The Peaceful Life of a Maid Who Hides Her Power and Enjoys It

Part 2 – Episode 19

I didn’t say anything for a while.


I closed my eyes tightly, then opened them and shook my head.

“…It can’t be.”

Bernard replied with pained eyes.

“It’s an unfortunate but undeniable fact. Lord Calepa disappeared four years ago…”

“It can’t be. Isn’t he coming down just fine over there?”

I pointed at the stairs that resembled the entrance to Calepa that climbed up the giant flowering tree inside the greenhouse with my fingertips.

A woman was standing there.

Captivating silver hair that cascaded down like a waterfall, a small and fair face, a gentle smile, and a graceful gait.

Bernard, who turned his head to check the woman, wore an expression as if the wind had been knocked out of him. As if a ghost was playing a joke on him.

“Bernard isn’t wrong. I’ve been wandering around like this for quite some time.”

Before I knew it, Morian, no, Rue, who had arrived right in front of me, kissed the back of my hand and smiled pleasantly.

“Hello, Daisy. I’m glad to see you again after so long. I’ve returned safe and sound.”

Maybe it was because it felt as if we had met again just a day later. While I didn’t feel like I missed him terribly or an overwhelming sense of welcome, Rue’s presence brought me a complete sense of peace as always, wherever and whenever.

Rue, who had been carefully observing my reaction, tilted his head with a puzzled expression.

“That’s strange. Why do you look so upset right after waking up?”

Rather than being upset…

‘It’s a time where he should be expressing his feelings in various other ways, yet…’

For him to give me such a casual greeting. There could only be one reason.

“How much power did you use? The balance is broken again, isn’t it?”

Rue smiled so deeply that his dimples showed and tapped his chin lightly with his neat fingernails.

“Hmm. I did use it in many places. I cast protective spells on the royal palaces of the six countries of the Northern Continent, layered several over the space where you were sleeping, and as the fiancée of Count Vladiev, I traveled between Penrotta and Calepa several times, so…”


“Our Daisy might not remember, but for about two years in the middle, I laid down next to you and rested together. That’s how I was able to endure it. If you had woken up just one season later… perhaps I would have had to take different measures?”

To think he slept next to me for two years. Somehow, my nose felt tingly… no, wait. Hold on. That wasn’t the important thing right now.

“Whose fiancée did you just say you are now?”

“The fiancée of Count Vladiev.”

Vladiev was clearly my title, wasn’t it? Feeling intense confusion, I looked back at Andert.

“I had a fiancée?”

The response was cold.

“How would I know? Don’t look at me.”

Rue covered his lips with his silver hair and smiled shyly.

“Yes, Daisy. You have a fiancée. Count Andert Vladiev has a fiancée who seems like she could fly away with just a spring breeze, delicate and beautiful. It’s me.”

At that moment, my head cooled down, allowing for logical judgment.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Morian. You have the former Viscount Weatherwoods! How can you pretend to be someone’s fiancée now when you’re married to Gray Weatherwoods?”

Rue, with a white handkerchief (that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere) dabbed his eyes lightly and let out a pained sigh.

“That’s right, but he’s dead. I loved him, but sadly…”

What do you mean he’s dead? I’m alive and well!

Gray Weatherwoods was, of course, a real person from the past.

I simply borrowed his name to attend the noble council meeting, and later became Daisy Weatherwoods, the new head of the Weatherwoods family, while also being Andert, who held the title of Count Vladiev. It was pretty simple.

“Don’t overcomplicate things, Daisy.”

“You’re the one making it complicated.”

“But Morian became a married woman because of you and then a widow because of you, right? If you don’t take responsibility, who will?”

It was a valid point.

‘Damn it.’

When Morian made a tearful expression with her clear, lake-like eyes, I felt like a real scoundrel, so my conscience was pricked.

Bernard, who had been watching us with great interest, shook his head as if he couldn’t help it.

“Please stop teasing her, Calepa. You attended not as Miss Daisy’s fiancée, but as a maid to Her Majesty the Queen of Astrosa.”

These liars.

The moment Bernard revealed the truth, the light in Rue’s eyes was lost.

Judging by his reaction, I think at least half of his insistence on being my fiancée was genuine. Rue did get fixated on weird things sometimes.

“I wouldn’t have teased our Daisy if she hadn’t shown such a disgusted reaction. So, is it true that a woman who’s been around a long time loses her charm as she gets older? For you to not be interested in Morian and be infatuated with younger women, you’re no different from other men, Daisy.”

“It seems you’re under a great delusion, so let me clarify: I am a woman.”

