The Peaceful Life of a Maid Who Hides Her Power and Enjoys It

Part 2 – Episode 15

Did Rue always call me like this?

The tone certainly seemed the same, but the sensation in my ears was different.

Rue, looking down at me, was in stark contrast to my disheveled state; noble, beautiful, and calm. His golden eyes, gentle as ever, pierced through my intentions as coldly as ever.

“Don’t think too complicatedly; just tell me your true feelings. I need to know how you feel right now to help you.”

How I felt.

I opened my mouth, recalling the moment I was hindered by Rue beneath the infinite universe.

“I’m displeased.”

“In what way are you displeased?”

“You stopped me, Rue. It was a chance to move forward into the universe…”


Rue swept my hair back with a satisfied face.

“The me inside you did a great job this time as well, didn’t he? Make sure to listen to his words in the future, Daisy. You must remain on this land with me forever.”

“I don’t want to.”

At my firm refusal, the other’s eyes widened. He stroked his chin with a probing expression, then rose to his feet.

“That sincere refusal is quite exciting too… but more importantly, what happened in Banahel?”

Rue narrowed his eyes as he looked at me, who did not answer easily.

“…When I first found you, your whole body was covered in blood. I felt as though my vision was going white at the time, but strangely, there wasn’t a single wound on your body. Tell me, Daisy. What kind of conversation did you have with Rein?”

“Who’s Rein?”

“The god of the Southern Continent who set fire to the garbage hill.”

I am the god of the Southern Continent.”


Rue’s laughter echoed through the room.

The sound was so loud that Bernard, beyond the wall, peeked his head out to check on Rue, with a face that seemed to question whether this laughter was really from his Calepa.

Rue, wiping away tears from laughter, boasted his annoying beauty as he smiled broadly.

“Ah, yes… You are indeed. You are the perfect god of the Southern Continent, Daisy.”

“As long as you know.”

“So, the answer to my question?”

What happened was…

I was attacked by Rein out of nowhere, my heart was torn out by his hand, and although I thought I was dead, I came back to life.

It was an infinitely simple and uncomplicated explanation. However, one corner of my mind felt uneasy. Didn’t it seem like I was revealing everything too Rue easily?

I was a transcendent being who had the qualification to understand the principles of the universe, and if I wished, I had the immortal opportunity to break free from the chains of the earth and move forward into the universe at any time.

Rue was undoubtedly a great demigod, but that was no reason for me to rely on him.

Rather, because he was a powerful demigod, Rue could turn against me anytime. Therefore, I must not appear weak.

“I ran into him, and we fought without knowing what was going on, and I won, really. But that man… he used a very troublesome magic. It’s definitely not ordinary magic.”

Rue, who had been silent for a moment, answered in a strangely lowered voice.

“Do you mean Rein’s blooming? It’s the power to control the dead.”

Blooming. It was the word that man, Rein, had said as he tore out my heart.

“What is this blooming?”

“It’s the awakening of one who has achieved unity of body and mind. The moment one transcends what is treated as reasonable and comes to dominate them, we express it as blooming. Simply put, it’s gaining the true power of a god.”

The power of a god.

‘Then my blooming is…’

Since my torn-out heart had grown back, did that mean I’d become undead? If so, could my arms and other limbs also regenerate?

It wasn’t clear yet.

However, if my awakening was truly similar to ‘immortality,’ it would become a great card to prepare for any eventuality.

As expected, it’s better not to reveal it to Rue.

“You will bloom soon too.”

He, who had been staring at me fixedly, asked insinuatingly.

“Or perhaps you’ve already bloomed. How about it, Daisy? Haven’t there been any significant changes in your body or the environment around you?”

I immediately noticed the sharpened gaze of my opponent, but I pretended not to know and averted my eyes.

“There weren’t any. My memory is a bit blurry, but anyways, did Rein eventually run away?”

“…Yes. Old guys are all shrewd and quick to flee, just like me.”

The cold smile made me a bit uncomfortable.

When I sat up in bed, I saw the rough yet elegant white stone walls and the circular glass ceiling that projected the sky blue sky.

Hanging below the ceiling was a huge golden scale, perfectly balanced without tilting to either side.

“It’s my scale.”

From somewhere, the fragrant scent of tea brewing wafted in, and before I knew it, Rue was sitting at a table beneath the scale.

He poured the warm tea from the teapot into the teacup and spoke peacefully.

“If it tilts completely to the left, you return to being human, and if it tilts completely to the right, you become a god and ascend to the universe. As you can see, it’s currently maintaining a perfectly beautiful balance. But you are on the verge of tilting completely to the right…”


“Say it.”

“Stop trying to look so irresistible. It’s hard to watch.”


A suppressed laugh burst out from the corner. That must be Bernard.

Rue’s hand, which had been pouring the tea, stopped abruptly. He stared at me with an odd gaze I had never seen before and asked back in a slightly raised voice.


“And what?”

“Do you have something else you want to say?”

“You’re so good-looking that it’s disgusting. Why are you so handsome? I don’t think you were this handsome during the days of the rebels.”

