The Northern Mad Dog Is Wagging Its Tail

Britia felt as if someone had tightly grasped her heart with their hand, only to then release it. 

Of course, that someone was none other than the Duke Sig Turas in front of her eyes, the mad dog of the north.

When his fist reached out towards her, she could not even utter a sound, not even a scream.

Did she momentarily faint? That thought even crossed her mind.

“I thought you came here because you were angry,” Britia said.

But that was not the case. As soon as her tension loosened, the tears that had welled up in her eyes finally fell.

“But why are you apologizing to me…?”

He extended his hand to her as she attempted to stand up. She was startled when he hurriedly withdrew his hand out of embarrassment, and she was unable to finish her sentence.

Britia was so ashamed that she felt lost, not knowing what to do with her outstretched hand.

At first, Sig had shaken her hand but she couldn’t understand why he was causing such a fuss right now.

 She wondered if he was trying to make fun of her.

Sig quickly searched through his pockets and pulled out something. He then handed it to Britia. It was a white handkerchief.

Britia unconsciously let out a small gasp as she received the handkerchief from Sig.

She couldn’t believe that Sig, of all people, would carry a handkerchief with him.

“Thank you,”

 Britia said with a smile, but Sig furrowed his brows, looking distressed.

“I’m sorry that this is all I have to offer,” he apologized.

Britia wiped away her tears with the handkerchief and Sig looked even more apologetic.

Wasn’t it just a handkerchief? 

Britia was confused as to why he was making such a big deal about it.

“I’m sorry it’s old and ugly,so…”

 he said, trying to explain himself.

Watching him make excuses, Britia unfolded the handkerchief and looked at it.

Despite the stained handkerchief, her expression remained unfazed.

“What’s there to be ugly?”

As she lowered the handkerchief from her face, her eyes came into view.

“Duke-nim, do you consider this unsightly?”

Britia tilted her head and asked.

“It’s a beautiful handkerchief that I’ll regret having ruined with my tears!”

She exclaimed with a glint in her eyes.

“You don’t have to say it so extravagantly.”

It was the first item Sig had made when he was 13 years old. It was clumsily made with many rough edges and had frayed significantly over time.

It couldn’t be considered beautiful by any means. Sig thought that Britia was lying for his sake.


Britia’s eyebrows narrowed.

“This is the first time I’ve seen such a handkerchief.”

She declared firmly. The soft touch of white silk was a testament to its quality. There were also small, intricately sewn blue bird embroideries on each corner, each with its own unique design – one with its beak open, another with it in its mouth, and so on.

“Excuse me, may I inquire where you obtained this item?”

“It was not purchased at a store.”

“Really? I must say, whoever made this must have remarkable skill in their craft. Is there someone in your circle who possesses such talent?”

“Wow, it’s truly impressive!”

“I am envious of the person who created this and the individuals who are privileged enough to be associated with such talent.”

The possibility that the man in front of her might make it didn’t cross Britia’s mind.

“That person’s talent is remarkable.”

She didn’t know who that may be, but-

“It’s a shameful thing made by a 13-year-old kid.”


Britia was genuinely shocked and yelled out loud.

“I apologize. But to think that a 13-year-old created this is beyond belief.”

Bretia was genuinely amazed and couldn’t believe it.

At that moment, the tail behind Sig’s large body moved without a twitch.

“Do you like it?”

“Are you going to give it to me?”

There was no hiding the happiness in Britia’s voice.

“I’m sorry.”

She hastily covered her mouth with her hand. Her true feelings slipped out unconsciously. He was worried about what he might think of her.

“If that’s what you desire, that’s old. I’ll bring you a new one.”


Britia’s eyes lit up and she nodded her head before she had time to think about it.

“I’ll have to charge you a fee!”

“A fee?”

Sig slowly narrowed his eyes and lowered his head.

“No, that’s fine.”

“Fine? Such a magnificent item cannot be received for free!”

