The Northern Mad Dog Is Wagging Its Tail

  Britia thought really hard, trying to understand what the Emperor was saying.


  But no matter how much she thought, she couldn’t understand the mysterious phrase, ‘twice the Empress.’


  “Do you mean ‘twice’ as in two times?” Britia asked, wondering if she had misunderstood. Then the Emperor raised an eyebrow.


  “Are you saying that twice as much won’t satisfy your greed?” he asked.


  “No, that’s not it…,” Britia felt cold sweat running down her back. She hadn’t misunderstood.


  But did she ever receive something from the Empress? No matter how much she thought, the only thing she had received was a handkerchief with a cat embroidery. And even that was taken by Kyra.


  The Emperor seemed to have some kind of misunderstanding.


  “So, are you saying that Your Majesty will give me double to take your side?” Britia thought it was absurd to say such a thing. The Emperor leaned his arm on the armrest and rubbed his chin before blinking.




  Did he really think that she was a spy sent by the Empress to spy on him?


She couldn’t understand where this misunderstanding came from.


  “It seems like you’re not satisfied with double. How about I give you triple?”


  Before she could clarify the misunderstanding, the value of her worth was increasing. She needed to explain quickly that she had never received anything from the Empress and that she wasn’t a spy. But Britia couldn’t find the words to say.


  Lockhart was going to become completely broke. Those who ignored him when he had debts and lands, how much would they look down on him when he had neither money nor land?


  But if he had money, he could buy a new piece of land. Even a small one.


  “What is it that you want me to do?” Britia felt a sense of self-disgust, as if she had become a servant, as she spoke in a tone that suggested she would listen and decide.


  Britia felt like she was being treated like a commoner when the Emperor said he would listen and decide.


  First, it means she will give it a try and listen. Maybe he is asking her to do something that is not too difficult.


  “Didn’t you say you saw something from me?”


  When she heard the word ‘saw,’ Britia quickly blinked her eyes. And then, as if she remembered something, she said, “Oh, you mean when you said that you could see that you love the Empress.”


  Isn’t that it?


  The Emperor stared at her with a fierce look, and Britia became confused.


  “If you understood that, then surely the Empress also…”


  The Emperor’s words abruptly stopped. Britia understood what he was trying to say.


  “If you’re asking if the Empress knows about it, I don’t know either.”


  When she honestly answered, the Emperor’s face became calm. And his tail, which had been tense, couldn’t hide his disappointment as it drooped.


  He had asked if she even knew that the Empress was aware of his love for her, but it seemed difficult for him to ask.


  Their relationship was not ordinary. But judging from his reaction, it seemed like he wanted her to acknowledge it.


  “Should I tell Her Majesty, the Empress?”


  When she asked subtly, his hand, which had been resting on his chin, clenched into a fist. His drooped tail swayed a few times before abruptly stopping.


  “…Would it be better to keep my mouth shut?”


  The Emperor’s expression remained unchanged, but his tail moved quickly, then stiffened, showing extreme turmoil. Britia was perplexed. He was such a difficult man to understand.




  The Emperor struggled to speak after thinking for a while. But soon, he put on a scary expression and shook his head.




  He said one thing and then said no. What does he mean by that?


  Britia made a puzzled sound. Why is he changing his mind like this? Could it be that he’s embarrassed about the fact that his love for his wife might be revealed?


  “When you’re ready, should I tell the Empress then?”


  “…Yes. That would be better.”


  The Emperor muttered with a pained expression.


  What could be the reason for him to talk about it so reluctantly?


  Britia started to wonder if it would be okay to accept this conversation more and more. But she waited to see what else the Emperor wanted her to do.


  “How much did you receive from the Empress?”


  But he immediately switched to talking about money.


  Is that all there is to being a messenger, just confirming that the Emperor really loves her?


  Britia’s eyes widened. It wasn’t difficult at all.


  “Just give her a small gift of money.”


  But it was difficult to decide how much to say she received without lying. Being too greedy could cause problems.


  “Just call her whatever you want.”


  The Emperor clicked his tongue as he saw Britia hesitating and being indecisive.


“Well then…”


  Britia cautiously extended her five fingers. 500 gold was such a small amount that it wouldn’t even be enough to buy a small plot of land for a garden, let alone become a territory.


  But she couldn’t ask for more than just doing one messenger job. Calling for 500 gold was already a big step for her.


  The Emperor understood her five fingers as 50,000 gold.


  He thought she would be a bit more greedy, but her request was surprisingly simple and modest.


  So, when Britia received the box containing 50,000 gold, she came out of the mansion, quickly checked its contents, and was shocked. She hastily closed the lid and rudely rushed back inside.


  “Your Majesty, there’s too much!”


  Since it wasn’t a large sum of money to her, the Emperor thought she was suddenly scared of being accused of being a double agent.


  “What’s received cannot be undone.”


  Britia had no choice but to tremble with fear and bring the box containing 50,000 gold back home, even though she didn’t consider it a large amount.


  When she returned home, she told Crave and Leon about what happened.


  “I got curious about how far you could go. Now you’re at the point of deceiving the Emperor to take his money.”


  “To deceive…!”


  Britia bit her lip. If what she did wasn’t considered deceiving, then what was it?


  “What should we do?”


  “I don’t know what to do.”


  “What can we do? What can we possibly do?”


  Crave lay on the bed, raising both hands.


  “He won’t take it back, will he? So, we have no choice but to work for the Emperor after receiving 50,000 gold.”


  “50,000 gold isn’t even that much. Why is the Emperor so stingy?”


  Leon laughed sarcastically, his words coming out with a pout since he was still surprised by the news of Sig and his sister getting married.


  Britia just wanted to cry. To think that she had to work for 50,000 gold. It was definitely a given that she had to do more than just being a messenger.


