it was hard to get information from the outside.

‘At least there’s the newspaper.’

Through the articles, I could keep up with major events happening in the empire, but I could only learn about what was happening in the mansion when Shanette brought me the news.

On the bright side…

‘I’m lucky to have even one ally.’

If I had been alone, it would have been difficult to learn about the mansion’s situation.

Before long, Shanette returned after going downstairs.

“A guest has arrived at the mansion. They will likely come to see Lady Eckhart soon.”


“Yes, the guest is Baron Serus Timor.”

Baron Serus Timor. He was one of Eckhart’s vassals.

“It’s about time he came.”

In the past, vassals of Eckhart had flocked to the mansion. Their sole purpose was Eckhart’s wealth. The damn imperial law dictated that inheritance went to the eldest son, and as the sole legitimate heir, I couldn’t inherit the title—just because I was a woman.

Anyone who married me would gain everything Eckhart had.

It seemed the vassals had already come to an agreement among themselves, and Serus had taken the lead.

“Don’t worry. I’ll stay by Lady Eckhart’s side and protect her.”


“Although on paper we are married, please consider me more as an advisor than a husband.”

Serus had served Eckhart for a long time. He would certainly know much more than I did, so as an advisor, he wasn’t bad, but marriage was another matter.

‘He has a son close to my age and is still making such a proposal?’

If he truly cared about Eckhart and me, he wouldn’t have needed to vie for the husband’s position. If he wanted to maintain a connection by blood, he could have put forward his own son. What could be his reason for wanting the position himself?

The thought of the greedy old man made me sick.

“No one knows the Eckhart domain better than I do. I’m sure I’ll be of help.”


“The marriage itself is of no particular significance. It’s only being arranged because I want to be close to Lady Eckhart and protect her.”

Remembering the past, unpleasant feelings began to rise within me. I was different now, having survived death and returned, but…

Back then, I was out of my mind from losing my beloved parents. I didn’t know how to deal with Serus, who was pushing for the family’s sake. In truth, I was afraid.

‘What if I refuse him and all the vassals turn against me?’

Feeling abandoned in the world, if the vassals also turned their backs on me…

‘Can I really survive on my own?’

I had no one to protect me.

Feeling cornered, I almost said I would accept him as my husband.

“Watching a single woman being oppressed without intervening—there must be no gentlemen left in Eckhart.”

At that moment, Cesar appeared before me.

“Who Lady Eckart marries is her decision. Everyone must respect her choice and stop being rude.”

At Cesar’s words, the vassals, who had been like predators, tucked their tails and fled.

He was my savior. Thanks to him, I found the courage and strength to live. I couldn’t help but love him.

The betrayal hurt even more because I truly loved him.

‘That bastard.’

Just thinking of him made my anger surge uncontrollably.

‘I will definitely take revenge.’

I wished for him to suffer as much as I did, having lost everything. To achieve that, I first needed to deal with Serus and the vassals who pounced like wolves.

I needed to understand the enemy thoroughly.

Serus Timor had always been a polite and trustworthy vassal in front of my parents.

“Do you know how difficult it is to handle the paperwork? A single mistake could result in losing the entire domain. Don’t think of getting involved.”

In contrast, he acted so fearsome towards me, who had become an orphan, that it was almost like a different person.

“Lady Eckhart has no discernment when it comes to people. Do not accept guests in my absence.”


“What are you doing right now! Don’t cause any trouble, just go back to your room!”

He tried to enslave me, making me obey only his commands.

At that time, I was so terrified whenever he raised his voice that I would tightly shut my mouth and lower my gaze. Perhaps it was because I had experienced such terror.

Honestly, I was reluctant to meet Serus, but I couldn’t avoid it. I didn’t have many cards in my hand at the moment. I had to be willing to use whatever I could.

“I need to meet the Baron. Shanette, help me prepare.”



She responded belatedly.

“Yes? Yes! Understood!”

It was odd. She was usually quick to notice things and often did tasks before I even asked. Her sluggish reaction was surprising.

“Was something wrong?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. I just thought you would send the Baron away.”

“There’s enough reason for that.”

I was staying at Northern Lights mansion under the pretense of being ill, so I could easily refuse to meet someone by saying I was still unwell.

“Besides, I’m not even the mistress of the mansion.”

Receiving guests was the owner’s role, so I could just ask Ludger to handle it instead.

Shanette nodded lightly.

“I only briefly brought him to the reception room, but he didn’t seem very pleasant.”

“What did you talk about?”

“He asked how Lady Eckhart was doing.”

“And then?”

“I said I didn’t know well since I’m just a maid. He got quite angry, even waving his hand.”

“What? Did he hit you?”

Shanette smiled confidently.

“Heh, there’s no way I’d get hit by that old man’s soft punches. I dodged them easily, though he did get angry and demanded that I kneel, mentioning his status…”


“Fortunately, the knights intervened, so I quickly came back.”

She spoke lightly, as if it was no big deal, but my expression naturally hardened.

“Don’t do that again. He’s a noble. You could get hurt.”

“But I didn’t want to give in to something unjust. Besides, I’m more worried about you. Meeting such a person could cause you real harm if he gets angry.”


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