The Price Is Revenge

TPR Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Since I had a plan prepared in advance, I calmly responded without being flustered.

“I’ll give you one billion Marca once everything is over.”


The maid, who had been standing quietly at a distance, reacted. When our eyes met, she jumped and bowed deeply.

“I-I’m sorry.”

Her reaction was understandable. It was only natural to be shocked by a deal involving such a huge sum of money. Ludger, on the other hand, remained expressionless, still difficult to read.

“One billion Marca… That’s about how much I could make by going to war a few more times.”

It was a refusal.

‘This is unexpected.’

It was a sum that couldn’t be easily turned down. At the very least, I thought he would pretend to consider it, but he dismissed it outright.

“If you’re offering your life’s worth, why not give it to me? I’d value it much higher.”

“The price isn’t the issue. It’s the offer itself that’s unappealing.”

“…You don’t want to be my partner?”

“That’s right.”

Why? Wouldn’t it be better to enjoy delicious food and drink at the social season rather than be on a bloody battlefield? I couldn’t understand his reaction. I was equally frustrated that this mirage wasn’t going as I wanted it to.

Something was off about everything.

Isn’t this supposed to help the souls of the dead let go of their regrets?

That’s what this place is supposed to do.

“Do you like slaughter?”


“Do you keep going to war because you like the blood?”

“It’s not about liking or disliking it. It’s just something you inevitably face when you’re on the battlefield.”

Looks like I’ll have to change my approach.

It seems that trying to persuade him with money won’t work.

Should I just cling to his leg and beg him not to go to war?

‘I can’t do that.’

He had already gone to countless battlefields. When we were younger, I didn’t stop him because I didn’t know what war was like, and as we grew apart, I never contacted him, since we were so distant.

Though I would breathe a sigh of relief whenever I heard of his victories, I never once told him not to go to war.

But now, trying to hold him back because I suddenly needed him would make me a hypocrite, wouldn’t it? I was aware of that, and it felt too shameless to act so directly.


‘Do you think I’ll stop here?’

I had been willing to kill my husband for my parents’ revenge.

“If one billion Marca isn’t enough, I’ll double it.”

“Even with all the wealth of Eckhart estate, you wouldn’t be able to come up with two billion Marca.”

“If I sell the mansion and all my possessions, it’s more than possible.”

“And after selling everything to get rid of a leech, what will you do then? To maintain your family, you’ll need to marry, but what man would take responsibility for a family with no dowry left?”

He had a point.

If it were my original self, I wouldn’t have tried to solve everything with money alone. But money is in abundance. And above all, in this world, words are unreliable.

“It seems we’ve covered everything.”

Ludger stood up from his seat. If I left the estate now, he would likely end up a cold corpse. And Cesar would continue to thrive.

Even if that was the reality, I couldn’t accept this moment flowing just like the past.

‘Think, Tessa!’

I needed to come up with a way to keep him in the capital!

At that moment, there was a knock on the door, and someone entered the room. From the appearance, it seemed to be a footman from the estate.

“There is a guest, Young Duke.”

The term “Young Duke” jolted me to attention.

‘That’s right, Ludger is a young duke!’

Unable to become an emperor, Ludger was instead given the title of duke. However, he remained a young duke. In the empire, only the eldest son and those who are married inherit titles.

It’s a prestigious title, and Ludger, with his reputation and position, had never received a single marriage proposal.

No, he couldn’t. The emperor, who felt like he was walking on thin ice due to Ludger’s presence, hated him intensely. Marrying Ludger would mean opposing the imperial family.

Which ambitious family would make an enemy of the emperor? They’d be more focused on self-preservation.

‘I’m different.’

Unlike others, I’m not afraid of the imperial family. Even if the emperor used his power to destroy Eckhart’s business, we have enough assets to sustain ourselves for three generations.

‘Let’s propose to Ludger.’

Thinking it through, this was the best method. A wedding doesn’t end in a day. Just the preparations would take several months. This means I could keep him in the capital for a few months, regardless of his intentions.

With time running out, I decided to act immediately.

Before making my move, I refreshed myself with some tea. Though it had cooled, it helped me regain my composure.

