The Peaceful Life of a Maid Who Hides Her Power and Enjoys It

Part 2 – Episode 21

When I woke up, my house had disappeared.

That short sentence, like the opening of a novel, had actually happened to me.

I silently stared at the building that used to be called the Weatherwoods mansion.

The Weatherwoods Mansion, known by various nicknames such as the ghost house, the dreary abandoned mansion with a beautiful garden, had lost its former elegant and classic atmosphere.

Although the structure was the same, the unknown flags with patterns nailed to the outer walls, the bustling outsiders who went in and out of it, and the abundance of supplies and boxes as if it had become a public warehouse made it feel like a completely different place.

I couldn’t understand it at all.

What on earth happened in the past four years for our house to have been sold and gone?

‘Maybe Andert knows something. But that guy disappeared without a word as soon as we landed…’

However, if you know your enemy and know yourself, you can overcome all obstacles.

First, I looked at Rue, who was perched on my shoulder.

“Hmm. As I said, I’ve been asleep for the past two years, so I have no idea. ‘Gray Spear’, huh. I didn’t know a guild with a name as tacky as that was trampling over my kitchen.”

Just in case, I also looked at Ash on my other shoulder.

[Instinct of the Noble.]

Alright, so no one knew what was going on.

Standing in front of the main gate of the ‘Gray Spear’ guild, I opened the <New heroes Manual>.

Perhaps because it was a supplement issued by the guild, the beginning was filled with self-praise.

Looking at the history section, it said:

‘The guild was established a year ago with the guild master at its center, and it was half a year ago that their headquarters was established in Ragel. And… they received the Silver Lion certificate from the Imperial family three months ago?’

The silver lion certificate.

This was a certificate given to state-recognized private military companies. It allowed the companies that received this certificate to train soldiers in exchange for being priority conscription in case of a national crisis.

‘I thought it was temporarily implemented during the Magic War and was virtually abolished after the end of the war.’

That meant that Rein’s influence was no less than Mephisto’s.

‘It’s strange. The atmosphere of the city doesn’t remind me of war at all.’

Moreover, receiving the Silver Lion Certificate meant that the royal family had recognized the existence of this guild, didn’t it?

Natasha must have definitely learned about the involvement of the Weatherwoods mansion. In other words, she knew and still gave her permission.




‘Come to think of it, I’ve been asleep for four years. Wasn’t I declared dead?’

As I belatedly realized the long passage of time,


I raised my head at the familiar word that came from somewhere.

Beyond the main gate, inside the building entrance, I could see people glancing in my direction.

“Druid? Aren’t you a Druid?”

“You’ve been standing blankly in front of the main gate for a while now. I wonder what you’re doing. Are you here to apply for admission?”

How do these guys… know that I’m the Druid, the leader of the Gray Hawk Talon clan?

For now, I took refuge in the back alley.

‘What should I do?’

Should I go to the royal palace and try to meet Natasha? But I hadn’t contacted her for four years. And this was the second time this was happening.

Incidentally, I had a conscience, so I didn’t have the audacity to casually show up to her after disappearing twice in a row and ask, ‘My house is gone, please give it back to me.’

Ah, when I thought about it, this was so unfair.

Who would want to throw away eight years? I somehow died again — Was that my fault? I was just the victim of a heinous crime…

Since things had come to this, there was only one option left.

First, I needed to find out why the Weatherwoods mansion had disappeared.



“Change my appearance into something else.”

Since I didn’t know what events had unfolded over the past four years, I thought I should move around with an appearance unrelated to Viscount Weatherwoods for now.

As Rue’s soft-as cotton hand brushed against his ear twice, the bones in my body began to rapidly transform with a crunching sound.


Hmm, this feeling of being more stretch-able.

I’d turned into a man.

Though I wondered what my appearance had changed into, there was no way to check.

I rotated my shoulders and climbed up the mansion before starting to descend along the roof. Since this is the east side, to get to the study, I should go left… Ah, it’s here.