  “Don’t take it too seriously. You had to work for the Emperor anyway.”


  Crave comforted the tearful Britia.


  “The man you’re going to marry, Sig, is so devoted to the Emperor that he’s called the Emperor’s dog. If you marry a man like that, won’t you also be loyal to the Emperor?”


  Whether she liked it or not, Crave tried to convince her with a practical argument that she would have to contribute to the Emperor in some way.


  “…You’re right.”


  She didn’t even realize that it was a predetermined fate when she made up her mind to marry Sig.


  She shouldn’t get scared about every little thing like this.


  She tried to gather her courage, but still, scary things were scary.


  While Britia was contemplating, Sig, who had promised to come and pick her up, arrived at the mansion.


  “You’re wearing it.”


  Sig smiled when he saw Britia wearing the red dress he had given her.


  “I want to properly express how beautiful you are, but I don’t know what to say.”


  Apologizing for his lack of expressive words, Sig pouted his lips. He said that, but Britia felt it was enough.


  “Duke-nim’s tail is conveying his feelings well enough.”


  His tail was wagging vigorously.


  “It seems like Duke-nim really likes me.”




  Britia decided not to be scared of working for the Emperor anymore. And she couldn’t let go of this man who was confessing to her with a shy face.


  As Britia and Sig entered the reception hall together, she felt an unfamiliar and overwhelming gaze directed at her.


  “Duke-nim, could you hold my hand?”


  Summoning her courage, Britia made the request.


  “It’s okay, but…”


  Upon hearing that, Sig hesitated and pursed his lips. It seemed like there was something bothering him in his heart.




  “…Didn’t we agree to call me Sig?”


  Sig looked at Britia with a gentle gaze. Without realizing it, Britia found herself smiling back at him.


  Sig looked at Britia without saying a word. Britia couldn’t help but smile at his expectant gaze.


  “Hold my hand, Sig,” she said.


  Then, Sig’s large hand held Britia’s hand.


  “Britia, I didn’t have enough time to prepare this time, but if I properly prepare next time, would you accept it?”


  Sig looked down at Britia’s hand, which had no ring, and slowly met her gaze as he asked.


  “Would you say no to me? I would be happy to accept it.”


  Every stood at the edge of the reception hall, not wanting to interrupt the good atmosphere between the two immersed in their own world.


  “My lord, there’s an urgent message from Altheim.”


  But there was an urgent matter that couldn’t be helped. Evry gestured with his eyes, indicating that they needed to briefly leave the reception hall. Sig furrowed his brows at the suggestion.


  “I’ll be waiting here. Is it something that will take a long time?”


  “It depends on Duke-nim’s decision.”


  Evry glanced at Sig and spoke.


  “Then I’ll go quickly.”


  “You don’t have to rush. I’ll be here, not running away.”


  Britia lightly tapped Sig’s back and smiled. She sent Sig off with ease, but her heart became uneasy once he left.


  Though there were many people inside the party venue, no one greeted her. She could only feel the gazes of those who seemed to want to get closer but were observing her actions from a distance.


  Within that space, Britia felt a growing sense of being alone, creeping up from her fingertips. The confident gaze that was trying to look up kept lowering.


  “I can’t help but feel amazed.”


  Britia, who was looking down at her own feet, was startled by a sudden voice from beside her. When she quickly turned her head, she saw a familiar figure.


  “Now, even if I see you acting all cozy next to Duke-nim, I don’t feel any anger boiling up.”


  He spoke with a gentle voice but an unfriendly tone.


  “Earl-nim, have you come here to complain to me again today?”


  Britia said, sounding tired.


  “Wrong. I’ve come to boast about my amazing growth. I’ve also heard words of gratitude for everything going smoothly with my help.”


  “Gratitude? What kind of help did you give, Earl-nim?”


  “Why are you like this? I’ve provided a means for that foolish Lockhart to make a living.”


  Britia paused. Now she remembered that he had cleared a new path through the center for transporting grains and wine instead of going through Huate.


  “Earl-nim, I have something to tell you.”


  Britia hesitated. There were too many ears pretending not to listen here. But if she were to move, Sig might come back and not be able to find her.


  After thinking it over, Britia took Hati and walked out to the terrace where she could still see the spot where she had been standing.


  “What’s going on? Why did you bring me to this place to talk?”


  He grumbled impatiently, wondering how to explain to him. She hesitated but eventually explained that since all the goods produced in the Lockhart territory were no longer dependent on Lockhart, the path he had provided was now useless.


  “Are you crazy? I went out of my way to find an alternative to Huate and even kindly connected the new path. What? Now it’s not needed?”


  It was her own doing that she had pressured him into helping, so Britia genuinely felt sorry for how things turned out.


  “I’m sorry. But it’s not our fault.”


  “How could you let the entire territory be taken away by Robley? I thought you were a fool, but this is too much!”


  Harty shouted in disbelief. Britia asked him to lower his voice, afraid that people inside the reception hall would hear.


  What she overlooked was the existence of a blind spot below the terrace.


  After leaving the reception hall, Sig and Evry were quietly talking there. As they listened attentively, they heard astonishing stories.


  The puzzle pieces that Sig had been unable to put together finally fell into place. The realization was both refreshing and unsettling, causing his heart to sway greatly.


  Why did Harty Slanford know things that Britia didn’t, and why did he help her from the beginning?


  Could it be that Britia wanted his help more than her own?

Hi, I'm Nosha, a devoted Korean novel translator. I love making stories come alive through words. My goal is to whisk you away to exciting places through storytelling. Let's embark on this literary journey together, one page at a time. Enjoy the read! Click on - Buy Me A Coffee


  1. niki1da1 says:

    lol it’s like the actual point of worry for Britia, isn’t even a worry for Sig

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