Sig’s tail moved again.

“Alright, though the value is not required to be met, but it is not free.”

Britia shrugged her head.

Briatia tensely awaited the response, wondering what he meant by “The value is not required to be met, but it is not free.” Was he suggesting that he would accept something of value in place of payment?

“Can you forgive me?” he asked, his voice trembling slightly.

“Forgive?” Britia replied, momentarily taken aback.

She then remembered that she was clutching a handkerchief in her hand, and quickly let it go. 

She was about to ask why he was apologizing, why he was offering the hairpin, when he spoke again.

“What did you do to be forgiven?”

“I hope you will forgive me for damaging your precious accessory,” 

Sig replied, his eyes narrowed and his fist tightly clenched.

“But, Duke-nim, if I recall correctly, I believe that was…,” 

She began, but trailed off as she realized the truth.

She had been so surprised by his sudden appearance in the rain that she had carelessly thrown the handkerchief.

“It was my…,”

 She started to say, but the words wouldn’t come out.

She was about to confess that it was her mistake, that she was the one who needed forgiveness, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

Would she lose the chance to receive the handkerchief if she told the truth?

Sig gazed upon Britia as he picked up the handkerchief she had been holding. 

“I forgive you,” Britia said with a smile as she stood up awkwardly from where she had been sitting.

“You are gracious, Britia-nim,”

 Sig replied in amazement.

 Though she felt a twinge of guilt, she couldn’t help but admire his magnanimity in apologizing in concern over such a minor matter.

“It’s not that big of a deal,”

 Britia replied with a chuckle.

“You’re humble, I see,” 

Sig said, still in disbelief. 

Britia couldn’t shake the feeling that he was misunderstanding something.

“I heard you mention something about breaking something, what did you break?”

 Britia asked as she took the pin that Sig had laid on his large palm.

Sig barely suppressed his twitching face, despite his unease.

 Britia had offered to forgive him, but he couldn’t relax completely.

 “Please take this as well,” Sig said, offering Britia the pin.

He remembered his aunt saying that she would forgive him if he told her what he had done wrong.

 But what had become of that offer? The memory made Sig shiver, and he quickly gathered himself, looking at Britia with imploring eyes.

“Do you dislike it?”

 Sig asked, the fear of rejection palpable in his voice. 

Was she really going to reject the gift he had brought?

Britia’s ears picked up on the tone of his voice, which was distorted with worry.


A short gasp escaped her lips as she saw the fear reflected on his face. 

Britia took shallow breaths as she felt a feeling of panic overtake her. She pressed on despite this. She couldn’t help but worry that she would either be scared or angry, as it was bound to happen, the fear feeling more and more familiar.

“It’s not that, though. You’re constantly giving me things, and it makes me feel bad.”

“If you don’t receive it, then it’s useless. I can’t put this on my head, you know that,” he responded firmly.

Britia raised her head to take a closer look at his head, imagining him adorned with glittering pins decorated with flowers.

For some reason, the thought made her feel chilly.

“Don’t you like it?” he asked, sensing her discomfort.

He realized that perhaps he should have chosen the second option instead. 

He knew that the second option would have suited her better than the first. 

He had fallen into this problem because he had tried to choose something that was as close as possible to the original.

“If that’s what you want, I’ll change it,” he promised.

Briita frantically yelled as she watched the figure move his feet, ready to depart at once.

“Thank you, Duke-nim. I appreciate it,” Britia awkwardly smiled and extended her hand. 

She could feel her chin quivering.

Finally at ease, Sig adjusted his posture, the tail he had been trying to protect no longer felt so awkward. 

It even swayed slightly from side to side.

Briita’s gaze, unbeknownst to her, had wandered towards Sig’s tail.

“Are you looking at my tail?” Sig asked, causing Briita to startle and quickly raise her head.

Oh no! she realized she had been staring at his tail again.

