The Pheromone of the Little Master is so Sweet

Fu Chengyue was called to the bar by Gu Jiachen and a few friends. Before entering the private room, he inadvertently glanced at the young master of the Shen family sitting in the corner of the hall, drinking.

His cheeks were rosy, his captivating eyes shimmering with moisture. The beauty mark at the corner of his eye was faintly visible. His lips were plump, pink, and moist, glistening with a slight parting that revealed a tiny tip of the tongue, as if luring someone to kiss.

Shen Yuyuan changed into his own clothes; a blue hoodie that made him appear petite. His collarbones were hidden, but with his movements, they peeked out slightly. His fair skin was dazzling, smooth like condensed fat. It was right for it to be on him.

Fu Chengyue stood still, unmoved. It was the first time he had been so captivated by an omega, particularly one so recently matured and exuding such innocence.

Shen Yuyuan had a conflict with the host. Song Muyi, beside him, was already unconscious from drinking. The alphas around, observing the young omega, were already intoxicated themselves. Only after they were inebriated did they provoke Shen Yuyuan.

“Rubbish! When did I encounter you guys? Which of your dog eyes saw that?” Shen Yuyuan’s words didn’t match his appearance at all.

Fu Chengyue’s lips twitched as he watched Shen Yuyuan argue with them. He was like a powder keg, ready to explode at any moment, fierce and proud.

“Kid, do you deny what we’ve seen?” The alphas looked Shen Yuyuan up and down, their eyes practically glowing green. They seemed to have already caught the scent of Shen Yuyuan’s pheromones and were astonished to have encountered such an exceptional omega, with this face and physique.

The way they looked at Shen Yuyuan made him feel repulsed. It disgusted him immensely, making him want to gouge out their eyes.

“Come on, let us touch you, and we won’t bother you anymore. How about it?” The alphas gazed at Shen Yuyuan’s skin, so soft that it could produce water. It was tender and alluring.

“You let me slap you, and I won’t hold you accountable. How about that?” Shen Yuyuan was still defiant, even with several alphas surrounding him.

Fu Chengyue frowned at the scene. Didn’t this child understand how to protect himself? An omega challenging several alphas.

Shen Yuyuan had learned martial arts in the military since childhood, taught by his grandfather and father. They thought it would be good for him, an omega, to learn self-defense. However, they hadn’t expected Shen Yuyuan to get into trouble everywhere. Today, Shen Yuyuan wasn’t afraid of these alphas.

Normally, Shen Yuyuan wouldn’t be afraid, but today, he had been drinking and was finding it hard to stand. Moreover, his heat was approaching. The pheromones emitted by these alphas surrounding him stimulated Shen Yuyuan, making his glands hot and painful.

Seeing Shen Yuyuan struggling to stand, an alpha tried to touch him. Shen Yuyuan splashed the alcohol in his hand onto the alpha’s face, then kicked him away, taking the opportunity to escape their encirclement.

Shen Yuyuan blindly rushed and accidentally collided with Fu Chengyue. A fragrance, not perfume but the scent of pheromones, mixed with a hint of bitterness, rushed into Fu Chengyue’s glands. He wasn’t exaggerating when he said that the sweetness of the pheromones blanketed his mind.

Shen Yuyuan looked up at Fu Chengyue, recognized him, and grabbed his clothes even tighter. His eyes were red, tears shimmering, looking pitifully at Fu Chengyue. His small fangs lightly bit his lips, cheeks blushing.

The car was dimly lit, the atmosphere ambiguous. Due to his movements, the collar had opened slightly, revealing hints of spring. Fu Chengyue could see Shen Yuyuan’s body with just a slight tilt of his head. Shen Yuyuan had no idea he looked so innocent yet alluring.

“Is your heat coming?”


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