Rue turned away with a cooled down look. Bernard, poking me in the side, pushed me forward with the nonsense, “He’s sulking, so you should go and cheer him up.”

What the hell? If anyone should be sulking, it’s me, not Rue.

For the time being, I climbed the stairs alone with Rue. He turned his head at my approach and revealed his thoughts with a solemn face.

“Now that I think about it, since I paired up a widower with Viscount Weatherwoods, it would be only right to give Count Vladiev a young woman.”

Anyone hearing this might think he’s arranging mates for animals.

“Well, If Daisy wishes, a young man would be fine too.”

Enough already.

I suspiciously examined Rue’s features, which seemed oddly amused, and asked,

“Rue, is it true that your balance is broken?”

His playful smile brought me back to my senses.

He tricked me!

“Did you already forget? I’m no longer affected by the balance.”

Ah… it wasn’t that he tricked me, but I was the fool!

Yes, I was so out of it that I completely forgot.

‘Rue said he gained freedom from the balance as he regained his memories.’

So, did that mean Rue could be considered a god who had evolved to the next level?

But what did regaining lost memories and no longer being affected by the balance have to do with each other?

‘Indeed, there is still much I don’t know.’

The concept of blooming was also one of them. Lost in various thoughts, I couldn’t help but hug Rue.

“Thank you for your patience, Rue.”

A warm warmth spreads within his embrace. Just recognizing his presence made it feel like all the worries and concerns of the world were melting away.

“You waited for me for a long time. If it were me, I would have definitely tried to wake you up at least once out of frustration and worry.”

Following the sincere joy reflected in his clear, smiling eyes, Rue pulled my hand and kissed the back of it.

“If you’re thankful, you should pay the price.”

“What price?”

“It’s not something great. Just look at me with eyes of contempt.”


Contempt… What kind of eyes are those of contempt? No, more importantly, why eyes of contempt?

“As expected, is it too difficult now? Hmm… that’s a shame. Who knows when the next opportunity will come.”

It really felt like he thought it was a shame, not just faking it.

Although I didn’t know the reason he was calling contempt for, I tried my best to glare at Rue.

Should I think of him as a devil? But where could you find such a pretty devil… then the young knights who used to pick on me? No, how dare I compare those brats to Rue?


The door of the glass greenhouse opened, and the fresh summer air spread out.

Beyond the blooming rose garden, a familiar-looking airship came into view. Rue, who had returned to his original form before I knew it, held my hand and walked slowly.

“Let’s stop making those silly expressions for now. Shall we go to Penrotta first, Daisy?”


“Right now?”

Of course, I also felt the need to return to the Weatherwoods mansion which I’d been away from for four years as soon as possible, but…

“If you remember the request you left me, there’s no harm in hurrying.”


At that moment, the voice of Rein, which I had completely forgotten, awakened in my head.

“How about it? Don’t you wonder what your mother would say if she came back to life?”

When we arrived at the front of the airship, the door opened as if it had been waiting, and the stairs descended.

“The graves are intact.”

Rue, who had been examining my expression, whispered while clasping my fingers harder.

“No, there was nothing in the coffins to begin with. If there’s nothing wrong with Skuld’s investigation… your parents are not dead, Daisy.”

The plot thickens

AAAA seeing these two bicker and Rue play around like always brings me so much life. No one can beat Morian Serenier in guilt-tripping lmaooo. If you’re wondering who the widower Rue paired up Viscount Weatherwoods Daisy with, it’s Count Serenier.

Remember our lovely Count Serenier?

“Don’t you feel guilty towards your late wife (for flirting with Daisy) Count Serenier?”

“Why would I? I was the one who urged her to leave as soon as possible.”

(chapter 146)


Rue has become even more of a pervert in these past 4 (or 2) years. He truly enjoys her reactions the most lololl

Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


  1. Kiram says:

    just realized there’s a part 2 ! Thank u so much for the translation ❤️

  2. Univrse says:

    Thanks for the chaptersss!
    Omg i can sleep in peace now. I wonder what happened to that boy daisy taught swordsmanship to, i hope he appears soon

  3. vytas0210 says:

    Thank you for the chapters!
    Vladiev, Weatherwoods, Gray, Morian… Thank god I don’t need to explain this to some else or it would sound like I’m high.

    1. vytas0210 says:

      If Rue tried to explain his relationships with Daisy, it would sound like this:

      1. Ami says:

        LOLLL it really helps that Daisy’s mentally 34 and Rue never actually physically grew past the age of 22 (since the human brain fully develops at 25) so she’s technically older than him (cough cough ignoring the 180 years difference)

  4. Univrse says:

    thank you for not leaving us with a cliffhanger 🥹

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