Sig turned his head over his shoulder.

 As expected, he couldn’t see anything with his eyes.

 But he could still sense something if he concentrated on his senses.

It was unclear if it was moving.


At that moment, a clattering sound was heard from outside the drawing room.

“Shh. Lenny, if you’re going to throw up, go do it somewhere else. You’ll get caught if you do it here.”

“Your brother is sick, and that’s all you have to say? Ugh, ugh.”

“What are you doing!”

Along with Britia’s grumble, the door abruptly opened.

The Earl of Lockhart momentarily looked surprised and widened his eyes, but soon smiled and raised his two hands.

“What did I do?”

He slammed the back of Leon, who was brushing against the wall.

“I just stopped because Lenny said he wasn’t feeling well while I was passing by the hallway. That’s all.”

“Don’t pretend to be innocent, Crave. You’re not gonna fool me anymore.”

As Britia glared at him, the Earl raised one hand in frustration.

The Earl tapped Leon’s back with one hand while tilting his head,

 “Don’t misunderstand your brother, Britia, I’m not always lying to you.”

 He turned towards Britia and Sig with both hands raised,

 “So, have you finished talking with Tia? Shall we also have a conversation, Duke-nim?”

Before either could reply, he glanced back and forth between Tia and Britia,

 “I was thinking about going hunting on a good day, what do you say about this Sunday? I heard from your knight that you don’t have any plans for Sunday.”

The Earl turned around and looked at Evry, cutting off Sig’s words.

 Britia was surprised to realize that Sig had actually brought his knight, who was waiting in the hallway. 

Perhaps it was because of Sig, who filled the field of vision and exuded presence, that Evry’s presence felt vague.

“He don’t have any plans for this weekend,” Evry replied before Sig could refuse.

Despite this, the Earl looked at Britia and turned his head.


Even though Sig did not readily give an answer, the Earl still looked at Britia and asked, 

“Do you want to go too?”

As Britia tried to lower her head, the Earl’s gaze became sharp.

He had an urge to tell her sister to take note of the mood.

“Do you also enjoy hunting?”

Sig’s tail twitched slightly, as if with excitement.

“Despite appearances, Tia is actually quite skilled with a bow,” the Earl boasted.

“Really, Crave,” Britia chided, rolling her eyes. 

Sure, she was decent with a bow, but she hardly considered herself skilled.

“It would be wonderful if Duke-nim could witness Tia”s abilities for himself,” the Earl added, with a hint of hope in his voice.

The Earl chuckled, as if he could read Britia’s thoughts.

“Tia, let’s do our best not to disappoint Duke-nim.”

Tia’s heart sank at the thought of not living up to Sig’s expectations.

 What did “doing their best” even mean?

Britia trampled on the feet of the twins who arbitrarily carry on his conversation.

 “I’ve only followed my older brother a few times,’ Britia said, waving her hand at Sig’s expectant gaze. 

But then she was stunned by the fact that she referred to Crave as her older brother, which she had never done before. 

She had never called him her older brother, even though he was only ten minutes older. 


The Earl hardly suppressed his laughter which was about to burst out loud.

His cheeks started to pucker up just from picturing his sister struggling in front of him.

 ‘It’s not an amazing skill worth showing.’ So Britia said, meaning she wanted him to lower his expectations. 

“What are you talking about, Tia.'”

Britia narrowed her lips, as if to emphasize the point.

“Stop selling yourself short! You can do it!”

Hi, I'm Nosha, a devoted Korean novel translator. I love making stories come alive through words. My goal is to whisk you away to exciting places through storytelling. Let's embark on this literary journey together, one page at a time. Enjoy the read! Click on - Buy Me A Coffee


  1. KugatsuKarma95 says:

    I really hope she is actually really good. I’d be disappointed if it’s just mediocre. Cuz it doesn’t seem like she’ll lighten up around duke any time soon. The cover was a bit misleading tbh

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