I punched the window, but the dignified glass pane didn’t budge.



“What a bother.”

If a fist didn’t work, a stronger fist would. I made a hole in the corner of the window with a powerful punch.

Unlocking the inside latch and opening the window, I infiltrated the study, where a gentle, and soft scent I’d never smelled before tickled my nose.

The interior structure remained the same for now.

‘Compared to the bright exterior, the inside is weirdly unchanged.’

After tearing the curtain and grabbing a piece of cloth, I hid my presence behind the door for a few minutes.

Footsteps which had been gradually approaching from the stairs opened the door wide without even a light knock. As soon as the tall woman closed the door, I pinned her neck and knocked her to the floor.

“Ugh, intruder, who…!”

Without delay, I climbed onto her back and asked while restraining both her arms.

“Are you the master of this guild?”

The woman vigorously shook her head. Not the master, yet she entered without knocking?

“When will your guild master arrive?”

The woman shook her head again.

“You don’t know? Well, I guess there’s no choice. Let’s wait together.”

I gagged the woman’s mouth with the piece of curtain cloth I had prepared. I could feel her trying to push me away with all her might, but it was no different from a fly flapping its wings.

After about 30 minutes passed like that.

“Mmph! Mmph!”

In the midst of tickling and counting the whiskers of the cat Rue, the human rug started to flail its entire body with a face that said she could no longer endure this.

As soon as the pebbles on her were removed, the human rug shouted.

“P, please spare me! I don’t know anything! I’m just a temporary part-timer hired for document filing!”

“Don’t be scared. I’m not here to assassinate anyone. I’m just a little curious about something.”

“W-What? Well, I don’t know anything…”

“You know nothing? Do you think I’ll believe that so easily? How could an ordinary person endure 30 minutes with the weight of an adult man on their back? Ah, is it possible? Then should we test if you can last two hours?”


Although I easily overpowered my opponent, I felt uncommonly firm muscles beneath my bum.

Regardless of the position she held within the guild, this person was a martial artist who’d trained her body for at least five years.

I brushed the white dust off the human rug’s hair and asked,

“Grayspear. Where’s that guy from?”



“…I don’t know much apart from that fact that he’s from the Empire.”

“Is he a magician?”

“Huh? A magician? Don’t you know who Grayspear is? He’s a master of ambush!”

Why was he called Spear If he was a master of ambush?

“How old is he?”

“I’d guess he’s probably in his late 30s…”


“Hmm. Cleaning and drinking coffee?”

“Special skills?”

“He seems to enjoy polishing silverware.”

Grayspear, the more I delved into this guy, the more strangely familiar he felt.

However, there was something missing. A significant revelation to discern the opponent’s true identity—a large, telling clue that… just as I was pondering this, a large poster hanging on the wall seemed caught my eyes, as if laughing at my thoughts.

A man in uniform, standing with his arms crossed, leaning against a tree.

The playful smile on the man’s lips was so bright that it seemed to erase the presence of the large gash covering his left cheek.

Whether viewed horizontally or vertically…

‘It looks like an enlarged photo of me from the war.’

The problem was the white paper attached below it.

“That signature on that paper over there, did your guild master receive it personally?”

“Uh… the signature of Andert Fager? He did say it is, but to be honest, I don’t believe it. Pfft. There’s no way the hero Andert would leave such a poor signature. It wouldn’t be so strange even if he drew it with his toes in his sleep, right?”


That bastard Grayspear.

How dare you engage in the farce of selling my house, Assassin-butler!


LMAOOO I think Daisy drew some crooked line as an autograph back when the head maid and assassin-butler asked her for it

Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


  1. vytas0210 says:

    Thank you for the chapter!
    The most hateful part about this novel is that I can’t comment “lol”. Because every chapter would be lol and people would think that I have laughter tourette or something.

    1. Ami says:


  2. Ashaver says:

    ah that makes sense. I remember Daisy said Head Maid made a signature for her to use, so it must be after giving them such a poor signature 😭😭

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