The Price Is Revenge

TPR Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Even after experiencing something unpleasant, Shanette was still worried about me. I was grateful for her concern.

“Let’s not be afraid.”

My goal was not just dealing with a mere baron but to bring down the imperial family. I couldn’t be overwhelmed by a single vassal.

“Thank you for your concern. Still, Serus is meeting with me because I need him. So, don’t worry too much. I plan to use him as a smokescreen.”

“A smokescreen? Lady, you already have a plan?”

“Yes. To succeed in the plan, Shanette, I need your help.”

Understanding quickly, she immediately began preparing her makeup tools with enthusiasm.

“Do you want me to enhance Lady Eckhart’s delicate appearance? Leave it to me!”

With renewed determination, she put extra effort into creating a masterpiece.

* * *

Everything was ready.

Since I couldn’t walk to the reception room, I invited Serus to my bedroom.

“Lady Eckhart, I’ve brought Baron Serus Timor.”

“It’s been a while, Lady Eckhart. I hope you’ve been well……”

Serus, entering the room guided by the maid, greeted me politely but then stopped in surprise.


His expression showed far more astonishment than the physician had.

‘How is it? This is Shanette’s masterpiece.’

Thanks to her efforts, I looked so frail that it wouldn’t have been surprising if I collapsed at any moment.

I leaned back against the headboard with Shanette’s help. Sevrus looked disapprovingly at her.

I covered my mouth with one hand and coughed.

“Ahem, ahem, my health hasn’t fully recovered, so I’m welcoming you like this. I hope you understand.”

The voice I strained to produce wavered like a candle in the wind.

This allowed Serus to focus entirely on me.

“I’ve heard that continuous misfortunes have harmed your health, but it seems much worse than I thought.”

“Still, I’m improving.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Since you can receive guests, it seems you could travel even a long distance. How about returning to the estate?”

“To the Eckhart estate?”

“Yes, returning to your hometown should surely aid in your recovery.”

Just like the actions he took after my parents passed away.

“What are you doing in someone else’s mansion right now! Return immediately!”

I had expected him to shout in anger, but his courteous demeanor was unfamiliar.

“Hm, it must be because this is the Northern Light estate.”

It seemed he was being cautious because it wasn’t his own territory.

If the other party is troubled, that’s good for me.

“I miss the mansion, but traveling such a long distance is difficult. Besides, the medicine made by Northern Light’s physician is proving very effective. Since the mansion’s owner, the Duke, has also permitted it, I would like to stay until I’m fully recovered.”

“If the medicine is effective, you should continue taking it. Eckhart also has skilled pharmacists, so let’s ask for their prescription methods.”

I looked at Shanette standing nearby.

“Can we get the prescription methods from the physician, as Baron suggested?”

The extremely bitter medicine I was taking was a nutritional supplement.

The recipe for medicines made by the family physician couldn’t be shared carelessly. If it leaked, it could be used for assassination purposes.

Shanette shook her head firmly.

“I’m sorry, but due to security concerns, we cannot disclose the family’s recipe.”

Serus frowned and glared sharply at her.

“Let me ask the owner!”

“I only follow the orders of the head of the family. The head instructed that Northern Light’s secrets must be kept confidential.”

Serus’s temples bulged. He clearly wanted to deal with her, but as she said, this was the Northern Light estate. As a baron, Serus couldn’t arbitrarily handle the duke’s servant.

Thanks to Shanette’s assertiveness, I felt a bit of satisfaction. I wanted to continue watching her outwit Serus, but I had business to attend to, so I decided to step in.

“As you heard, I have no choice but to stay at the Northern Light estate. However, since the medicine is effective, recovery should be soon.”

He raised an eyebrow in displeasure.

‘He doesn’t seem like he’s ready to back down easily.’

Indeed, if he was willing to give up easily, he wouldn’t have come all this way personally.

Serus sighed heavily.

“Well, it seems you don’t understand the seriousness of the situation. Since there are no adults in your family, I’ll have to guide you.”

“Am I missing something?”

“You’re missing quite a bit. You’re staying in someone else’s house as an unmarried lady. If this fact gets out, do you understand that your reputation will suffer greatly?!”


“I’m sure you wouldn’t want to be known as a loose woman. You wouldn’t want to have marriage proposals stopped because of this.”

How unfortunate.

Such threats would have been highly effective against me in the past.

Back then, I believed that marriage was the most important thing in a woman’s life. Ironically, living as the Crown Princess taught me otherwise. I realized that Tessa Eckhart’s value was not merely as a prospective bride.

Cesar welcomed me and took me to the palace, teaching me many things, from palace etiquette to the continent’s political situation.

He personally taught me everything.

“You’re a quick learner. It’s rewarding to teach you. How about trying to manage an estate yourself next?”

“Me, personally?”

“Yes, I have several estates. It would be quite enjoyable to turn your imagined tasks into reality.”

Instead of merely accumulating knowledge, he provided opportunities for hands-on experience. Thanks to him, I became strong enough to stand on my own and make sound judgments when I discovered his betrayal.

“……I was actually worried about my reputation. Since we’re on the topic, could I make a request to Baron Timor?”

“What request?”

“Please prevent rumors from spreading about me staying at the Northern Light estate.”

“Of course, I’ll take care of it. Don’t worry.”

That was a complete lie. He had no reason to stop rumors. On the contrary, if I was seen as a loose woman, it would benefit him. If I gained a bad reputation, proper marriage proposals would be impossible. He’d receive praise for suggesting marriage to someone everyone avoided, believing he was doing a good deed.

‘That would be problematic.’

I didn’t care much about my reputation at the moment, but Ludger’s was different. To defeat Cesar, who had the Emperor’s backing, I needed public support. To win the support of the masses, I had to be without flaws. If there were any, people could easily turn away, and I needed to create a delusion to prevent any negative rumors from spreading.

Such bothersome tasks.

“I’m relieved to hear that Baron Timor will help. I was worried that if His Majesty viewed me poorly…”

“His Majesty is concerned about you? Did you receive any indication from the palace?”

“No, it’s more about the fact that I’m staying here at the Northern Light. I’m worried that this might be seen as disrespectful in His Majesty’s eyes.”

Serus’s expression hardened. It seemed he hadn’t considered that my actions could influence politics.

“It would be a relief if it were just my problem, but if it affects the estate as well… I wouldn’t have had the courage to face my parents. But with Baron Timor here, I feel reassured.”

Every family that had shown kindness to Ludger had been wiped out. The Emperor’s hatred towards Ludger was immense. If rumors spread that I, the only heir of Eckhart, was with him, I wouldn’t be able to escape the Emperor’s wrath. Both Eckhart and its retainers would be severely punished.

If they forcibly dragged me away, it would cause a major uproar. The fact that I had been with Ludger would spread widely, making it seem like our relationship was special in people’s eyes. The Emperor would likely think the same.

In this situation, it’s best not to stir things up unnecessarily and keep things quiet.

I must ensure that no rumors about my connection with Ludger leak out. I need to be very careful about that.


  1. Keila lima says:

    Updapte plese 🥺

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