The Peaceful Life of a Maid Who Hides Her Power and Enjoys It

The Peaceful Life Of A Maid Who Hides Her Power And Enjoys it Part 2, Cover

Part 2, Episode 1


I swept the area outside the large gate woven with melted iron bars.

It was late afternoon with the scarlet hues of sunset.

As the gardener of this house, my final task was to clean the area outside the gate meticulously.

Even though there were only three people coming and going, it was a place where autumn leaves would always pile up endlessly, so I had to sweep it at least twice a day.

That was part of the job for Daisy the gardener.

“What should we do? Maybe it’s better to just knock them out?”

A murmuring sound came from the side of the fence, but I had no time to pay attention to it.

After neatly finishing the cleaning, I planned to return to my bedroom to drink warm milk and repair the stuffed doll that Ash had ruined.

In truth, such a task was the duty of a maid, but in this mansion, the distinction between occupations was meaningless.

In the Ash household, everyone cleaned together, everyone took care of the garden together, and everyone cooked together.

The reason was simple: There were no people willing to earn a living as employees in such a high-risk area.

“Hey, 4th-grade wizard. How’s it going? Do you sense any mana flow from that maid?”

“…No, she’s an ordinary maid. There’s no sign that she’s learned magic at all.”

“Really? Are you serious? That’s hard to believe. I can’t see the unique aura of a martial artist emanating from that maid either. And yet, she’s just casually cleaning ‘here’…”

I stopped gathering the fallen leaves and looked towards the right corner of the fence.

What a racket.

Since a while ago, some guys had been whispering with lowered voices. There were three of them: one magician and two knights.

As I ignored them and immersed myself in cleaning again, they started to move.

Crunch. The brown leaves I had just swept were crushed under their boots.

“Let me ask you something.”

When I looked up, I saw a man with cold eyes. He tapped the sword at his waist as if to show it to me and asked,

“Are you a maid here?”

I confirmed the clothes I was currently wearing and the broom in my hand before answering.



“I said no, I’m not.”

The man, who had been scanning me with a thin expression, opened his mouth with a deeply patient look.

“Then who are you?”

“The gardener.”

The man’s eyebrows twitched in amazement and he spoke in a dissatisfied voice.

“Whoo… yes, you’re a gardener, I see. I am Dwight from the Security Administration Bureau of the Republic of Contaninos. Gardener, do you know who the owner of this mansion is?”

Recalling the cheeky face that had been picking out only raisins for our afternoon snack all week long, I answered,

“I do.”

The woman standing behind him suddenly burst out as if she had a seizure and pointed her finger at me.

“Show some manners, gardener! No matter how ignorant you are of the world’s ways, as a lowly commoner, it is unforgivable to show disrespect to this gentleman!”

What did she want me to do?

It seemed these people were expecting me to be startled by the man’s identity and bow. There was a tiny part of me as big as an ant’s eyeballs that was surprised for sure.

‘I heard the Contaninos Republic has a greater class divide than Penrotta. To think they even use words like ‘lowly’.’

The knight standing at the very back restrained the excited mage.

“Please don’t get carried away, 4th-grade wizard. Didn’t Mr. Dwight just say it? This young lady might be an innocent victim who was kidnapped by that dangerous element.”

The woman sharply retorted to those words.

“Are your eyes on your ass? How can a gardener with such arrogant eyes be a victim of kidnapping?”

“We cannot ignore the possibility that she might have been brainwashed by the dangerous element. Have you already forgotten the rumors about him?”

Who might this dangerous element be? Were they talking about the owner of this house?

“Sergeant Dwight, if it’s alright with you, may I step forward? It seems to me that this young lady is just scared and wary of us. Among us, I understand the hearts of the lower class the best, so I’ll try to calm her down myself.”

“…Very well.”

The knight nodded and stepped in front of the lower-class gardener, offering a friendly smile.

“Hello, lovely gardener miss? I am Ruth, a wandering knight. Ah! Please don’t be alarmed. I’m just a guide for these people. The purpose of our visit is to meet the owner of this mansion, who is also your master. Could you perhaps guide us to your master?”

His words reminded me of the owner of the mansion, who was being treated as a dangerous element by the Security Management Bureau of the Republic of Contaninos .

Would he be open to conversation to these people?

It was hard to be certain.

However, as the gardener of this mansion, Daisy,

I must act according to the mansion’s rules when greeting new visitors.

“You have to get the maid’s permission to meet the master.”

“Ah! In that case, could you perhaps fetch the maid… for us?”

I nodded and entered the mansion, heading towards the kitchen. Then, after putting on the white apron that was lying on the dining table, I returned to Ruth, the wandering knight.

Ruth asked me with a puzzled face.

“Miss? Where is the maid?”

“I am the maid.”

Ruth stiffened with his eyes widened. At the same time, the 4th-grade mage had another seizure, pointing her finger at me.

“How dare this cheeky lower class woman spout such nonsense…!”

The veteran wandering knight, Ruth, quickly stopped her and gave me an awkward smile.

“Ha… haha. So you’re both a gardener and a maid! In that case, miss maid, would you guide us to your master?”

“I need the head maid’s permission for that.”

Russ paused for a moment but soon nodded, showing that he understood.

“I understand; the chores here must be shared between you, the gardener and maid, and the head maid. Very well, then please bring your superior here.”

I went inside the mansion once again, changed into an apron embroidered with a pattern of gray daisies, and came out to introduce myself to Ruth, who stood there with a look of disbelief.

“I am the head maid.”


“You’re going to ask me to guide you to the master, aren’t you? For that, you need the butler’s permission…”

Sling. Dwight drew his sword with a swift motion.

“Shut up, maid! We’re not blind fools! As if we don’t know that you’ll just crawl out again claiming to be the butler!”

“How did you know?”

He pointed his reddened face at me.

“Enough with the jokes! Inform your master of our visit immediately. If you try any more nonsense…”

The shining blade then touched my neck.

“I will kill you and search the premises myself.”



Hi everyone, it’s your translator Ami again at your service. Welcome to the peaceful life of a maid who hides her powers and enjoys it Part 2! Just when you’re about to move on with your life, author hits you with this ehehehe! Let’s join our favorites on their new journey! I’M SO EXCITED AAAAA DAISY’S BACK WITH HER SHENANIGANS

I’ll switch the novel page’s cover back to og Daisy in a day or two probably, but hehe let me be excited!! If I’m correct, that’s Daisy as Andert on the new cover – she’s so cuteee!!!! Let me see your comments, dearest readers!

And remember, this is a whole new adventure, not a side story. Which means, new characters, new plots, and new fun! this story will focus on the adventure aspect of the story more than the romance, since our couple’s already married and all, hehe. I am very happy about the adventure part personally, I loved the world building and always wanted more from it, and from the way a few things were set up in the main story, or dare I say, part 1, I did think the author had more to say about it. Let’s have fun together!

Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


  1. vytas0210 says:

    Thank you for the return!
    Damn, didn’t expect continuation but I’m sure glad it happened! Nothing puts the smile on my face as much as cheeky Daisy.

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