“Do you remember the me from back then?”

“Of course I remember. Do you think I forgot?”

His eyes narrowed again. It seemed like he was trying to understand the implication of the words spoken, but in my eyes, Rue’s inner thoughts were clear as day.

‘He’s embarrassed.’

To show a vulnerable side in such a casual conversation—his lapse in guard was quite displeasing.

I heard the sound of him pretending to clear his throat.

“This won’t do. Our time is too precious to waste like this to rebalance. Let’s stay like this for one day, no, two more days.”

“I don’t want to.”

Was he deeply disappointed by my firm rejection? Rue pouted with a regretful expression.

“Why don’t you want to?”

Because I’d become interested in my own enlightenment.

There was also the evolution after the unity of body and mind. Who knows, perhaps the enlightenment after development might come next?

“I have business to deal with. I’ll ascend to the universe only after I’ve finished that task. Rue, when will my scales regain their balance?”

The eyes that stared at me became more serious.

“Is that business related to Rein?”


“Daisy, tell me. You know it too. There’s no one in this world who would risk himself for you and stand by you as much as I do. I’ll help you, so explain.”

Help me.

‘To continue staying on earth, I have to keep my balance.’

But maintaining my balance was difficult. Especially when I got careless easily in front of Rue.

‘I’m already having a hard time controlling myself with my reason. Then, it might be better to sort out other dangerous elements first…’

I answered after much consideration.

“It seems that Rein has dug up my parents’ graves.”

Rue didn’t seem particularly surprised. Rather, he waited for my next words with an expression that suggested he expected such a thing.

“If Andert finds out about this, he might be greatly shocked. Please go down to Queen Island and confirm if the graves are empty.”

My father and mother died early.

The memory was vivid to me, but at the time, Andert was nothing more than a snot-nosed kid. Because his memories were vague, the probability of him receiving a significant shock was higher.

If Andert acted recklessly, it could have a disadvantageous effect on me. Emotions were usually tied to the bonds of blood relatives.

“Then you won’t leave for the universe until you get your parents’ bones back, will you, Daisy?”

When I glared at the mouth that was speaking too freely, Rue’s smile, which had not faded the entire time, became even more prominent.

“I’m just kidding.”


This chapter might be confusing and misleading if the first part of the story is not clear in your mind. You might wonder, like me, why Daisy and Rue are acting like this. I wondered why Daisy was so concerned about showing her vulnerability to Rue, why she had to stay like this.

But Daisy, after crossing the 4th wall, now has a scale of balance like Rue did in part 1. The balance is based on your objectiveness – deity and your emotional – human side. After her body used her power as a demigod to regenerate her heart, her balance shifted to the right (Divine side.) if the scale tilts completely to the right, she’d ascend as a full fledged-god, as Rue would have had he not voluntarily gone for a deep slumber after turning time back for Daisy before.

Rue brought Daisy to Calepa so she could recover like he did in a place close to nature and a place that met the right conditions to keep her scale in equilibrium.

To explain, let’s go back to a chapter in the past:

“The realm of the divine is determined by balance.”

Thinking it was a perfect opportunity to understand Rue, both of my ears involuntarily perked up.

“This balance refers to the equilibrium between one’s human self and one’s higher spiritual self. Have you heard of the term ‘Ascendance’ on the continent?”


“In simple terms, Ascendance refers to when a human surpasses their own limits and reaches the realm of the Gods. When one ascends, they leave behind the mortal realm and ascend to the heavens… but we don’t know exactly where they go. Those who become gods never return.”


Daisy is a bit colder to Rue in this chapter (being cautious of him) because her balance threatens to shift completely towards the right (objective/divine) side. She’s also spiteful and wishes to make sure to end Rein. She’s not planning to go anywhere (Ascend) until she deals with him. Since her scale is currently unstable, she cannot leave Calepa. She’s worried that if Andert does something reckless, it’ll have a great emotional impact on her, and threaten to shift her scale to the left (human side.) Remember that Rue had to go back to Calepa here and there because his emotions kept acting up and he had to go restore his balance?

Of course, Daisy wouldn’t need to be this cautious if this was just an average day – it is only because her condition is unstable that she’s being so cautious and reserved about every little thing. The scale’s balance is reflected in her behavior.



Daisy being Daisy, however, never fails to simp for Rue’s handsomeness (I guess it’s just objective) and makes sure to tell her opinion even while being objective. Do not worry, however, cold Daisy will not last long, these two are whipped for each other and have proven they are not normal about their love for each other AT ALL.

Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


  1. vytas0210 says:

    Thank you for the new chapter!
    ? Didn’t Rue break free from limits of balance at the end of first part? Might remember it wrong though… Daisy getting regeneration is godsend, she gets hurt wayyy to frequently.

    1. Univrse says:

      he did, so he can do whatever he wants without becoming a god or human. If i remember right he can decide for himself but idk

    2. Ami says:

      He did! but daisy has one now loll

  2. Ashaver says:

    Thank you for the explanation, I was so confuused 😔

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