I fiddled with the handle of the empty teacup and then spoke up.

“Are you seeing anyone?”

“…It seems you have no further business and are dragging this out with pointless questions. If there’s nothing else, I’ll be leaving.”

Unlike Ludger, who was dismissive, the maid behind him reacted differently. Her eyes widened in shock at the mention of one billion Marca, and she looked like she had a lot to say to me.

Keeping my gaze fixed on the maid, I continued.

“This is quite an important matter. Please answer me. Is there someone you are interested in?”

Ludger kept silent, but the maid crossed her arms, forming an X with her hands.

If there was someone he loved, it would be problematic. But if not…

I calmly smoothed down my flowing blonde hair. Though I had made up my mind, I felt embarrassed to actually say it out loud. However, I had a magical incantation that allowed me to be shameless.

Waking up from a dream-like fantasy world that would vanish upon waking, it was merely time to rid myself of lingering attachments. Now, all that remained was to smile one last time for perfection, but Ludger’s steadfast expression remained unchanged.

Ever since realizing Cesar had betrayed me, I couldn’t smile anymore. Perhaps that’s why even within the dream, my lips refused to curve.

“I understand. Please marry me.”

From the cemetery where my parents were buried to now, Ludger had maintained a consistent expression. Finally, his expression changed.

His face contorted as if he had tasted something bitter. He hadn’t outright rejected me yet, but his serious look conveyed enough intention.

‘Does he dislike it that much?’

It was a courageous statement on my part, and I felt hurt. Sipping the tea that had cooled and left a bitter taste, the maid behind Ludger clenched her fists and vigorously shook them up and down.

It seemed like she was cheering me on. Her encouragement gave me renewed determination.

“If you have no separate answer, I’ll take it as acceptance. I’ll send the formal proposal by tomorrow.”

“Right now, in this situation, you want to marry me?”

“Yes, because marrying you will resolve the inheritance issue.”

“It seems rushed.”

“I have no choice but to hurry. As the sole heiress of Eckhart, I must protect the family. Even if the person who loves me isn’t currently here, the elders will pressure me to marry. If I don’t act first, they will arrange for me to marry someone they’ve prepared and take away all our wealth.”

It wasn’t a lie to persuade Ludger. Until Cesar proposed to me in the past, the elders approached me, offering their sons as potential husbands.

He stubbornly clung to his principles.

“I know I have a title to inherit. I can’t inherit Eckhart.”

“I know. But I don’t think Young Duke would use Eckhart’s lands and wealth just to satisfy greed. If used meaningfully, even our departed parents would be pleased.”

It was quite a provocative restriction. Ludger’s Northern Light territory was the harshest land in the north.

A land bestowed by the emperor nominally, consisting only of ice and rock. Ludger had transformed it into a completely different place just to survive.

Even with the rewards he earned from victories, the imperial family continued to torment him with various excuses.

However, obtaining the fertile lands of Eckhart and accumulated wealth would completely change the situation.

Moreover, if it was Ludger, he would protect not only Northern Light but also Eckhart under his command.

This marriage was a good deal that brought benefits to both parties.

Lost in thought, he calmly lowered his gaze.

His long, straight eyelashes neatly descended, casting a deep shadow on his face. Inadvertently, I found myself staring at him, captivated by his decadent aura.

Sensing my gaze, he met my eyes.

“I refuse that proposal.”

“…Your Grace, it wouldn’t be a bad condition. Aren’t you still the Young Duke because you haven’t found a suitable partner?”

“Sigh, since the conversation has dragged on, I’ll be honest. Lady Eckhart, you’re not my type.”

‘Not his type…’

Preparing myself to accept any rejection, I felt like I had hit a solid wall.

Sighing deeply, my mind became dizzy, but I needed to stay calm.

I have to break down that iron wall!

There’s no iron wall in the world that can withstand being knocked on ten times!



  1. War smith Dantioch says:

    I swear, if the reason he’s being such an inflexible asshat is the same reason Cesar killed her parents, I’m going to start rooting for the “rocks fall, everybody dies” route.

  2. Keila lima says:

    Hahahahahaa crazy a🤣🤣🤣

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